Given the name of the object, the grasp pose, generate a trajectory of 6D poses that the robot should follow to grasp the object. |
Given the name of the object, the pivot pose, the pivot axis, and the pivot angle, generate a trajectory of 6D poses that the robot should follow to pivot the object. |
Given the name of the object, the push pose, the push direction, and the push distance, generate a trajectory of 6D poses that the robot should follow to push the object. |
Rotate the point along the axis by the given angle. |
Given the name of the object, sample a 6D grasp pose. |
Sample a push of the target object using the tool object. |
Sample a placement of the target object on the support object. |
GraspParameter(point1: numpy.ndarray, normal1: numpy.ndarray, point2: numpy.ndarray, normal2: numpy.ndarray, ee_pos: numpy.ndarray, ee_quat: numpy.ndarray, qpos: numpy.ndarray) |
IndirectPushParameter(target_push_pos: numpy.ndarray, target_push_dir: numpy.ndarray, tool_pos: numpy.ndarray, tool_quat: numpy.ndarray, tool_point_pos: numpy.ndarray, tool_point_normal: numpy.ndarray, ee_pos: numpy.ndarray = None, ee_quat: numpy.ndarray = None, prepush_distance: float = 0.05, push_distance: float = 0.1) |
PivotParameter(pivot_point: numpy.ndarray, pivot_normal: numpy.ndarray, pivot_quat: numpy.ndarray, pivot_axis_pos: numpy.ndarray, pivot_axis_dir: numpy.ndarray, pivot_angle: float) |
PlacementParameter(target_pos: numpy.ndarray, target_quat: numpy.ndarray, support_normal: numpy.ndarray) |
PushParameter(push_pos: numpy.ndarray, push_dir: numpy.ndarray, distance: float, ee_quat: numpy.ndarray) |