Source code for concepts.simulator.sapien2.manipulation_utils.contact_samplers

import itertools
import json
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from time import time
from typing import Optional, Iterator, Sequence, Callable, cast, List

import jacinle
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import sapien.core as sapien
import tabulate

from mani_skill2.utils.trimesh_utils import get_actor_mesh
from mplib import pymp
from open3d import geometry
from sapien.core import Articulation
from sapien.core.pysapien import Scene, Actor, Pose
from sapien.utils import Viewer

from concepts.math.cad.mesh_utils import trimesh_to_open3d_mesh
from concepts.math.rotationlib_xyzw import enumerate_quaternion_from_vectors, quat_mul, rotate_vector, wxyz2xyzw, xyzw2wxyz, \
    cross, find_orthogonal_vector, quaternion_from_axes as get_quaternion_from_axes

from magic.tasks.mug_scene import MugScene
from magic.tasks.table_scene import TableScene
from magic.sapien_utils import get_contacts_by_id, get_contacts_with_articulation  # , ActorSaver

logger = jacinle.logging.get_logger(__file__)

[docs] @dataclass class GraspParameter(object): point1: np.ndarray normal1: np.ndarray point2: np.ndarray normal2: np.ndarray ee_pos: np.ndarray ee_quat_wxyz: np.ndarray qpos: np.ndarray
[docs] def sample_grasp( table_scene: TableScene, object_id: int, gripper_distance: float = 0.08, pregrasp_distance: float = 0.105, max_intersection_distance: float = 10, max_attempts: int = 10000000, verbose: bool = False, max_test_points_before_first: int = 250, max_test_points: int = 100000000, batch_size: int = 100, surface_pointing_tol: float = 0.9, gripper_min_distance: float = 0.0001, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, guidance_center: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, guidance_direction: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, guidance_radius: float = 0.01, start_time=None, timeout=60 ) -> Iterator[GraspParameter]: """Given the name of the object, sample a 6D grasp pose. Before calling this function, we should make sure that the gripper is open.""" scene = table_scene.scene robot = table_scene.robot if np_random is None: np_random = np.random mesh = trimesh_to_open3d_mesh(get_actor_mesh(scene.find_actor_by_id(object_id))) t_mesh = o3d.t.geometry.TriangleMesh.from_legacy(mesh) found = False nr_test_points_before_first = 0 for _ in range(int(max_test_points / batch_size)): # TODO: accelerate the computation. if guidance_center is None: pcd = mesh.sample_points_uniformly(batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True) else: pcd: o3d.geometry.PointCloud = mesh.sample_points_uniformly(batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True) # get the points that are within the guidance radius feasible_point_indices = np.where(np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(pcd.points) - guidance_center, axis=1) < guidance_radius)[0][:batch_size] pcd = pcd.select_by_index(feasible_point_indices) indices = list(range(len(pcd.points))) np_random.shuffle(indices) for i in indices: if start_time is not None: if time() - start_time > timeout: return if not found: nr_test_points_before_first += 1 point = np.asarray(pcd.points[i]) normal = np.asarray(pcd.normals[i]) if guidance_direction is not None: if np.abs(, guidance_direction)) > 1 - surface_pointing_tol: continue if verbose: print('sample_grasp_v2_gen', 'point', point, 'normal', normal) point2 = point - normal * max_intersection_distance other_intersection = mesh_line_intersect(t_mesh, point2, normal) if verbose: print(' other_intersection', other_intersection) # if no intersection, try the next point. if other_intersection is None: if verbose: print(' skip: no intersection') continue other_point, other_normal = other_intersection # if two intersection points are too close, try the next point. if np.linalg.norm(other_point - point) < gripper_min_distance: if verbose: print(' skip: too close') continue # if the surface normals are too different, try the next point. if