#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : namo_polygon_map_creator.py
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email : maojiayuan@gmail.com
# Date : 05/26/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import json
import numpy as np
import cv2
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
from shapely.ops import triangulate, unary_union
from typing import Optional, List
class NamoMapCreator(object):
COLOR_FREE = (255, 255, 255)
COLOR_WALL = (0, 0, 0)
COLOR_OBSTACLE = (255, 128, 128) # Blue
COLOR_REMOVING = (128, 128, 255) # Yellow
AVAILABLE_MODES = ('poly', 'rect')
Key bindings:
- 'q': quit the current drawing process and enter the idle status.
- 'a': start drawing an obstacle.
- 'w': start drawing a wall.
- 'd': start removing.
- 'z': set the start position.
- 'x': set the goal position.
- 'f': finish the current drawing.
- ESC: quit the program.
def __init__(self, mode='poly', edit=None, width=800, height=800):
self.mode = mode
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.margin = 50
self.border = 2
self.actual_border_width = 10
self.total_margin = self.margin + self.border
self._status = 'idle'
self._mouse_pos_sequence = list()
self._current_mouse_pos = None
self._start_pos = None
self._goal_pos = None
self._obstacles = list()
self._walls = list()
if edit is not None:
def _load_map(self, filename: str):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
print('Loaded map from:', filename)
self.width = data['width']
self.height = data['height']
self._obstacles = [np.array(polygon) for polygon in data['obstacles']]
self._walls = [np.array(polygon) for polygon in data['raw_walls']]
self._start_pos = data['start']
self._goal_pos = data['goal']
print('Map size:', self.width, 'x', self.height)
print('Number of obstacles:', len(self._obstacles))
print('Number of walls:', len(self._walls))
def _add_initial_walls(self):
self._walls.append(self._gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence([(0, 0), (self.width, self.actual_border_width)]))
self._walls.append(self._gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence([(0, self.height - self.actual_border_width), (self.width, self.height)]))
self._walls.append(self._gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence([(0, 0), (self.actual_border_width, self.height)]))
self._walls.append(self._gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence([(self.width - self.actual_border_width, 0), (self.width, self.height)]))
def _make_image(self):
image = np.zeros((self.height + self.margin * 2 + 4, self.width + self.margin * 2 + 4, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
image[:, :] = self.COLOR_FREE
# Draw the border
image[self.total_margin - self.border:self.total_margin, :] = self.COLOR_WALL
image[-self.total_margin:-self.total_margin + self.border, :] = self.COLOR_WALL
image[:, self.total_margin - self.border:self.total_margin] = self.COLOR_WALL
image[:, -self.total_margin:-self.total_margin + self.border] = self.COLOR_WALL
for polygon in self._obstacles:
self._make_polygon(image, polygon, type='obstacle')
for polygon in self._walls:
self._make_polygon(image, polygon, type='wall')
if self._start_pos is not None:
cv2.circle(image, (self._start_pos[0] + self.total_margin, self._start_pos[1] + self.total_margin), 15, (255, 0, 0), -1)
if self._goal_pos is not None:
cv2.circle(image, (self._goal_pos[0] + self.total_margin, self._goal_pos[1] + self.total_margin), 15, (0, 255, 0), -1)
# Draw the current drawing
if self._status == 'drawing_obstacle':
self._make_polygon(image, np.array(self._mouse_pos_sequence), type='obstacle', temporary=True)
elif self._status == 'drawing_wall':
self._make_polygon(image, np.array(self._mouse_pos_sequence), type='wall', temporary=True)
elif self._status == 'removing':
self._make_polygon(image, np.array(self._mouse_pos_sequence), type='removing', temporary=True)
return image
def _gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence(self, mouse_sequence):
if self.mode == 'poly':
return np.array(mouse_sequence)
elif self.mode == 'rect':
return np.array([mouse_sequence[0], (mouse_sequence[-1][0], mouse_sequence[0][1]), mouse_sequence[-1], (mouse_sequence[0][0], mouse_sequence[-1][1])])
raise ValueError('Invalid mode: {}'.format(self.mode))
def _make_polygon(self, image, polygon, type='obstacle', temporary: bool = False):
polygon = polygon + self.total_margin
if type == 'obstacle':
color = self.COLOR_OBSTACLE
elif type == 'wall':
color = self.COLOR_WALL
elif type == 'removing':
color = self.COLOR_REMOVING
if temporary:
if len(polygon) > 0:
polygon = np.concatenate([polygon, [(self._current_mouse_pos[0] + self.total_margin, self._current_mouse_pos[1] + self.total_margin)]], axis=0)
polygon = self._gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence(polygon)
cv2.polylines(image, np.int32([polygon]), isClosed=True, color=color, thickness=2)
cv2.fillPoly(image, np.int32([polygon]), color)
_status: str
"""The status of the creator. Can be 'idle', 'drawing_obstacle', 'drawing_wall', or 'removing'."""
