- class BimanualABCLiftBoxEnv[source]#
(identifier, ...[, ...])add_bar
(size_2d, thickness, location_2d[, ...])add_box
(size, location_2d[, name, static, ...])add_container
(size_2d, depth, location_2d[, ...])add_existing_robot
(category, ...)add_l_shape
(size1_2d, size2_2d, thickness, ...)add_l_shape_with_tip
(size1_2d, size2_2d, ...)add_ocrtoc_object
(identifier, location_3d[, ...])add_plate
(scale, location_2d[, name, ...])add_region
(size_2d, location_2d[, name, ...])Add a visual-only region indicator to the environment.
([robot, pos, quat, name, robot_kwargs])Add a robot to the environment.
(synset_identifier, ...)add_t_shape
(size1_2d, size2_2d, thickness[, ...])Add a T-shape object to the environment.
(size1_2d, size2_2d, ...)add_table
(x_range, y_range, surface_z[, name])add_thin_plate
(scale, location_2d[, name, ...])add_workspace
([large])Add a table-top workspace to the environment.
(x_range, y_range, z_range)Add a workspace boundary to the environment.
(identifier, ...[, ...])find_igibson_object_by_category
(body_id[, return_name])initialize_shapenet_core_loader
()Reset the environment.
()Restore the environment to the last saved state.
([distance])Set the default debug camera of the environment.
- __init__(client=None, is_gui=True, seed=1234, add_tools=True)#
- Parameters:
client (BulletClient | None)
is_gui (bool)
seed (int)
add_tools (bool)
- __new__(**kwargs)#
- add_alphabet_arial_object(identifier, location_3d, scale=1.0, name=None, *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_bar(size_2d, thickness, location_2d, name='bar-shape', *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_box(size, location_2d, name='box', *, static=False, z_height=0, mass=0.2, lateral_friction=1.0, color_rgba=(1, 0.34, 0.34, 1.), quat=None)#
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- add_cliport_workspace()#
- add_container(size_2d, depth, location_2d, name='container', *, static=True, color_rgba=None, quat=None)#
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- add_igibson_object_by_category(category, location_3d, scale=1.0, name=None, *, urdf_file=None, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_l_shape(size1_2d, size2_2d, thickness, location_2d, name='l-shape', *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- add_l_shape_with_tip(size1_2d, size2_2d, size3_2d, thickness, location_2d, name='l-shape-with-tip', *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_ocrtoc_object(identifier, location_3d, scale=1.0, name=None, *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_plate(scale, location_2d, name='plate', *, static=False, z_height=0.0)#
- add_region(size_2d, location_2d, name='region', *, color_rgba=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1))#
Add a visual-only region indicator to the environment.
- Parameters:
size_2d (Tuple[float, float] | List[float] | ndarray) – the size of the region.
location_2d (Tuple[float, float] | List[float] | ndarray) – the location of the region, asssumed to be on the table (z = 0).
name (str) – the name of the region.
color_rgba (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | List[float] | ndarray) – the color of the region.
- Returns:
the body id of the region.
- Return type:
- add_robot(robot='panda', pos=None, quat=None, name=None, robot_kwargs=None)#
Add a robot to the environment.
- Parameters:
robot (str) – the type of the robot. Currently only
['ur5', 'panda']
are supported.pos (Tuple[float, float, float] | List[float] | ndarray | None) – the initial position of the robot. If not given, the robot will be placed at the origin.
quat (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | List[float] | ndarray | None) – the initial orientation of the robot. If not given, the robot will be placed in the default orientation.
name (str | None) – the name of the robot.
robot_kwargs (dict | None) – the additional keyword arguments for the robot.
- Returns:
the body id of the robot.
- Return type:
- add_shape_net_core_object(synset_identifier, model_identifier, location_3d, scale=1.0, name=None, *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_t_shape(size1_2d, size2_2d, thickness, location_2d=None, name='t-shape', *, static=False, pos=None, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
Add a T-shape object to the environment.
- Parameters:
size1_2d (Tuple[float, float] | List[float] | ndarray) – the size of the “handle” part of the T-shape.
size2_2d (Tuple[float, float] | List[float] | ndarray) – the size of the “top bar” part of the T-shape.
thickness (float) – the thickness of the T-shape.
location_2d (Tuple[float, float] | List[float] | ndarray | None)
name (str)
static (bool)
pos (Tuple[float, float, float] | List[float] | ndarray | None)
quat (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | List[float] | ndarray)
- Return type:
- add_t_shape_with_tip(size1_2d, size2_2d, size3_2d, thickness, location_2d, name='t-shape-with-tip', *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- add_table(x_range, y_range, surface_z, name='table')#
- add_thin_plate(scale, location_2d, name='plate', *, static=False, z_height=0.0)#
- add_workspace(large=False)#
Add a table-top workspace to the environment.
- add_workspace_boundary(x_range, y_range, z_range, name='workspace-boundary')#
Add a workspace boundary to the environment.
- add_ycb_simplified_object(identifier, location_3d, scale=1.0, name=None, *, static=False, quat=(0, 0, 0, 1))#
- get_support(body_id, return_name=True)#
- reset()#
Reset the environment. This function will create a metainfo dict and call _reset_objects to populate the scene.
- restore()#
Restore the environment to the last saved state.
- Return type:
- set_default_debug_camera(distance=1.5)#
Set the default debug camera of the environment.
- Parameters:
distance (float)
- CLIPORT_PLANE_FILE = 'assets://cliport/plane/plane.urdf'#
- CLIPORT_WORKSPACE_FILE = 'assets://cliport/workspace/workspace.urdf'#
- PLANE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/plane.urdf'#
- PLANE_LARGE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/plane_large.urdf'#
- WORKSPACE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/workspace.urdf'#
- WORKSPACE_LARGE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/workspace_large.urdf'#
- property client: BulletClient#
- default_alphabet_arial_scale = 0.01#
- property np_random: RandomState#
- property p#
- property shapenet_core_loader: ShapeNetCoreLoader#
- property w#
- property world#