Source code for concepts.dsl.parsers.fol_python_parser

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 02/05/2023
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import ast
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, List
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import TypeBase, ObjectType, ValueType, BOOL, INT64, FLOAT32, Variable
from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import Function, FunctionType
from concepts.dsl.dsl_domain import DSLDomainBase
from concepts.dsl.expression import ExpressionDefinitionContext, ValueOutputExpression, get_expression_definition_context, get_types
from concepts.dsl.expression import ConstantExpression, NotExpression, AndExpression, OrExpression, ForallExpression, ExistsExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression, ObjectCompareExpression, ValueCompareExpression, CompareOpType, VariableAssignmentExpression
from concepts.dsl.parsers.parser_base import ParserBase

[docs] class FOLProgramAssignmentExpression(VariableAssignmentExpression):
[docs] def __init__(self, variable: Variable, value: ValueOutputExpression): self.variable = variable self.value = value
def __str__(self): return f'{self.variable} = {self.value}'
[docs] class FOLPythonParser(ParserBase): """A parser to parse first-order logic (FOL) expressions in Python syntax. Currrently supported features: - logic operations: and, or, not - quantifiers: forall, exists (see below for the syntax) - function application: ``f(x, y, z)`` - function definition: ``def f(x, y, z): return x + y + z`` The syntax for quantifiers is as follows: .. code-block:: python from typing import Any, Type, Callable def forall(dtype: Type, func: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> bool: ... def exists(dtype: Type, func: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> bool: ... Examples: .. code-block:: python from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import ObjectType from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain domain = FunctionDomain() domain.define_type(ObjectType('Person')) parser = FOLPythonParser(domain, inplace_definition=True) parser.parse_expression('exists(Person, lambda x: is_phd(x))') function_string = ''' def is_grandfather(x: Person, y: Person) -> bool: # x is the grandfather of y return exists(Person, lambda z: is_father(x, z) and is_parent(y, z)) ''' parser.parse_function(function_string) """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: DSLDomainBase, inplace_definition: bool = False, inplace_polymorphic_function: bool = False, inplace_definition_type: bool = False): """Initialize the parser. Args: domain: the domain to use. inplace_definition: whether to allow expressions to contain functions that are not defined in the domain. If set to True, the parser will automatically define these functions. inplace_polymorphic_function: whether inplace functions are assumed to be polymorphic. inplace_definition_type: whether to allow expressions to contain types that are not defined in the domain. If set to True, the parser will automatically define these types. """ self.domain = domain self.inplace_definition = inplace_definition self.inplace_polymorphic_function = inplace_polymorphic_function self.inplace_definition_type = inplace_definition_type
domain: DSLDomainBase """The domain for types and functions.""" inplace_definition: bool """Whether to allow functions to be defined in-place."""
[docs] def parse_domain_string(self, string: str) -> DSLDomainBase: raise NotImplementedError('FOLPythonParser does not support parsing domain definition.')
[docs] def parse_multiple_expressions(self, string: str, arguments: Sequence[Variable] = tuple()) -> Tuple[ValueOutputExpression, ...]: module = ast.parse(string) expressions = ast_get_multiple_expressions(module) with ExpressionDefinitionContext(*arguments, domain=self.domain).as_default(): return tuple(self._parse_expression_inner(expression) for expression in expressions)
[docs] def parse_expression(self, string: str, arguments: Sequence[Variable] = tuple()) -> ValueOutputExpression: module = ast.parse(string) expression = ast_get_expression(module) return self.parse_expression_ast(expression, arguments)
[docs] def parse_expression_ast(self, expression: ast.AST, arguments: Sequence[Variable] = tuple()) -> ValueOutputExpression: with ExpressionDefinitionContext(*arguments, domain=self.domain).as_default(): return self._parse_expression_inner(expression)
[docs] def parse_function(self, string: str) -> Function: module = ast.parse(string) function = ast_get_function_definition(module) arguments, return_type, body = ast_get_simple_function(function) arguments = [Variable(, self._get_type_from_domain(self.domain, arg.dtype)) for arg in arguments] return_type = self._get_type_from_domain(return_type, return_type) return Function(, FunctionType(arguments, return_type), self.parse_expression_ast(body, arguments) )