def mainloop(self):
cv2.namedWindow('map', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cv2.setMouseCallback('map', self._mouse_callback)
while True:
cv2.imshow('map', self._make_image())
key = cv2.waitKey(5)
q = self._key_callback(key)
if q:
return self.encode_map()
def encode_map(self):
"""Encode the map as a dictionary."""
return {
'width': self.width,
'height': self.height,
'obstacles': _to_list(self._obstacles),
'raw_walls': _to_list(self._walls),
'walls': _to_list(polygon_union(self._walls)),
'start': self._start_pos,
'goal': self._goal_pos
def encode_map_image(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Encode the map as an image."""
image = self._make_image()
# Exclude the added border.
return image[self.total_margin:self.total_margin + self.height, self.total_margin:self.total_margin + self.width]
def _mouse_callback(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
if self._status in ('drawing_obstacle', 'drawing_wall', 'removing'):
self._mouse_pos_sequence.append((x - self.total_margin, y - self.total_margin))
if len(self._mouse_pos_sequence) > 1 and self.mode == 'rect':
elif self._status == 'setting_start':
self._start_pos = (x - self.total_margin, y - self.total_margin)
self._status = 'idle'
elif self._status == 'setting_goal':
self._goal_pos = (x - self.total_margin, y - self.total_margin)
self._status = 'idle'
print('Please start drawing first.')
elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
self._current_mouse_pos = (x - self.total_margin, y - self.total_margin)
def _key_callback(self, key) -> bool:
"""Handle the key events."""
if key == ord('q'):
self._status = 'idle'
elif key == ord('z'):
self._status = 'setting_start'
elif key == ord('x'):
self._status = 'setting_goal'
elif key == ord('a'):
if len(self._mouse_pos_sequence) == 0:
self._status = 'drawing_obstacle'
print('Quit or finish the current drawing first.')
elif key == ord('w'):
if len(self._mouse_pos_sequence) == 0:
self._status = 'drawing_wall'
print('Quit or finish the current drawing first.')
elif key == ord('d'):
if len(self._mouse_pos_sequence) == 0:
self._status = 'removing'
print('Quit or finish the current drawing first.')
elif key == ord('f'):
elif key == 27:
return True
return False
def _finish_drawing(self):
new_polygon = self._gen_poly_from_mouse_sequence(self._mouse_pos_sequence)
if self._status == 'drawing_obstacle':
poly = intersect_polygon(new_polygon, np.array([[0, 0], [self.width, 0], [self.width, self.height], [0, self.height]]))
if poly is not None:
elif self._status == 'drawing_wall':
poly = intersect_polygon(new_polygon, np.array([[0, 0], [self.width, 0], [self.width, self.height], [0, self.height]]))
if poly is not None:
elif self._status == 'removing':
new_obstacles = list()
for polygon in self._obstacles:
new_obstacles.extend(subtract_polygon(polygon, new_polygon))
self._obstacles = new_obstacles
new_walls = list()
new_walls.extend(self._walls[:4]) # Skip the first four walls (corresponding to the outer boundary).
for polygon in self._walls[4:]:
new_walls.extend(subtract_polygon(polygon, new_polygon))
self._walls = new_walls
def intersect_polygon(polygon1: np.ndarray, polygon2: np.ndarray) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Return a new polygon that is the intersection of two polygons."""