np.abs(, other_normal)) < surface_pointing_tol: if verbose: print(' skip: normal too different') continue grasp_center = (point + other_point) / 2 grasp_distance = np.linalg.norm(point - other_point) grasp_normal = normal if grasp_distance > gripper_distance: if verbose: print(' skip: too far') continue ee_d = grasp_normal # ee_u and ee_v are two vectors that are perpendicular to ee_d ee_u = find_orthogonal_vector(ee_d) ee_v = cross(ee_u, ee_d) # if verbose: # print(' grasp_center', grasp_center, 'grasp_distance', grasp_distance) # print(' grasp axes:\n', np.array([ee_d, ee_u, ee_v])) # enumerate four possible grasp orientations for ee_norm1 in [ee_u, ee_v, -ee_u, -ee_v]: ee_norm2 = cross(ee_d, ee_norm1) ee_quat = get_quaternion_from_axes(ee_norm2, ee_d, ee_norm1) ee_quat_wxyz = xyzw2wxyz(ee_quat) qpos, hand_pos= table_scene.grasp_center_ik( grasp_center=grasp_center, ee_quat_wxyz=ee_quat_wxyz, start_qpos=robot.get_qpos(), mask=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], # don't change the qpos of the gripper fingers threshold=1e-4 ) if qpos is None: if verbose: print(' skip: ik fail') continue rv = collision_free_qpos(table_scene, object_id, qpos, verbose=verbose) if rv: found = True yield GraspParameter( point1=point, normal1=normal, point2=other_point, normal2=other_normal, ee_pos=hand_pos, ee_quat_wxyz=ee_quat_wxyz, qpos=qpos ) elif verbose: print(' gripper pos', grasp_center) print(' gripper quat', ee_quat) print(' skip: collision') if not found and nr_test_points_before_first > max_test_points_before_first: if verbose: logger.warning(f'Failed to find a grasp after {nr_test_points_before_first} points tested.') return
[docs] def gen_qpos_to_qpos_trajectory( table_scene: TableScene, start_qpos, end_qpos: np.ndarray, exclude_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, planning_time: float = 1.0, pcd_resolution: float = 1e-3, ignore_env: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, idx: int = None ): if idx is None: planner = table_scene.planner assert planner is not None, 'the default planner is None, please identify the planner to use' else: planner = table_scene.planner_1 if idx == 1 else table_scene.planner_2 assert planner is not None, 'the indicated planner is None' if ignore_env: table_scene.planner.remove_point_cloud() else: table_scene.update_env_pcd(exclude_ids=exclude_ids, pcd_resolution=pcd_resolution, verbose=verbose, idx=idx) result = table_scene.planner.plan_qpos( [end_qpos], start_qpos, time_step=1 / table_scene.fps, planning_time=planning_time, verbose=verbose, ) return result
[docs] def gen_qpos_to_pose_trajectory( table_scene: TableScene, start_qpos, end_pose: pymp.Pose, exclude_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, planning_time: float = 1.0, pcd_resolution: float = 1e-3, ignore_env: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, use_screw: bool = False, idx: int = None, ): end_pose_rel_robot_base = None if idx is None: planner = table_scene.planner assert planner is not None, 'the default planner is None, please identify the planner to use' end_pose_rel_robot_base = end_pose else: planner = table_scene.planner_1 if idx == 1 else table_scene.planner_2 robot: Articulation = table_scene.robot_1 if idx == 1 else table_scene.robot_2 assert planner is not None, 'the indicated planner is None' end_pose_rel_robot_base = robot.get_root_pose().inv() * Pose(end_pose.p, end_pose.q) end_pose_rel_robot_base = pymp.Pose(end_pose_rel_robot_base.p, end_pose_rel_robot_base.q) if ignore_env: planner.remove_point_cloud() else: table_scene.update_env_pcd(exclude_ids=exclude_ids, pcd_resolution=pcd_resolution, idx=idx, verbose=False) if not use_screw: result = planner.plan_pose( end_pose_rel_robot_base, start_qpos, mask=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]), time_step=1 / table_scene.fps, planning_time=planning_time, verbose=verbose ) else: result = planner.plan_screw( end_pose_rel_robot_base, start_qpos, time_step=1 / table_scene.fps, verbose=verbose ) return result
[docs] @dataclass class PushParameter(object): push_pos: np.ndarray push_dir: np.ndarray distance: float
