Import all the DSL-related modules.
Base class for all types. |
AutoType means the type will be automatically inferred later. |
The ObjectType corresponds to the type of "real-world" objects. |
The ValueType corresponds to a value of a certain type. |
The ConstantType corresponds to a constant value. |
A value type refers to a type of some features associated with physical objects. |
Variable, constant, and slices
The "quantified index" object, used to indicate a quantified dimension in a tensor value type. |
The class representing a variable in a function. |
The class representing a constant object in a DSL. |
Function types
The baseclass for the domain definition of a domain-specific language. |
A basic domain definition that contains a collection of types, constants, and functions. |
Resolve the function type of a lambda expression. |
A value object with an internal |
A value object with nested lists of Python objects. |
A simple value object holds a pair of dtype and a value. |
A list of values. |
The StateObjectReference class represents a reference to an object in the state. |
A state representation is essentially a mapping from feature names to tensors. |
A state type with named objects. |
Concatenate a list of states into a batch state. |
An optimistic value object holds a pair of data type and an optimistic identifier. |
A constraint is basically a equality expression: |
A special constraint for equality constraints. |
SimulationConstraint is a special kind of constraint that asserts the return value of the function is the grounding of a predicate after executing action |
A constraint satisfaction problem. |
See class Assignment. |
An assignment of a variable. |
A mapping from variable indices to assignment values. |
Print an assignment dictionary. |
Get the value of a variable based on the assignment dictionary. |
The baseclass for all executors of domain-specific languages. |
The executor for simple function DSLs. |
The base class for tensor value executors. |
Similar to |
The baseclass for all parsers of domain-specific languages. |
The simple function expression parser. |
A parser to parse first-order logic (FOL) expressions in Python syntax. |