Source code for concepts.simulator.sapien2.table_top_scene

import os
import os.path as osp
import time
from typing import Optional, List, Union, NamedTuple

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from PIL import Image

import mplib
import mplib.pymp as pymp
from mplib.pymp.collision_detection import fcl
from sapien.core import Actor, Joint, LinkBase
from sapien.core import CameraEntity, Pose, URDFLoader, Articulation
from sapien.core import PhysicalMaterial, Drive
from sapien.utils import Viewer

from concepts.math.rotationlib_wxyz import euler2quat as rpy2wxyz, quat_mul as quat_mul_wxyz, wxyz2xyzw, rotate_vector_wxyz
from import get_depth_img, get_rgba_img
from concepts.simulator.sapien2.mesh_utils import get_actor_mesh
from concepts.simulator.sapien2.scene_base import SapienSceneBase
from concepts.simulator.sapien2.sapien_utils import create_box

PANDA_PATH = osp.join(

[docs] class PandaRobotSapien(object): # TODO(Yuyao @ 2024-0903): in the future, create RobotBaseSapien and inherit from it
[docs] def __init__( self, scene: SapienSceneBase, root_pose: Pose = Pose(), init_qpos: np.ndarray = np.array([-0.45105, -0.38886, 0.45533, -2.19163, 0.13169, 1.81720, 0.51563, 0, 0]), stiffness: float = 1000, damping: float = 200, config: dict = {}, ): loader = scene.scene.create_urdf_loader() loader.fix_root_link = True self.articulation: Articulation = loader.load(osp.join(PANDA_PATH, 'panda.urdf'), config=config) self.active_joints: List[Joint] = self.articulation.get_active_joints() self.end_effector: LinkBase = self.articulation.get_links()[-3] self.mp_planner: Optional[mplib.Planner] = None self.attach_drive: Optional[Drive] = None self.articulation.set_qpos(init_qpos) for i, joint in enumerate(self.active_joints): joint.set_drive_property(stiffness=stiffness, damping=damping) joint.set_drive_target(init_qpos[i]) self.articulation.set_root_pose(root_pose)
[docs] def set_drive_target(self, qpos, vel_qpos=None): for i in range(7): self.active_joints[i].set_drive_target(qpos[i]) if vel_qpos is not None: self.active_joints[i].set_drive_velocity_target(vel_qpos[i])
[docs] def set_up_planner(self): link_names = [link.get_name() for link in self.articulation.get_links()] joint_names = [joint.get_name() for joint in self.articulation.get_active_joints()] floor = fcl.Box([2, 2, 0.2]) # create a 2 x 2 x 0.1m box # create a collision object for the floor, with a 10cm offset in the z direction floor_fcl_collision_object = fcl.CollisionObject(floor, pymp.Pose()) floor_fcl_object = fcl.FCLObject('floor', pymp.Pose([0, 0, -0.1], [1, 0, 0, 0]), [floor_fcl_collision_object], [pymp.Pose()]) self.planner = mplib.Planner( urdf=osp.join(PANDA_PATH, 'panda.urdf'), srdf=osp.join(PANDA_PATH, 'panda.srdf'), user_link_names=link_names, user_joint_names=joint_names, move_group="panda_hand", # joint_vel_limits=np.ones(7) * 0.5, joint_vel_limits=np.ones(7) * 0.1, joint_acc_limits=np.ones(7) * 0.1, objects=[floor_fcl_object] )
# NOTE: this doesn't work, working around by recomputing the pose when calling planner # planner.set_base_pose(pymp.Pose(robot.get_root_pose().p, robot.get_root_pose().q))
[docs] class TableTopScene(SapienSceneBase):
[docs] def __init__( self, fps: float = 240.0, ): super().__init__(fps) self.ground_base = self.scene.add_ground( altitude=-0.1, render_half_size=[10, 10, 0.1], material=self.scene.create_physical_material(0.5, 0.5, 0.1) ) self.plane = create_box(self.scene, Pose([1, 0, -0.05]), [0.8, 1, 0.05], color=[0.9,0.9,0.9,1]) self.robot: Optional[PandaRobotSapien] = None self.robots: List[PandaRobotSapien] = [] self.is_hiding_env_visual = False