def _parse_expression_inner(self, expression: ast.AST) -> ValueOutputExpression: ctx = get_expression_definition_context() if isinstance(expression, ast.Call): function_name = ast_get_literal_or_class_name(expression.func) if self._is_quantification_expression_name(function_name): return self._parse_quantification_expression(function_name, expression) else: # function is a regular function. return self._parse_function_application(function_name, expression) elif isinstance(expression, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(expression.op, ast.Not): return NotExpression(self._parse_expression_inner(expression.operand)) elif isinstance(expression, ast.BoolOp): if isinstance(expression.op, ast.And): return AndExpression(*[self._parse_expression_inner(value) for value in expression.values]) elif isinstance(expression.op, ast.Or): return OrExpression(*[self._parse_expression_inner(value) for value in expression.values]) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'BoolOp {expression.op} is not supported.') elif isinstance(expression, ast.Assign): assert len(expression.targets) == 1, f'Expect one target for assignment, got {len(expression.targets)}.' assert isinstance(expression.targets[0], ast.Name), f'Expect a name for assignment, got {expression.targets[0]}.' var_name = expression.targets[0].id value = self._parse_expression_inner(expression.value) var_type = value.return_type var = Variable(var_name, var_type) ctx.add_variables(var) return FOLProgramAssignmentExpression(var, value) elif isinstance(expression, ast.Name): return ctx[] elif isinstance(expression, ast.Constant): if isinstance(expression.value, bool): return ConstantExpression(expression.value, BOOL) elif isinstance(expression.value, int): return ConstantExpression(expression.value, INT64) elif isinstance(expression.value, float): return ConstantExpression(expression.value, FLOAT32) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Constant {expression.value} is not supported.') elif isinstance(expression, ast.Compare): left = self._parse_expression_inner(expression.left) right = self._parse_expression_inner(expression.comparators[0]) op = expression.ops[0] if isinstance(left.return_type, ObjectType) and isinstance(right.return_type, ObjectType): if isinstance(op, ast.Eq): return ObjectCompareExpression(CompareOpType.EQ, left, right) elif isinstance(op, ast.NotEq): return ObjectCompareExpression(CompareOpType.NEQ, left, right) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Compare {op} is not supported.') elif isinstance(left.return_type, ValueType) and isinstance(right.return_type, ValueType): if isinstance(op, ast.Eq): return ValueCompareExpression(CompareOpType.EQ, left, right) elif isinstance(op, ast.NotEq): return ValueCompareExpression(CompareOpType.NEQ, left, right) elif isinstance(op, ast.Lt): return ValueCompareExpression(CompareOpType.LT, left, right) elif isinstance(op, ast.LtE): return ValueCompareExpression(CompareOpType.LEQ, left, right) elif isinstance(op, ast.Gt): return ValueCompareExpression(CompareOpType.GT, left, right) elif isinstance(op, ast.GtE): return ValueCompareExpression(CompareOpType.GEQ, left, right) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Compare {op} is not supported.') else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot compare {left.return_type} with {right.return_type}.') else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Expression {expression} is not supported. Full expression: {ast.dump(expression)}.') def _is_quantification_expression_name(self, function_name: str) -> bool: return function_name in ('forall', 'exists') def _parse_quantification_expression(self, function_name: str, expression: ast.Call) -> ValueOutputExpression: ctx = get_expression_definition_context() assert len(expression.args) in (2, 3), f'Expect two or three arguments for quantification expressions, got {len(expression.args)}: {ast.dump(expression)}' assert isinstance(expression.args[0], (ast.Name, ast.Constant)), f'Expect a variable type name for quantification expressions, got {expression.args[0]}: {ast.dump(expression)}' if len(expression.args) == 3: assert isinstance(expression.args[1], ast.Constant), f'Expect an integer for counting quantifiers, got {expression.args[1]}: {ast.dump(expression)}' assert isinstance(expression.args[1].value, int), f'Expect an integer for counting quantifiers, got {expression.args[1].value}: {ast.dump(expression)}' assert isinstance(expression.args[-1], ast.Lambda), f'Expect a lambda expression for quantification expressions, got {expression.args[1]}: {ast.dump(expression)}' var_type = ast_get_literal_or_class_name(expression.args[0]) var_type = self._get_type_from_domain(ctx.domain, var_type) assert isinstance(var_type, ObjectType), f'Expect an object type for quantification expressions, got {var_type}.' lambda_expression = expression.args[-1] assert len(lambda_expression.args.args) == 1, f'Expect one argument for quantification expressions, got {len(lambda_expression.args.args)}.' assert lambda_expression.args.args[0].annotation is None, f'Expect no type annotation for lambda functions in quantification expressions, got {lambda_expression.args.args[0].annotation}.' var_name = lambda_expression.args.args[0].arg var = Variable(var_name, var_type) return