Source code for concepts.simulator.sapien2.urdf_exporter

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import cast
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

from sapien.core import (
    LinkBase, Joint, LinkBuilder

from concepts.math.rotationlib_wxyz import quat2euler

[docs] def export_joint(joint: JointBase) -> list[ET.Element]: """ Export an articulation joint. No joint mimic support yet. If the joint has no parent_link (joint from root link to 1st robot link), generates <joint name="__root_joint__" type="fixed"> <parent link="__world__"></parent> <child link="link_base"></child> </joint> Otherwise, generates an extra dummy link and a dummy joint because SAPIEN allows joint and child link to have different frames. Sample output: <joint name="joint1" type="revolute"> <origin rpy="3.1415927410125732 -0.0 0.0" xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0"></origin> <axis xyz="1 0 0"></axis> <parent link="link_base"></parent> <child link="link_dummy_1"></child> <limit effort="100.0" lower="-6.2831855" upper="6.2831855" velocity="0"></limit> <dynamics damping="50000.0" friction="0.05000000074505806"></dynamics> </joint> <link name="link_dummy_1"></link> <joint name="joint_dummy_1" type="fixed"> <origin rpy="3.1415927410125732 -0.0 0.0" xyz="-1.0 1.0 2.0"></origin> <parent link="link_dummy_1"></parent> <child link="link_1"></child> </joint> """ if joint.get_parent_link() is None: # joint from root link to first robot link type = "fixed" if (joint.type == "fixed" or joint.type == 'unknown') else "floating" elem_joint = ET.Element("joint", {"name": "__root_joint__", "type": type}) ET.SubElement(elem_joint, "parent", {"link": "__world__"}) ET.SubElement(elem_joint, "child", {"link": joint.get_child_link().name}) return [elem_joint] if joint.type == "fixed": type = "fixed" elif joint.type == "prismatic": type = "prismatic" elif joint.type.startswith("revolute"): if joint.get_limits()[0][0] < -1e5 and joint.get_limits()[0][1] > 1e5: type = "continuous" else: type = "revolute" else: raise Exception(f"invalid joint type {joint.type}") j2p = joint.get_pose_in_parent() c2j = joint.get_pose_in_child().inv() # dummy link at joint frame elem_dummy_link = ET.Element( "link", {"name": f"link_dummy_{joint.get_child_link().get_index()}"} ) # joint connecting parent and dummy elem_joint = ET.Element("joint", {"name":, "type": type}) angles = quat2euler(j2p.q) ET.SubElement( elem_joint, "origin", { "xyz": f"{j2p.p[0]} {j2p.p[1]} {j2p.p[2]}", "rpy": f"{angles[0]} {angles[1]} {angles[2]}", }, ) ET.SubElement(elem_joint, "axis", {"xyz": "1 0 0"}) ET.SubElement(elem_joint, "parent", {"link": joint.get_parent_link().name}) ET.SubElement(elem_joint, "child", {"link": f"link_dummy_{joint.get_child_link().get_index()}"}) if type == "prismatic" or type == "revolute" or type == "continuous": limit_attrib = { "effort": str(min(joint.force_limit, 1e5)), "velocity": "0", "lower": str(max(joint.get_limits()[0][0], -1e5)), "upper": str(min(joint.get_limits()[0][1], 1e5)), } if type == "continuous": limit_attrib.pop("lower") limit_attrib.pop("upper") ET.SubElement(elem_joint, "limit", limit_attrib) ET.SubElement( elem_joint, "dynamics", {"damping": str(joint.damping), "friction": str(joint.friction)}, ) # TODO: joint mimic # fixed joint connecting dummy and child elem_dummy_joint = ET.Element( "joint", {"name": f"joint_dummy_{joint.get_child_link().get_index()}", "type": "fixed"} ) angles = quat2euler(c2j.q) ET.SubElement( elem_dummy_joint, "origin", { "xyz": f"{c2j.p[0]} {c2j.p[1]} {c2j.p[2]}", "rpy": f"{angles[0]} {angles[1]} {angles[2]}", }, ) # NOTE: fixed joint does not need axis # ET.SubElement(elem_dummy_joint, "axis", {"xyz": "0 0 0"}) ET.SubElement( elem_dummy_joint, "parent", {"link": f"link_dummy_{joint.get_child_link().get_index()}"} ) ET.SubElement(elem_dummy_joint, "child", {"link": joint.get_child_link().name}) return [elem_joint, elem_dummy_link, elem_dummy_joint]
[docs] def export_kinematic_chain_xml(articulation: ArticulationBase) -> ET.Element: from .test_planning import convert_object_name elem_robot = ET.Element("robot", {"name": convert_object_name(articulation)}) ET.SubElement(elem_robot, "link", {"name": "__world__"}) # root link for l in articulation.get_links(): elem_robot.append(export_link(l)) for j in articulation.get_joints(): elem_robot.extend(export_joint(j)) return elem_robot
[docs] def export_kinematic_chain_urdf( articulation: ArticulationBase, force_fix_root: bool = False ) -> str: """ Exports the articulation's kinematic chain URDF as a string (without visual/collision elements for links) :param force_fix_root: Change all floating joints to fixed joints. """ xml = export_kinematic_chain_xml(articulation) if force_fix_root: for j in xml.findall("joint"): if j.attrib["type"] == "floating": j.attrib["type"] = "fixed" # Indent the XML for better readability (available only in python >= 3.9) # ET.indent(xml, ' ') return ET.tostring(xml, encoding="utf8").decode()