[docs] def set_up_planner(self): link_names = [link.get_name() for link in self.robot.get_links()] joint_names = [joint.get_name() for joint in self.robot.get_active_joints()] floor = fcl.Box([2, 2, 0.2]) # create a 2 x 2 x 0.1m box # create a collision object for the floor, with a 10cm offset in the z direction floor_fcl_collision_object = fcl.CollisionObject(floor, pymp.Pose()) # a very small offset of 0.0001 is used to prevent the collision between link0 and the floor floor_fcl_object = fcl.FCLObject('floor', pymp.Pose([0, 0, -0.1001], [1, 0, 0, 0]), [floor_fcl_collision_object], [pymp.Pose()]) self.planner = mplib.Planner( urdf="assets/panda/panda.urdf", srdf="assets/panda/panda.srdf", user_link_names=link_names, user_joint_names=joint_names, move_group="panda_hand", # joint_vel_limits=np.ones(7) * 0.5, joint_vel_limits=np.ones(7) * 0.1, joint_acc_limits=np.ones(7) * 0.1, objects=[floor_fcl_object] )
[docs] def update_env_pcd(self, exclude_ids: list[int] = None, pcd_resolution = 1e-3, verbose=False, idx: int = None): """Update the point cloud of the environment for planner collision avoidance""" all_actor_ids = [ actor.get_id() for actor in self.scene.get_all_actors() if len(actor.get_collision_shapes()) > 0 ] if self.robot is None: if idx is None: robot_actor_ids = [link.get_id() for link in self.robot_1.get_links()] + [link.get_id() for link in self.robot_2.get_links()] else: if idx == 1: robot_actor_ids = [link.get_id() for link in self.robot_1.get_links()] all_actor_ids += [link.get_id() for link in self.robot_2.get_links()] else: robot_actor_ids = [link.get_id() for link in self.robot_2.get_links()] all_actor_ids += [link.get_id() for link in self.robot_1.get_links()] else: robot_actor_ids = [link.get_id() for link in self.robot.get_links()] ground_actor_id = self.ground.get_id() # ground collision avoidance is handled in the planner excluded_actor_ids = robot_actor_ids + [ground_actor_id] if exclude_ids is not None: excluded_actor_ids += exclude_ids all_object_ids = list(set(all_actor_ids) - set(excluded_actor_ids)) pcds = [] for object_id in all_object_ids: if object_id != self.plane.get_id(): current_actor = self.scene.find_actor_by_id(object_id) if current_actor is None: current_actor = self.scene.find_articulation_link_by_link_id(object_id) if current_actor is not None: try: pcds.append(get_actor_pcd(current_actor, 100000)) except AttributeError: print(f'Actor id {object_id} does not have a collision mesh') else: x = np.linspace(0.2, 0.8, 1000) y = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.4, 1000) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() z = np.zeros_like(x) pcds.append(np.stack([x, y, z], axis=-1)) if len(pcds) == 0: pcd = np.array([[1e6, 1e6, 1e6]]) # empty point cloud else: pcd = np.concatenate(pcds, axis=0) if verbose: # visualize the pcd print(pcd.shape) o3d_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() o3d_pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcd) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([o3d_pcd]) if self.planner is None: # transform the pcd to the robots' coordinate pcd1 = (self.robot_1.get_root_pose().inv().to_transformation_matrix() @ np.concatenate([pcd, np.ones((pcd.shape[0], 1))], axis=-1).T).T[:, :3] pcd2 = (self.robot_2.get_root_pose().inv().to_transformation_matrix() @ np.concatenate([pcd, np.ones((pcd.shape[0], 1))], axis=-1).T).T[:, :3] self.planner_1.update_point_cloud(pcd1, resolution=pcd_resolution) self.planner_2.update_point_cloud(pcd2, resolution=pcd_resolution) else: self.planner.update_point_cloud(pcd, resolution=pcd_resolution) return pcd # return the point cloud for debugging
