Source code for concepts.simulator.sapien2.test_planning

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from typing import Optional, Sequence, cast

import numpy as np
from mplib import Pose, PlanningWorld, ArticulatedModel, Planner
from mplib.pymp.collision_detection import AllowedCollisionMatrix, WorldDistanceResult, AllowedCollision, \
from mplib.pymp.collision_detection.fcl import FCLObject, CollisionObject, Box, Capsule, Convex, Halfspace, Sphere, \
    BVHModel, FCLModel, collide, distance
from mplib.pymp.planning.ompl import OMPLPlanner
from sapien.core import ActorBase, LinkBase, CollisionShape, BoxGeometry, CapsuleGeometry, ConvexMeshGeometry, \
    PlaneGeometry, NonconvexMeshGeometry, SphereGeometry, Scene, Articulation, ArticulationBase
from transforms3d.euler import euler2quat

from concepts.simulator.sapien2.srdf_exporter import export_srdf
from concepts.simulator.sapien2.table_top_scene import PANDA_PATH
from concepts.simulator.sapien2.urdf_exporter import export_kinematic_chain_urdf

# TODO: link names?
[docs] def convert_object_name(obj: ActorBase) -> str: """ Constructs a unique name for the corresponding mplib object. This is necessary because mplib objects assume unique names. :param obj: a SAPIEN object :return: the unique mplib object name """ if isinstance(obj, ArticulationBase): return f"{}_{obj.get_links()[0].get_id()}" if isinstance(obj, ActorBase): return f"{}_{obj.get_id()}" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown SAPIEN object type {type(obj)}")
[docs] class SapienPlanningWorld(PlanningWorld):
[docs] def __init__( self, sapien_scene: Scene, planned_articulations: list[Articulation] = [], # noqa: B006 ): """ Creates an mplib.PlanningWorld from a sapien.Scene. :param planned_articulations: list of planned articulations. """ super().__init__([]) self._sim_scene = sapien_scene articulations: list[Articulation] = sapien_scene.get_all_articulations() actors: list[ActorBase] = sapien_scene.get_all_actors() for articulation in articulations: urdf_str = export_kinematic_chain_urdf(articulation) srdf_str = export_srdf(articulation) # Convert all links to FCLObject collision_links = [ fcl_obj for link in articulation.get_links() if (fcl_obj := self.convert_sapien_actor(link)) is not None ] articulated_model = ArticulatedModel.create_from_urdf_string( urdf_str, srdf_str, collision_links=collision_links, gravity=sapien_scene.get_config().gravity, # type: ignore link_names=[ for link in articulation.get_links()], joint_names=[ for j in articulation.get_active_joints()], verbose=True, ) articulated_model.set_qpos(articulation.get_qpos()) # update qpos # type: ignore self.add_articulation(articulated_model) for articulation in planned_articulations: self.set_articulation_planned(convert_object_name(articulation), True) for actor in actors: component = actor.get_collision_shapes() assert len(component) != 0, ( f"No collision shape found in {}: " f"{actor.components=}" ) # Convert collision shapes at current global pose if (fcl_obj := self.convert_sapien_actor(actor)) is not None: # type: ignore self.add_object(fcl_obj)
[docs] def update_from_simulation(self, *, update_attached_object: bool = True) -> None: """ Updates PlanningWorld's articulations/objects pose with current Scene state. Note that shape's local_pose is not updated. If those are changed, please recreate a new SapienPlanningWorld instance. :param update_attached_object: whether to update the attached pose of all attached objects """ for articulation in self._sim_scene.get_all_articulations(): if art := self.get_articulation(convert_object_name(articulation)): # set_qpos to update poses art.set_qpos(articulation.qpos) # type: ignore else: raise RuntimeError( f"Articulation {} not found in PlanningWorld! " "The scene might have changed since last update." ) for ActorBase in self._sim_scene.get_all_actors(): object_name = convert_object_name(ActorBase) # If ActorBase is an attached object if attached_body := self.get_attached_object(object_name): if update_attached_object: # update attached pose attached_body.pose = ( attached_body.get_attached_link_global_pose().inv() * ActorBase.pose # type: ignore ) attached_body.update_pose() elif fcl_obj := self.get_object(object_name): # Overwrite the object self.add_object( FCLObject( object_name, ActorBase.pose, # type: ignore fcl_obj.shapes, fcl_obj.shape_poses, ) ) elif ( len( ActorBase.get_collision_shapes() # type: ignore ) > 0 ): raise RuntimeError( f"ActorBase {} not found in PlanningWorld! " "The scene might have changed since last update." )
