Source code for concepts.simulator.pybullet.pybullet_mjcf_utils

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 02/17/2020
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import as io
import os.path as osp

__all__ = ['MJCFcanonicalizer', 'canonicalize_mjcf']

[docs] class MJCFcanonicalizer(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, xml_object=None): self.filename = filename self.dirname = osp.dirname(self.filename) self.xml_object = xml_object if self.xml_object is None: self.xml_object = io.load_xml(self.filename) self.directories = dict()
[docs] def resolve_path(self, path, type=None): if osp.isfile(path): return path if type is not None: if type in self.directories: asset_path = osp.join(self.directories[type], path) if osp.isfile(asset_path): return path else: rel_path = osp.realpath(osp.join(self.dirname, path)) rel_path = osp.relpath(rel_path, start=self.directories[type]) return rel_path rel_path = osp.realpath(osp.join(self.dirname, path)) return rel_path
def _canonicalize_include_inner(self, object): found = False for k in list(object.keys()): if k == 'include': found = True v = object.pop(k) if isinstance(v, list): for sub_v in v: self._canonicalize_include_append(object, sub_v) else: self._canonicalize_include_append(object, v) elif not k.startswith('__'): v = object[k] if isinstance(v, list): for sub_v in v: found = found or self._canonicalize_include_inner(sub_v) else: found = found or self._canonicalize_include_inner(v) return found def _canonicalize_include_append(self, object, include_obj): sub_xml_object = io.load_xml(self.resolve_path(include_obj['__attribute__']['file'])) for name, child in sub_xml_object.items(): if not name.startswith('__'): _xml_add_to(object, name, child) def _canonicalize_include(self, object): for i in range(100): found = self._canonicalize_include_inner(object) if not found: break def _canonicalize_directories(self, object): if 'compiler' in object: attributes = object['compiler']['__attribute__'] if 'meshdir' in attributes: self.directories['mesh'] = attributes['meshdir'] = self.resolve_path(attributes['meshdir']) + '/' if 'texturedir' in attributes: self.directories['texture'] = attributes['texturedir'] = ( self.resolve_path(attributes['texturedir']) + '/' ) def _canonicalize_attributes(self, object): for k, v in object.items(): if not k.startswith('__'): if isinstance(v, list): for sub_v in v: self._canonicalize_attributes(sub_v) else: self._canonicalize_attributes(v) tag, attributes = object['__name__'], object['__attribute__'] if tag == 'geom': if 'type' not in attributes: attributes['type'] = 'sphere' elif tag == 'joint': if 'type' not in attributes: attributes['type'] = 'hinge' elif tag == 'mesh': if 'file' in attributes: attributes['file'] = self.resolve_path(attributes['file'], type='mesh') elif tag == 'texture': if 'file' in attributes: attributes['file'] = self.resolve_path(attributes['file'], type='texture')
[docs] def canonicalize(self): self._canonicalize_include(self.xml_object) self._canonicalize_directories(self.xml_object) self._canonicalize_attributes(self.xml_object) return self.xml_object
[docs] def canonicalize_mjcf(filename, xml_object=None): return MJCFcanonicalizer(filename, xml_object=xml_object).canonicalize()
def _xml_add_to(object, name, child): if name not in object: object[name] = child else: if isinstance(object[name], list): if isinstance(child, list): object[name].extend(child) else: object[name].append(child) else: if isinstance(child, list): object[name] = [object[name]] + child else: object[name] = [object[name], child] return object