[docs] def sample_push_with_support( scene: Scene, object_id: int, support_id: int, max_attempts: int = 1000, batch_size: int = 100, push_distance_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[PushParameter]: if push_distance_fn is None: push_distance_fn = lambda: 0.1 if np_random is None: np_random = np.random object_mesh: geometry.TriangleMesh = trimesh_to_open3d_mesh(get_actor_mesh(scene.find_actor_by_id(object_id))) nr_batches = int(max_attempts / batch_size) feasible_point_indices = list() for _ in range(nr_batches): pcd = object_mesh.sample_points_uniformly(batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True) # get the contact points between the object and the support object contact_normal = get_single_contact_normal(scene, object_id, support_id) # filter out the points that are not on the contact plane # feasible_point_cond = np.abs(np.asarray(pcd.normals).dot(contact_normal)) < 0.02 # TODO(Yuyao Liu @ 2024/03/28): figure out the threshold feasible_point_cond = np.abs(np.asarray(pcd.normals).dot(contact_normal)) < 0.1 feasible_point_indices = np.where(feasible_point_cond)[0] # print(f'Found {len(feasible_point_indices)} feasible points.') if len(feasible_point_indices) == 0: continue # o3d.visualization.draw([pcd.select_by_index(feasible_point_indices), mesh]) np_random.shuffle(feasible_point_indices) rows = list() for index in feasible_point_indices: rows.append((index, pcd.points[index], -pcd.normals[index])) if verbose: jacinle.log_function.print(tabulate.tabulate(rows, headers=['index', 'point', 'normal'])) # create a new point cloud for index in feasible_point_indices: if verbose: jacinle.log_function.print('sample_push_with_support', 'point', pcd.points[index], 'normal', -pcd.normals[index]) yield PushParameter(np.asarray(pcd.points[index]), -np.asarray(pcd.normals[index]), push_distance_fn()) if len(feasible_point_indices) == 0: raise ValueError( f'No feasible points for {object_id} on {support_id} after {nr_batches * batch_size} attempts.')
[docs] @dataclass class IndirectPushParameter(object): object_push_pos: np.ndarray object_push_dir: np.ndarray tool_pos: np.ndarray tool_quat_wxyz: np.ndarray tool_point_pos: np.ndarray tool_point_normal: np.ndarray prepush_distance: float = 0.05 push_distance: float = 0.1 @property def total_push_distance(self): return self.prepush_distance + self.push_distance
[docs] def load_indirect_push_parameter(file_path: str) -> IndirectPushParameter: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for key in data.keys(): if type(data[key]) is list: data[key] = np.array(data[key]) return IndirectPushParameter(**data)
[docs] def sample_indirect_push_with_support( scene: Scene, tool_id: int, object_id: int, support_id: int, prepush_distance: float = 0.05, max_attempts: int = 10000000, batch_size: int = 1000, filter_push_dir: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, push_distance_distribution: Sequence[float] = (0.1, 0.15), push_distance_sample: bool = False, contact_normal_tol: float = 0.01, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False, check_reachability: Callable[[np.ndarray], bool] = None, tool_contact_point_filter: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = None ) -> Iterator[IndirectPushParameter]: if np_random is None: np_random = np.random tool_mesh: geometry.TriangleMesh = trimesh_to_open3d_mesh(get_actor_mesh(scene.find_actor_by_id(tool_id))) object_mesh: geometry.TriangleMesh = trimesh_to_open3d_mesh(get_actor_mesh(scene.find_actor_by_id(object_id))) current_tool_pose = scene.find_actor_by_id(tool_id).get_pose() current_tool_pos, current_tool_quat_wxyz = current_tool_pose.p, current_tool_pose.q current_tool_quat_xyzw = wxyz2xyzw(current_tool_quat_wxyz) nr_batches = int(max_attempts / batch_size) contact_normal = get_single_contact_normal(scene, object_id, support_id) for _ in range(nr_batches): tool_pcd = tool_mesh.sample_points_uniformly(batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True) object_pcd = object_mesh.sample_points_uniformly(batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True) # feasible_object_point_cond = np.abs(np.asarray(object_pcd.normals).dot(contact_normal)) < 0.01 # 0.1 for # real demo. feasible_object_point_cond = np.abs(np.asarray(object_pcd.normals).dot(contact_normal)) < contact_normal_tol if filter_push_dir is not None: feasible_object_point_cond = np.logical_and( feasible_object_point_cond, np.asarray(object_pcd.normals, dtype=np.float32).dot(-filter_push_dir) > 0.8 ) feasible_object_point_indices = np.where(feasible_object_point_cond)[0] if tool_contact_point_filter is not None: # transform the pcd to world frame world2tool = np.linalg.inv(scene.find_actor_by_id(tool_id).pose.to_transformation_matrix()) tool_pcd_np = np.asarray(tool_pcd.points) tool_pcd_homogeneous = np.concatenate([tool_pcd_np, np.ones([*tool_pcd_np.shape[:-1], 1])], axis=-1) tool_pcd_tool = (tool_pcd_homogeneous @ world2tool.T)[:,:-1] tool_contact_point_cond = tool_contact_point_filter(tool_pcd_tool) filtered_tool_contact_point_indices = np.where(tool_contact_point_cond)[0] else: filtered_tool_contact_point_indices = range(batch_size) all_index_pairs = list(itertools.product(feasible_object_point_indices, filtered_tool_contact_point_indices)) np_random.shuffle(all_index_pairs) for object_index, tool_index in all_index_pairs: object_point_pos = np.asarray(object_pcd.points[object_index]) object_point_normal = -np.asarray(object_pcd.normals[object_index]) # point inside tool_point_pos = np.asarray(tool_pcd.points[tool_index]) tool_point_normal = np.asarray(tool_pcd.normals[tool_index]) # point outside (towards the tool) # Solve for a quaternion that aligns the tool normal with the object normal for rotation_quat_xyzw in enumerate_quaternion_from_vectors(tool_point_normal, object_point_normal, 4): # This is the world coordinate for the tool point after rotation. new_tool_point_pos = current_tool_pos + rotate_vector(tool_point_pos - current_tool_pos, rotation_quat_xyzw) # Now compute the displacement for the tool object final_tool_pos = object_point_pos - new_tool_point_pos + current_tool_pos final_tool_pos -= object_point_normal * prepush_distance final_tool_quat_xyzw = quat_mul(rotation_quat_xyzw, current_tool_quat_xyzw) success = True # check collision init_state = scene.pack() # backup state cast(Actor, scene.find_actor_by_id(tool_id)).set_pose( Pose(final_tool_pos, xyzw2wxyz(final_tool_quat_xyzw))) scene.step() contacts = get_contacts_by_id(scene, tool_id) if len(contacts) > 0: success = False if check_reachability is not None and success: if not check_reachability(np.asarray(trimesh_to_open3d_mesh( get_actor_mesh(scene.find_actor_by_id(tool_id))).sample_points_uniformly(1000, use_triangle_normal=True).points)): success = False scene.unpack(init_state) # reset state if success: if push_distance_sample: distances = [np_random.choice(push_distance_distribution)] else: distances = push_distance_distribution kwargs = dict( object_push_pos=object_point_pos, object_push_dir=object_point_normal, tool_pos=final_tool_pos, tool_quat_wxyz=xyzw2wxyz(final_tool_quat_xyzw), tool_point_pos=rotate_vector(tool_point_pos - current_tool_pos, rotation_quat_xyzw) + final_tool_pos, tool_point_normal=rotate_vector(tool_point_normal, rotation_quat_xyzw), prepush_distance=prepush_distance ) for distance in distances: yield IndirectPushParameter(**kwargs, push_distance=distance)
[docs] def collision_free_qpos(table_scene: TableScene, object_id: int, qpos: np.ndarray, exclude: Optional[List[int]] = None, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: """Check whether the given qpos is collision free. The function also accepts a list of object ids to exclude (e.g., the object in hand). Args: robot: the robot. qpos: the qpos to check. exclude: the object ids to exclude. verbose: whether to print the collision information. Returns: True if the qpos is collision free. """ #check self collision collisions = table_scene.planner.check_for_self_collision(state=qpos) if len(collisions) > 0: if verbose: print(f' collision_free_qpos: self collision') return