[docs] def check_collision_between( self, obj_A: ArticulationBase | ActorBase, obj_B: ArticulationBase | ActorBase, *, acm: AllowedCollisionMatrix = AllowedCollisionMatrix(), # noqa: B008 ) -> list[WorldCollisionResult]: """ Check collision between two objects, which can either be a ArticulationBase or an ActorBase. :param obj_A: object A to check for collision. :param obj_B: object B to check for collision. :param acm: allowed collision matrix. :return: a list of WorldCollisionResult. Empty if there's no collision. """ col_obj_A = self._get_collision_obj(obj_A) col_obj_B = self._get_collision_obj(obj_B) if isinstance(obj_A, ArticulationBase): # A is articulation, B is anything assert isinstance(col_obj_A, FCLModel), f"Wrong type: {type(col_obj_A)}" return col_obj_A.check_collision_with(col_obj_B, acm=acm) elif isinstance(obj_B, ArticulationBase): # A is object, B is articulation assert isinstance(col_obj_B, FCLModel), f"Wrong type: {type(col_obj_B)}" return col_obj_B.check_collision_with(col_obj_A, acm=acm) elif isinstance(obj_B, ActorBase): # A is object, B is object assert isinstance(col_obj_A, FCLObject) and isinstance( col_obj_B, FCLObject ), f"Wrong type: col_obj_A={type(col_obj_A)}, col_obj_B={type(col_obj_B)}" if ( acm_type := acm.get_allowed_collision(, ) is None or acm_type == AllowedCollision.NEVER: result = collide(col_obj_A, col_obj_B) if result.is_collision(): return [ WorldCollisionResult( result, "object_object",,,,, ) ] return [] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"obj_A={obj_A}, obj_B={obj_B}")
[docs] def distance_between( self, obj_A: ArticulationBase | ActorBase, obj_B: ArticulationBase | ActorBase, *, acm: AllowedCollisionMatrix = AllowedCollisionMatrix(), # noqa: B008 return_distance_only: bool = True, ) -> WorldDistanceResult | float: """ Check distance-to-collision between two objects, which can either be a ArticulationBase or an ActorBase. :param obj_A: object A to check for collision. :param obj_B: object B to check for collision. :param acm: allowed collision matrix. :param return_distance_only: if True, return distance only. :return: a WorldDistanceResult or a float if return_distance_only==True. """ col_obj_A = self._get_collision_obj(obj_A) col_obj_B = self._get_collision_obj(obj_B) ret = WorldDistanceResult() if isinstance(obj_A, ArticulationBase): # A is articulation, B is anything assert isinstance(col_obj_A, FCLModel), f"Wrong type: {type(col_obj_A)}" ret = col_obj_A.distance_with(col_obj_B, acm=acm) elif isinstance(obj_B, ArticulationBase): # A is object, B is articulation assert isinstance(col_obj_B, FCLModel), f"Wrong type: {type(col_obj_B)}" ret = col_obj_B.distance_with(col_obj_A, acm=acm) elif isinstance(obj_B, ActorBase): # A is object, B is object assert isinstance(col_obj_A, FCLObject) and isinstance( col_obj_B, FCLObject ), f"Wrong type: col_obj_A={type(col_obj_A)}, col_obj_B={type(col_obj_B)}" if ( acm_type := acm.get_allowed_collision(, ) is None or acm_type == AllowedCollision.NEVER: result = distance(col_obj_A, col_obj_B) ret = WorldDistanceResult( result, result.min_distance, "object_object",,,,, ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"obj_A={obj_A}, obj_B={obj_B}") return ret.min_distance if return_distance_only else ret
def _get_collision_obj( self, obj: ArticulationBase | ActorBase, ) -> FCLModel | FCLObject | None: """Helper function to get mplib collision object from sapien object""" if isinstance(obj, ArticulationBase) and ( articulation := self.get_articulation(convert_object_name(obj)) ): return articulation.get_fcl_model() elif isinstance(obj, ActorBase) and ( fcl_obj := self.get_object(convert_object_name(obj)) ): return fcl_obj else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unknown SAPIEN object type: {type(obj)} or " f"Object {} not found in PlanningWorld " "(The scene might have changed since last update)" )
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_sapien_actor(actor: ActorBase) -> FCLObject | None: """ Converts a SAPIEN Actor Base to an FCLObject. All shapes in the returned FCLObject are already set at their world poses. :param actor: a SAPIEN ActorBase. :return: an FCLObject containing all collision shapes in the Physx component. If the component has no collision shapes, return ``None``. """ shapes: list[CollisionObject] = [] shape_poses: list[Pose] = [] for shape in actor.get_collision_shapes(): shape_poses.append(shape.get_local_pose()) geometry = shape.geometry if isinstance(geometry, BoxGeometry): geometry = cast(BoxGeometry, geometry) c_geom = Box(side=geometry.half_lengths * 2) elif isinstance(geometry, CapsuleGeometry): geometry = cast(CapsuleGeometry, geometry) c_geom = Capsule(radius=geometry.radius, lz=geometry.half_length * 2) # NOTE: physx Capsule has x-axis