[docs] def grasp_center_ik(self, grasp_center: np.ndarray, ee_quat_wxyz: np.ndarray, start_qpos: np.ndarray, mask: list = None, threshold: float = 1e-3, exclude_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None)\ -> tuple[Union[np.ndarray, None], np.ndarray]: if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("No robot in the scene") pos_delta = np.array([0, 0, 0.1]) hand_pos = grasp_center - rotate_vector_wxyz(pos_delta, ee_quat_wxyz) return self.ee_ik(Pose(p=hand_pos, q=ee_quat_wxyz), start_qpos, mask, threshold, exclude_ids), hand_pos
[docs] def ee_ik( self, ee_pose: Pose, start_qpos: np.ndarray, mask: list = None, threshold: float = 1e-3, exclude_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, return_closest: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, pcd_resolution = 1e-3 ) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("No robot in the scene") self.update_env_pcd(exclude_ids, pcd_resolution=pcd_resolution) if mask is None: mask = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] status, qpos = self.planner.IK( goal_pose=pymp.Pose(ee_pose.p, ee_pose.q), start_qpos=start_qpos, mask=mask, threshold=threshold, return_closest=return_closest, verbose=verbose ) if status == "Success": if return_closest: return qpos else: return qpos[0] else: return None
[docs] def ee_ik_without_collision_check( self, ee_pose: Pose, start_qpos: np.ndarray, mask: list = None, threshold: float = 1e-3, return_closest: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: self.planner.remove_point_cloud() if mask is None: mask = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] status, qpos = self.planner.IK( goal_pose=pymp.Pose(ee_pose.p, ee_pose.q), start_qpos=start_qpos, mask=mask, threshold=threshold, return_closest=return_closest, verbose=verbose ) if status == "Success": if return_closest: return qpos else: return qpos[0] else: return None
[docs] def follow_path(self, result, check_collision=False, collision_obj_1=None, collision_obj_2=None, threshold=1e-3, camera=None, camera_interval=4): n_step = result['position'].shape[0] collision = False images = [] for i in range(n_step): qf = self.robot.compute_passive_force( gravity=True, coriolis_and_centrifugal=True, external=False) self.robot.set_qf(qf) # for j in range(7): # self.active_joints[j].set_drive_target(result['position'][i][j]) # self.active_joints[j].set_drive_velocity_target(result['velocity'][i][j]) self.set_drive_target(result['position'][i], result['velocity'][i]) self.scene.step() if check_collision: collisions = get_contacts_by_id(self.scene, collision_obj_1, collision_obj_2, threshold) if len(collisions) > 0: collision = True break if i % 4 == 0: self.scene.update_render() if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.render() if camera is not None and i % camera_interval == 0: image = get_rgba_img(camera=camera) images.append(image) if camera is not None: return collision, images else: return collision
[docs] def open_gripper(self, gripper_target=0.04): qpos = self.robot.get_qpos() for i, joint in enumerate(self.active_joints): if i < 7: joint.set_drive_target(qpos[i]) else: joint.set_drive_target(gripper_target) for i in range(int(self.fps)): qf = self.robot.compute_passive_force( gravity=True, coriolis_and_centrifugal=True, external=False) self.robot.set_qf(qf) self.scene.step() if i % 4 == 0: self.scene.update_render() if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.render()
[docs] def close_gripper(self, gripper_target=0.01): qpos = self.robot.get_qpos() for i, joint in enumerate(self.active_joints): if i < 7: joint.set_drive_target(qpos[i]) else: joint.set_drive_target(gripper_target) for i in range(int(self.fps)): qf = self.robot.compute_passive_force( gravity=True, coriolis_and_centrifugal=True, external=False) self.robot.set_qf(qf) self.scene.step() if i % 4 == 0: self.scene.update_render() if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.render()