self._parse_quantification_expression_inner(function_name, var, lambda_expression.body, counting_quantifier=expression.args[1].value if len(expression.args) == 3 else None) def _parse_quantification_expression_inner(self, function_name: str, var: Variable, lambda_body: ast.AST, counting_quantifier: Optional[int] = None) -> ValueOutputExpression: assert counting_quantifier is None, 'Counting quantifiers are not supported yet.' ctx = get_expression_definition_context() with ctx.new_variables(var): if function_name == 'forall': return ForallExpression(var, self._parse_expression_inner(lambda_body)) else: return ExistsExpression(var, self._parse_expression_inner(lambda_body)) def _parse_function_application(self, function_name: str, expression: ast.Call) -> ValueOutputExpression: ctx = get_expression_definition_context() parsed_args = [self._parse_expression_inner(arg) for arg in expression.args] function = None if function_name not in ctx.domain.functions: if self.inplace_definition: if self.inplace_polymorphic_function: function_name = function_name + '_' + '_'.join([arg.return_type.typename for arg in parsed_args]) if function_name in ctx.domain.functions: function = ctx.domain.functions[function_name] else: function = Function(function_name, FunctionType(get_types(parsed_args), BOOL)) ctx.domain.define_function(function) else: raise KeyError(f'Function {function_name} is not defined in the domain.') else: function = ctx.domain.functions[function_name] return FunctionApplicationExpression(function, parsed_args) def _get_type_from_domain(self, domain: DSLDomainBase, name: str) -> ObjectType: if name == 'bool': return BOOL elif name == 'int': return INT64 else: if name not in domain.types: if self.inplace_definition_type: domain.define_type(ObjectType(name)) else: raise ValueError(f'Undefined type {name}.') return domain.types[name]
[docs] def ast_get_literal_or_class_name(const: ast.AST) -> str: """Get the literal value or identifier name of a constant. Args: const: the constant, should be either :class:`ast.Constant` or :class:`ast.Name`. Returns: the literal value or identifier name. """ if isinstance(const, ast.Constant): return const.value elif isinstance(const, ast.Name): return else: raise TypeError(f'Expect an ast.Constant or a ast.Name, got {type(const)}.')
[docs] def ast_get_function_definition(module: ast.Module) -> ast.FunctionDef: """Get the single function definition in the module. Args: module: the module. It should contains exactly one function definition. Returns: the function definition. """ assert len(module.body) == 1, f'Expect one single function definition, got {len(module.body)}.' assert isinstance(module.body[0], ast.FunctionDef), f'Expect a function definition, got {module.body[0]}.' return module.body[0]
[docs] def ast_get_expression(module: ast.Module) -> ast.AST: """Get the single expression in the module. Args: module: the module. It should contains exactly one expression. Returns: the expression. """ assert len(module.body) == 1, f'Expect one single expression, got {len(module.body)}.' assert isinstance(module.body[0], (ast.Expr, ast.Assign)), f'Expect an expression, got {module.body[0]}.' return module.body[0].value if isinstance(module.body[0], ast.Expr) else module.body[0]
[docs] def ast_get_multiple_expressions(module: ast.Module) -> List[ast.AST]: """Get the multiple expressions in the module. Args: module: the module. It should contains multiple expressions. Returns: the expressions. """ for node in module.body: assert isinstance(node, (ast.Expr, ast.Assign)), f'Expect an expression, got {node}.' return [node.value if isinstance(node, ast.Expr) else node for node in module.body]
[docs] def ast_get_simple_function(function: ast.FunctionDef) -> Tuple[Tuple[Variable, ...], TypeBase, ast.AST]: """Get the arguments, return type, and body of a simple function. This function only works for "simple functions". That is, the function body contains only a single return statement. This function imposes strong restrictions: - The function should have a single return statement. - All arguments and return type should be annotated with either a single class name or a string. (It does not support type hints like ``List[int]``.) Args: function: the function definition. Returns: - arguments: the arguments of the function as a tuple of :class:`~concepts.dsl.dsl_types.Variable` (types are strings). - return_type: the return type of the function (string). - body: the body of the function. """ arguments = list() for arg in function.args.args: assert arg.annotation is not None, f'Expect type annotation for argument {arg.arg}.' arguments.append(Variable(arg.arg, ast_get_literal_or_class_name(arg.annotation))) assert function.returns is not None, f'Expect return type annotation for function {}.' return_type = ast_get_literal_or_class_name(function.returns) assert len(function.body) == 1, f'Expect one single return statement, got {len(function.body)}.' return_statement = function.body[0] assert isinstance(return_statement, ast.Return), f'Expect a return statement, got {return_statement}.' return tuple(arguments), return_type, return_statement.value