False # check collision with the environment scene = table_scene.scene robot = table_scene.robot init_state = scene.pack() # backup state robot.set_qpos(qpos) scene.step() contacts = get_contacts_with_articulation(scene, robot, distance_threshold=0.0001) if exclude is not None: for c in contacts: if c.actor0.get_id() not in exclude and c.actor1.get_id() not in exclude: if verbose: print(f' collision_free_qpos: collide between {c.actor0.get_name()} and {c.actor1.get_name()}') scene.unpack(init_state) return False else: for c in contacts: if verbose: print(f' collision_free_qpos: collide between {c.actor0.get_name()} and {c.actor1.get_name()}') scene.unpack(init_state) return False scene.unpack(init_state) return True
[docs] def mesh_line_intersect(t_mesh: o3d.t.geometry.TriangleMesh, ray_origin: np.ndarray, ray_direction: np.ndarray) -> Optional[tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Intersects a ray with a mesh. Args: t_mesh: the mesh to intersect with. ray_origin: the origin of the ray. ray_direction: the direction of the ray. Returns: A tuple of (point, normal) if an intersection is found, None otherwise. """ scene = o3d.t.geometry.RaycastingScene() scene.add_triangles(t_mesh) ray = o3d.core.Tensor.from_numpy(np.array( [[ray_origin[0], ray_origin[1], ray_origin[2], ray_direction[0], ray_direction[1], ray_direction[2]]], dtype=np.float32 )) result = scene.cast_rays(ray) # no intersection. if result['geometry_ids'][0] == scene.INVALID_ID: return None inter_point = np.asarray(ray_origin) + np.asarray(ray_direction) * result['t_hit'][0].item() inter_normal = result['primitive_normals'][0].numpy() return inter_point, inter_normal
[docs] def get_single_contact_normal(scene: Scene, object_id: int, support_id: int, deviation_tol: float = 0.05) -> np.ndarray: contacts = get_contacts_by_id(scene, object_id, support_id) if len(contacts) == 0: raise ValueError( f'No contact between {scene.find_actor_by_id(object_id).get_name()} and {scene.find_actor_by_id(support_id).get_name()}') contact_normals = np.array([point.normal for contact in contacts for point in contact.points]) contact_normal_avg = np.mean(contact_normals, axis=0) contact_normal_avg /= np.linalg.norm(contact_normal_avg) deviations = np.abs(1 - / np.linalg.norm(contact_normals, axis=1)) if np.max(deviations) > deviation_tol: raise ValueError( f'Contact normals of {scene.find_actor_by_id(object_id).get_name()} and {scene.find_actor_by_id(support_id).get_name()} are not consistent. This is likely due to multiple contact points.\n' f' Contact normals: {contact_normals}\n Deviations: {deviations}.' ) return contact_normal_avg
[docs] def main_0(): from utils.rotation_utils import rpy2wxyz from utils.sapien_utils import create_sphere, create_box from utils.camera_utils import get_rgba_img, imgs2mp4 import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--indirect', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--target', type=str, choices=['box', 'ball'], default='ball') parser.add_argument('--tool', type=str, choices=['hook'], default='hook') parser.add_argument('--output-video', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--check-reachability', type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() engine = sapien.Engine() renderer = sapien.SapienRenderer() engine.set_renderer(renderer) fps = 100.0 scene = engine.create_scene() scene.set_timestep(1 / fps) material = scene.create_physical_material(0.6, 0.6, 0.1) # Create a physical material ground = scene.add_ground(altitude=0, render_half_size=[20, 20, 0.1], material=material) # Add a ground target = None if == 'box': target = create_box( scene, sapien.Pose(p=[0, 0, 1]), half_size=[1, 1, 1], color=[1, 0, 0], name='box' ) elif == 'ball': target = create_sphere( scene, sapien.Pose(p=[0, 0, 1]), radius=1, color=[1, 0, 0], name='ball' ) else: raise ValueError(f'no such target object type {}') if args.indirect: builder = scene.create_actor_builder() builder.add_multiple_collisions_from_file('assets/custom_obj/hook/hook_vhacd.obj') builder.add_visual_from_file('assets/custom_obj/hook/hook_vhacd.obj') tool ='hook') tool.set_pose(sapien.Pose(p=[0, 0, 1])) else: pass # Add some lights so that you can observe the scene scene.set_ambient_light([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) scene.add_directional_light([0, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1], shadow=True) viewer = Viewer(renderer, resolutions=(768, 768)) # Create a viewer (window) viewer.set_scene(scene) # Bind the viewer and the scene # The coordinate frame in Sapien is: x(forward), y(left), z(upward) # The principle axis of the camera is the x-axis viewer.set_camera_xyz(x=0, y=0, z=20) # The rotation of the free camera is represented as [roll(x), pitch(-y), yaw(-z)] # The camera now looks at the origin viewer.set_camera_rpy(r=0, p=-np.pi / 2, y=np.pi / 2) viewer.window.set_camera_parameters(near=0.05, far=100, fovy=1) scene.step() camera = None if args.output_video: camera: sapien.CameraEntity = scene.add_camera( name='camera', fovy=np.deg2rad(80), width=768, height=768, near=0.05, far=100 ) camera.set_pose(sapien.Pose(p=[0, 0, 20], q=rpy2wxyz([0, np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2]))) if args.indirect: check_reachability = None if args.check_reachability: check_reachability: Callable[[np.ndarray], bool] = lambda point_cloud: np.any(point_cloud[:, 1] >= 7) push_generator = sample_indirect_push_with_support(scene, tool.get_id(), target.get_id(), ground.get_id(), contact_normal_tol=0.1, filter_push_dir=np.array([0, 1, 0]), check_reachability=check_reachability) else: push_generator = sample_push_with_support(scene, target.get_id(), ground.get_id()) current_marker_1 = None current_marker_2 = None step = 0 images = [] while not viewer.closed: # Press key q to quit if step % 100 == 0: if current_marker_1 is not None: scene.remove_actor(current_marker_1) if current_marker_2 is not None: scene.remove_actor(current_marker_2) if args.indirect: push_parameter: IndirectPushParameter = next(push_generator) tool.set_pose(Pose(p=push_parameter.tool_pos, q=push_parameter.tool_quat_wxyz)) current_marker_1 = create_sphere(scene, pose=Pose(p=push_parameter.object_push_pos), radius=0.1, color=[0, 0, 1], only_visual=True) current_marker_2 = create_sphere(scene, pose=Pose(p=push_parameter.tool_point_pos), radius=0.1, color=[0, 1, 0], only_visual=True) else: push_parameter: PushParameter = next(push_generator) current_marker_1 = create_sphere(scene, pose=Pose(p=push_parameter.push_pos), radius=0.2, color=[0, 0, 1], only_visual=True) scene.update_render() # Update the world to the renderer viewer.render() if camera is not None: images.append(get_rgba_img(camera=camera)) step += 1 if step >= 4000: break if camera is not None: target_name = f'{}' tool_name = f'{args.tool}_' if args.indirect else '' indirect_name = 'indirect_' if args.indirect else '' reachability_name = 'reachable_' if args.check_reachability and args.indirect else '' imgs2mp4(images, f'videos/sampling_{indirect_name}{reachability_name}push_{tool_name}{target_name}.mp4')
[docs] def main(): mug_scene = MugScene(mug_id=13, add_robot=True, fps=480) viewer = mug_scene.create_viewer() mug_scene.open_gripper() grasp_generator = sample_grasp(mug_scene, object_id=mug_scene.mug.get_id(), gripper_distance=0.08, verbose=False) for grasp in grasp_generator: grasp_qpos = grasp.qpos start_qpos = mug_scene.robot.get_qpos() result = gen_qpos_to_qpos_trajectory(mug_scene, start_qpos, grasp_qpos) mug_scene.follow_path(result) mug_scene.close_gripper() grasp_center = (grasp.point1 + grasp.point2) / 2 new_grasp_center = grasp_center + np.array([0, 0, 0.1]) qpos, _ = mug_scene.grasp_center_ik( grasp_center=new_grasp_center, ee_quat_wxyz=grasp.ee_quat_wxyz, start_qpos=mug_scene.robot.get_qpos(), threshold=1e-3, exclude_ids=[mug_scene.mug.get_id()] ) result = gen_qpos_to_qpos_trajectory(mug_scene, mug_scene.robot.get_qpos(), qpos, exclude_ids=[mug_scene.mug.get_id()]) mug_scene.follow_path(result) while not viewer.closed: mug_scene.step() mug_scene.update_render() viewer.render() break
if __name__ == '__main__': main()