- class FOLPythonParser[source]#
A parser to parse first-order logic (FOL) expressions in Python syntax. Currrently supported features:
logic operations: and, or, not
quantifiers: forall, exists (see below for the syntax)
function application:
f(x, y, z)
function definition:
def f(x, y, z): return x + y + z
- The syntax for quantifiers is as follows:
from typing import Any, Type, Callable def forall(dtype: Type, func: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> bool: ... def exists(dtype: Type, func: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> bool: ...
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import ObjectType from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain domain = FunctionDomain() domain.define_type(ObjectType('Person')) parser = FOLPythonParser(domain, inplace_definition=True) parser.parse_expression('exists(Person, lambda x: is_phd(x))') function_string = ''' def is_grandfather(x: Person, y: Person) -> bool: # x is the grandfather of y return exists(Person, lambda z: is_father(x, z) and is_parent(y, z)) ''' parser.parse_function(function_string)
(path)Parse a domain from a file.
(string)Parse a domain from a string.
(string[, arguments])Parse an expression from a string.
(expression[, arguments])parse_function
The domain for types and functions.
Whether to allow functions to be defined in-place.
- __init__(domain, inplace_definition=False, inplace_polymorphic_function=False, inplace_definition_type=False)[source]#
Initialize the parser.
- Parameters:
domain (DSLDomainBase) – the domain to use.
inplace_definition (bool) – whether to allow expressions to contain functions that are not defined in the domain. If set to True, the parser will automatically define these functions.
inplace_polymorphic_function (bool) – whether inplace functions are assumed to be polymorphic.
inplace_definition_type (bool) – whether to allow expressions to contain types that are not defined in the domain. If set to True, the parser will automatically define these types.
- __new__(**kwargs)#
- parse_domain_file(path)#
Parse a domain from a file.
- Parameters:
path (str) – the path to the file.
- Returns:
the parsed domain.
- Return type:
- parse_domain_string(string)[source]#
Parse a domain from a string.
- Parameters:
string (str) – the string to parse.
- Returns:
the parsed domain.
- Return type:
- parse_expression(string, arguments=tuple())[source]#
Parse an expression from a string.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
the parsed expression.
- Return type:
- domain: DSLDomainBase#
The domain for types and functions.