class DepthAnythingV2SmootherConfig[source]#

Bases: NamedTuple

DepthAnythingV2SmootherConfig(model_size, mode, remove_edge, curve_smooth, nr_samples, nr_sample_points)


count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value[, start, stop])

Return first index of value.




The smoothness of the spline fitting.


The mode of the spline fitting.


The size of the Depth Anything V2 model.


The number of points per sample to take for each sample.


The number of samples to take for the spline fitting.


Whether to remove the edge of the predicted depth map.

__add__(value, /)#

Return self+value.

__getitem__(key, /)#

Return self[key].


Implement iter(self).


Return len(self).

__mul__(value, /)#

Return self*value.

static __new__(_cls, model_size='small', mode='multi-cubic', remove_edge=True, curve_smooth=1, nr_samples=10, nr_sample_points=100)#

Create new instance of DepthAnythingV2SmootherConfig(model_size, mode, remove_edge, curve_smooth, nr_samples, nr_sample_points)

  • model_size (str)

  • mode (str)

  • remove_edge (bool)

  • curve_smooth (float)

  • nr_samples (int)

  • nr_sample_points (int)

count(value, /)#

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)#

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

classmethod make_default()[source]#
curve_smooth: float#

The smoothness of the spline fitting. Only used when mode is ‘cubic’ or ‘cluster-cubic’.

mode: str#

The mode of the spline fitting. Options are ‘linear’, ‘multi-linear’, ‘mulit-cubic’, ‘cluster-cubic’.

model_size: str#

The size of the Depth Anything V2 model. Options are ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’.

nr_sample_points: int#

The number of points per sample to take for each sample.

nr_samples: int#

The number of samples to take for the spline fitting.

remove_edge: bool#

Whether to remove the edge of the predicted depth map. These areas are usually noisy.