Return a new polygon that is the intersection of two polygons.
polygon1 (numpy.ndarray): Nx2 array representing the first polygon.
polygon2 (numpy.ndarray): Nx2 array representing the second polygon.
Mx2 array representing the intersection polygon.
# Convert the numpy arrays to Shapely polygons
poly1 = Polygon(polygon1)
poly2 = Polygon(polygon2)
# Compute the intersection
intersection = poly1.intersection(poly2)
# If the intersection is empty, return an empty array
if intersection.is_empty:
return None
# Convert the intersection polygon to a numpy array
intersection_coords = np.array(intersection.exterior.coords)
return intersection_coords.astype(np.int32)
def subtract_polygon(polygon1: np.ndarray, polygon2: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Return a new polygon that is the difference of two polygons."""
Return a new polygon that is the difference of two polygons.
polygon1 (numpy.ndarray): Nx2 array representing the first polygon.
polygon2 (numpy.ndarray): Nx2 array representing the second polygon.
a list Mx2 array representing the difference polygon, possibly empty.
# Convert the numpy arrays to Shapely polygons
poly1 = Polygon(polygon1)
poly2 = Polygon(polygon2)
# Compute the difference
difference = poly1.difference(poly2)
# If the difference is empty, return an empty array
if difference.is_empty:
return list()
all_new_polygons = list()
if isinstance(difference, MultiPolygon):
for poly in difference.geoms:
all_new_polygons.append(np.array(poly.exterior.coords, dtype=np.int32))
all_new_polygons.append(np.array(difference.exterior.coords, dtype=np.int32))
return all_new_polygons
def polygon_remove_intersections(polygons: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""For each polygon in the list of polygons, remove any intersections with other polygons."""
# Convert the list of numpy arrays to a list of Shapely polygons
shapely_polygons = [Polygon(polygon) for polygon in polygons]
# Remove any intersections between the polygons
for i, polygon in enumerate(shapely_polygons):
for other_polygon in shapely_polygons[:i]:
shapely_polygons[i] = shapely_polygons[i].difference(other_polygon)
# Convert the convex decomposition to a list of numpy arrays
convex_polygons = [np.array(polygon.exterior.coords) for polygon in shapely_polygons]
return convex_polygons
def polygon_union(polygons: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Take the union of a list of polygons and return a list of convex polygons."""
if len(polygons) == 0:
return []
# Convert the list of numpy arrays to a list of Shapely polygons
shapely_polygons = [Polygon(polygon) for polygon in polygons]
union = unary_union(shapely_polygons)
if isinstance(union, MultiPolygon):
union_pieces = union.geoms
elif isinstance(union, Polygon):
union_pieces = [union]
raise ValueError('Invalid output type: {}'.format(type(union)))
convex_triangles = list()
for piece in union_pieces:
return convex_triangles
def polygon_convex_decomposition(polygon: Polygon) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Decompose a polygon into a list of convex polygons."""
Decompose a polygon into a list of convex polygons.
polygon: a Shapely polygon.
A list of numpy arrays, each representing a convex polygon.
triangles = [triangle for triangle in triangulate(polygon) if triangle.within(polygon)]
convex_triangles = [np.array(triangle.exterior.coords) for triangle in triangles]
return convex_triangles
def _to_list(polygons: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[List[List[int]]]:
"""Convert a list of polygons to a list of lists of lists."""
return [[[int(x), int(y)] for x, y in polygon] for polygon in polygons]