along capsule height # FCL Capsule has z-axis along capsule height shape_poses[-1] *= Pose(q=euler2quat(0, np.pi / 2, 0)) elif isinstance(geometry, ConvexMeshGeometry): geometry = cast(ConvexMeshGeometry, geometry) vertices = geometry.vertices * geometry.scale # [n, 3] faces = geometry.indices.reshape(-1, 3) # [m * 3] c_geom = Convex(vertices=vertices, faces=faces) elif isinstance(geometry, PlaneGeometry): # PhysxCollisionShapePlane are actually a halfspace # # PxPlane's Pose determines its normal and offert (normal is +x) n = shape_poses[-1].to_transformation_matrix()[:3, 0] d =[-1].p) c_geom = Halfspace(n=n, d=d) shape_poses[-1] = Pose() elif isinstance(geometry, SphereGeometry): geometry = cast(SphereGeometry, geometry) c_geom = Sphere(radius=geometry.radius) elif isinstance(geometry, NonconvexMeshGeometry): geometry = cast(NonconvexMeshGeometry, geometry) vertices = geometry.vertices * geometry.scale # [n, 3] faces = geometry.indices.reshape(-1, 3) # [m * 3] c_geom = BVHModel() c_geom.begin_model() c_geom.add_sub_model(vertices=vertices, faces=faces) # type: ignore c_geom.end_model() else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown shape type: {type(shape)}") shapes.append(CollisionObject(c_geom)) if len(shapes) == 0: return None return FCLObject( if isinstance(actor, LinkBase) else convert_object_name(actor), actor.pose, # type: ignore shapes, shape_poses, )
[docs] class SapienPlanner(Planner):
[docs] def __init__( self, sapien_planning_world: SapienPlanningWorld, move_group: str, *, joint_vel_limits: Optional[Sequence[float] | np.ndarray] = None, joint_acc_limits: Optional[Sequence[float] | np.ndarray] = None, ): """ Creates an mplib.planner.Planner from a SapienPlanningWorld. :param sapien_planning_world: a SapienPlanningWorld created from sapien.Scene :param move_group: name of the move group (end effector link) :param joint_vel_limits: joint velocity limits for time parameterization :param joint_acc_limits: joint acceleration limits for time parameterization """ self.planning_world = sapien_planning_world self.acm = self.planning_world.get_allowed_collision_matrix() if len(planned_arts := self.planning_world.get_planned_articulations()) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Must have exactly one planned articulation") self.robot = planned_arts[0] self.pinocchio_model = self.robot.get_pinocchio_model() self.user_link_names = self.pinocchio_model.get_link_names() self.user_joint_names = self.pinocchio_model.get_joint_names() self.joint_name_2_idx = {} for i, joint in enumerate(self.user_joint_names): self.joint_name_2_idx[joint] = i self.link_name_2_idx = {} for i, link in enumerate(self.user_link_names): self.link_name_2_idx[link] = i assert ( move_group in self.user_link_names ), f"end-effector not found as one of the links in {self.user_link_names}" self.move_group = move_group self.robot.set_move_group(self.move_group) self.move_group_joint_indices = self.robot.get_move_group_joint_indices() self.joint_types = self.pinocchio_model.get_joint_types() self.joint_limits = np.concatenate(self.pinocchio_model.get_joint_limits()) if joint_vel_limits is None: joint_vel_limits = np.ones(len(self.move_group_joint_indices)) if joint_acc_limits is None: joint_acc_limits = np.ones(len(self.move_group_joint_indices)) self.joint_vel_limits = joint_vel_limits self.joint_acc_limits = joint_acc_limits self.move_group_link_id = self.link_name_2_idx[self.move_group] assert ( len(self.joint_vel_limits) == len(self.joint_acc_limits) == len(self.move_group_joint_indices) <= len(self.joint_limits) ), ( "length of joint_vel_limits, joint_acc_limits, and move_group_joint_indices" " should equal and be <= number of total joints. " f"{len(self.joint_vel_limits)} == {len(self.joint_acc_limits)} " f"== {len(self.move_group_joint_indices)} <= {len(self.joint_limits)}" ) # Mask for joints that have equivalent values (revolute joints with range > 2pi) self.equiv_joint_mask = [ t.startswith("JointModelR") for t in self.joint_types ] & (self.joint_limits[:, 1] - self.joint_limits[:, 0] > 2 * np.pi) self.planner = OMPLPlanner(world=self.planning_world)
[docs] def update_from_simulation(self, *, update_attached_object: bool = True) -> None: """ Updates PlanningWorld's articulations/objects pose with current Scene state. Note that shape's local_pose is not updated. If those are changed, please recreate a new SapienPlanningWorld instance. Directly calls ``SapienPlanningWorld.update_from_simulation()`` :param update_attached_object: whether to update the attached pose of all attached objects """ self.planning_world.update_from_simulation( update_attached_object=update_attached_object )