Source code for concepts.simulator.tracik_utils.tracik_wrapper

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 12/19/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import math
import numpy as np
from tracikpy import TracIKSolver, MultiTracIKSolver
from concepts.math.rotationlib_xyzw import pos_quat2mat_xyzw
from concepts.utils.typing_utils import Vec3f, Vec4f

[docs] class TracIKWrapper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, ik_solver): self.ik_solver = ik_solver self.joint_names = self.ik_solver.joint_names
[docs] def solve(self, tool_pose_mat4, seed_conf=None, pos_tolerance: float = 1e-4, ori_tolerance: float = math.radians(5e-2)): # will use random seed_conf if seed_conf is None bx, by, bz = pos_tolerance * np.ones(3) brx, bry, brz = ori_tolerance * np.ones(3) conf = self.ik_solver.ik(tool_pose_mat4, qinit=seed_conf, bx=bx, by=by, bz=bz, brx=brx, bry=bry, brz=brz) name2conf = {name: j for name, j in zip(self.joint_names, conf)} return name2conf
[docs] def solve_closest(self, tool_pose_mat4, seed_conf, **kwargs): return self.solve(tool_pose_mat4, seed_conf=seed_conf, **kwargs)
[docs] def solve_multi(self, tool_pose_mat4, seed_conf=None, pos_tolerance: float = 1e-4, ori_tolerance: float = math.radians(5e-2), n_result: int = 20): """Compute multiple IK solutions for the given tool pose. Args: tool_pose_mat4: the target pose of the tool in the base frame. seed_conf: the initial joint configuration for the IK solver. pos_tolerance: the tolerance for the position of the tool. ori_tolerance: the tolerance for the orientation of the tool. n_result: the number of results to return. """ bx, by, bz = pos_tolerance * np.ones(3) brx, bry, brz = ori_tolerance * np.ones(3) is_valid_conf, confs = self.ik_solver.iks( np.repeat(tool_pose_mat4[np.newaxis, ...], n_result, axis=0), qinits=np.repeat(seed_conf[np.newaxis, ...], n_result, axis=0) if seed_conf is not None else None, bx=bx, by=by, bz=bz, brx=brx, bry=bry, brz=brz ) all_name2conf = [{name: j for name, j in zip(self.joint_names, conf)} for (is_valid, conf) in zip(is_valid_conf, confs) if is_valid] return all_name2conf
[docs] class URDFTracIKWrapper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, urdf_path, base_link_name: str): self.urdf_path = urdf_path self.base_link_name = base_link_name self.ik_solvers = {}
[docs] def create_tracik_solver(self, tool_link_name, max_time=0.025, error=1e-3): tracik_solver = MultiTracIKSolver( urdf_file=self.urdf_path, base_link=self.base_link_name, tip_link=tool_link_name, timeout=max_time, epsilon=error, solve_type='Distance' # Speed | Distance | Manipulation1 | Manipulation2 ) assert tracik_solver.joint_names tracik_solver.urdf_file = self.urdf_path return tracik_solver
[docs] def create_ik_solver(self, tool_link_name): tracik_solver = self.create_tracik_solver(tool_link_name) ik_solver = TracIKWrapper(tracik_solver) return ik_solver
[docs] def get_ik_solver(self, link_name): if link_name not in self.ik_solvers: self.ik_solvers[link_name] = self.create_ik_solver(link_name) return self.ik_solvers[link_name]
[docs] def gen_ik_mat(self, link_name, link_target_pose, seed_conf=None, return_all=False, n_proposals=20): solver = self.get_ik_solver(link_name) if seed_conf is not None: # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2024/12/20): implement joint name mapping raise NotImplementedError ik_solutions = solver.solve_multi(link_target_pose, n_result=n_proposals) valid_solutions = [ik_solution for ik_solution in ik_solutions if not self.is_self_collision(ik_solution)] if len(valid_solutions) == 0: return [] if return_all else None # sort according to torso changes valid_solutions_sorted = sorted(valid_solutions, key=lambda x: np.abs(np.array([qval for (joint_name, qval) in x.items() if 'torso' in joint_name])).sum()) if return_all: return valid_solutions_sorted return valid_solutions_sorted[0]
[docs] def gen_ik(self, link_name: str, pos: Vec3f, quat: Vec4f, seed_conf=None, **kwargs): tool_pose_mat4 = pos_quat2mat_xyzw(pos, quat) return self.gen_ik_mat(link_name, tool_pose_mat4, seed_conf=seed_conf, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_self_collision(self, name2conf): # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2024/12/19): implement this function return False