Source code for concepts.benchmark.manip_tabletop.pybullet_tabletop_base.pds_domains.pybullet_tabletop_pdsinterface

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 05/03/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import os.path as osp
from typing import Optional

from jacinle.logging import get_logger
from import State
from import PDSketchExecutor
from concepts.benchmark.manip_tabletop.pybullet_tabletop_base.pybullet_tabletop import TableTopEnv

logger = get_logger(__file__)

__all__ = ['get_tabletop_base_domain_filename', 'PybulletTableTopPDSketchInterface']

[docs] def get_tabletop_base_domain_filename() -> str: return osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'pybullet_tabletop_base.pdsketch')
[docs] class PybulletTableTopPDSketchInterface(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, env: TableTopEnv, executor: Optional[PDSketchExecutor] = None): self._executor = executor self._env = env if not hasattr(env.robot, 'gripper_constraint'): logger.warning('The robot does not have a gripper constraint. The interface may not work properly.')
@property def executor(self) -> PDSketchExecutor: if self._executor is None: raise RuntimeError('Executor is not initialized yet.') return self._executor
[docs] def set_executor(self, executor: PDSketchExecutor): self._executor = executor
@property def env(self) -> TableTopEnv: return self._env
[docs] def get_pds_state(self) -> State: objects = dict() for name, info in self.env.metainfo.items(): object_type = self.executor.domain.types['robot'] if name == 'robot' else self.executor.domain.types['item'] objects[name] = object_type state, ctx = self.executor.new_state(objects, create_context=True) for name, info in self.env.metainfo.items(): index = info['id'] if name == 'robot': ctx.set_value('robot-qpos', [name], self.env.robot.get_qpos()) ctx.set_value('robot-identifier', [name], index) else: ctx.set_value('item-pose', [name], ctx.set_value('item-identifier', [name], index) for name, info in self.env.metainfo.items(): if name not in ('robot', 'table', 'panda'): for name2 in self.env.get_support(info['id']): if name2 not in ('robot', 'panda'): ctx.set_value('support', [name, name2], True) ctx.init_feature('moveable') for name, info in self.env.metainfo.items(): if 'moveable' in info and info['moveable']: ctx.set_value('moveable', [name], True) if hasattr(self.env.robot, 'gripper_constraint'): if self.env.robot.gripper_constraint is None: ctx.define_predicates([ctx.robot_hands_free('robot')]) else: constraint = name =[constraint.child_body] ctx.define_predicates([ctx.robot_holding_item('robot', name)]) return state