[docs] def attach_object(self, object: Actor): if self.attach_drive is not None: raise ValueError("An object is already attached") self.attach_drive = self.scene.create_drive( self.end_effector, Pose(), object, object.get_pose().inv() * self.end_effector.get_pose() ) self.attach_drive.lock_motion(True, True, True, True, True, True)
[docs] def detach_object(self): if self.attach_drive is not None: self.scene.remove_drive(self.attach_drive) self.attach_drive = None else: print("No object attached")
[docs] def planner_attach_obj(self, object: Actor): object_mesh = get_actor_mesh(object, to_world_frame=False) os.makedirs('mesh_cache', exist_ok=True) random_path = f'mesh_cache/{generate_random_string()}.obj' object_mesh.export(random_path) object_pose = object.get_pose() ee_pose = self.end_effector.get_pose() object_pose_rel_ee = ee_pose.inv() * object_pose self.planner.update_attached_mesh(random_path, pose=pymp.Pose(object_pose_rel_ee.p, object_pose_rel_ee.q)) os.remove(random_path)
[docs] def planner_detach_obj(self): self.planner.detach_object('panda_9_mesh', also_remove=True)
[docs] def step(self): self.scene.step()
[docs] def update_render(self): self.scene.update_render()
[docs] def hide_robot_visual(self): if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("No robot in the scene, cannot hide robot visual") for link in self.robot.get_links(): link.hide_visual()
[docs] def unhide_robot_visual(self): if self.robot is None: raise ValueError("No robot in the scene, cannot unhide robot visual") for link in self.robot.get_links(): link.unhide_visual()
[docs] def create_viewer( self, resolutions: tuple[int, int] = (1440, 1440), camera_xyz: tuple[float, float, float] = (1.2, 0.25, 0.4), camera_rpy: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, -0.4, 2.7), near: float = 0.05, far: float = 100, fovy: float = 1, ) -> Viewer: self.viewer = Viewer(self.renderer, resolutions=resolutions) self.viewer.set_scene(self.scene) self.viewer.set_camera_xyz(*camera_xyz) self.viewer.set_camera_rpy(*camera_rpy) self.viewer.window.set_camera_parameters(near, far, fovy) return self.viewer
[docs] def add_camera( self, direction: str = '+x', fovy: float = None ) -> CameraEntity: if fovy is None: fovy = np.deg2rad(60) camera = self.scene.add_camera( name=direction, fovy=fovy, width=768, height=768, near=0.05, far=100 ) camera.set_pose(DIRECTION2POSE[direction]) return camera
[docs] def get_picture( self, direction: str = '+x', additional_translation: np.ndarray = None, additional_rotation: np.ndarray = None, get_depth: bool = False, debug_viewer: bool = False ) -> tuple[Image.Image, CameraEntity] or tuple[Image.Image, np.ndarray, CameraEntity]: camera = self.add_camera(direction) if additional_translation is not None: pose = camera.get_pose() p, q = pose.p, pose.q p += additional_translation if additional_rotation is not None: q = quat_mul_wxyz(additional_rotation, q) camera.set_pose(Pose(p=p, q=q)) if debug_viewer: viewer = self.create_viewer() while not viewer.closed: # self.step() self.update_render() viewer.render() self.update_render() image = get_rgba_img(camera=camera) image = Image.fromarray(image).convert('RGB') if debug_viewer: if get_depth: depth_img = get_depth_img(camera) return image, depth_img, camera return image, camera
[docs] def get_8_pictures(self, debug_viewer: bool = False) -> Image: cameras = [] for direction in ['+y+z', '+y-z', '+x+y', '-x+y', '-y+z', '-y-z', '+x-y', '-x-y']: cameras.append(self.add_camera(direction)) if debug_viewer: viewer = self.create_viewer() while not viewer.closed: self.step() self.update_render() viewer.render() self.step() self.update_render() imgs = [] for i in range(8): camera = cameras[i] image = get_rgba_img(camera=camera) image = Image.fromarray(image) if debug_viewer: imgs.append(image) return imgs