class CrowBehaviorStatementOrdering[source]#

Bases: JacEnum

The ordering of statements in a behavior body ordering suite. There are four types of ordering:

  • SEQUENTIAL: the statements are executed sequentially.

  • UNORDERED: the statements are executed in an unordered way. All achieve expressions would be achieved, but the order is not specified.

  • PROMOTABLE: the statements are executed in a promotable way. In particular, all achieve expressions would be achieved, but they might be promoted to the front of the behavior sequence.

  • PREAMBLE: the statements are executed in a preamble way. This must be the first statement in the behavior body and it specifies the preamble of the behavior, which will be executed at the place where the behavior is refined.

  • CRITICAL: the statements are executed in a critical way. This can only be used inside the promotable body and it specifies a critical section.




Return the type name of the enum.


Returns the list of the name of all possible choices.


Returns the list of the object of all possible choices.


Returns the list of the value of all possible choices.


Check if the value is a valid choice.


Assert if the value is a valid choice.


classmethod __getitem__(name)#

Return the member matching name.

classmethod __iter__()#

Return members in definition order.

classmethod __len__()#

Return the number of members (no aliases)

classmethod assert_valid(value)#

Assert if the value is a valid choice.

classmethod choice_names()#

Returns the list of the name of all possible choices.

classmethod choice_objs()#

Returns the list of the object of all possible choices.

classmethod choice_values()#

Returns the list of the value of all possible choices.

classmethod from_string(value)#

value (str | JacEnum)

Return type:


classmethod is_valid(value)#

Check if the value is a valid choice.

classmethod type_name()#

Return the type name of the enum.

CRITICAL = 'critical'#
PREAMBLE = 'preamble'#
PROMOTABLE = 'promotable'#
SEQUENTIAL = 'sequential'#
UNORDERED = 'unordered'#