Source code for concepts.language.ccg.syntax

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 01/05/2020
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""Data structures for syntax types in a linguistic CCG."""

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, List
from jacinle.utils.cache import cached_property
from jacinle.utils.meta import repr_from_str
from jacinle.utils.printing import indent_text

from concepts.language.ccg.composition import CCGCompositionDirection, CCGCompositionError, get_ccg_composition_context, CCGComposable

__all__ = [
    'CCGSyntaxCompositionError', 'CCGSyntaxTypeParsingError',
    'CCGSyntaxType', 'CCGPrimitiveSyntaxType', 'CCGConjSyntaxType', 'CCGComposedSyntaxType',
    'CCGSyntaxSystem', 'parse_syntax_type'

[docs] class CCGSyntaxCompositionError(CCGCompositionError): """Raised when the composition of two syntax types is not allowed."""
[docs] def __init__(self, message: Optional[str] = None): if message is None: super().__init__(None) else: super().__init__('(Syntax) ' + message)
[docs] class CCGSyntaxTypeParsingError(Exception): """Raised when the parsing of a syntax type string fails."""
[docs] class CCGSyntaxType(CCGComposable): """Syntax types for CCG. There are three types of syntax types: - Primitive syntax types: `N`, `S`, `NP`, `VP`, etc. - Composed syntax types: `S/NP`, `S\\NP`, etc. - Conjunction syntax types: `CONJ`, etc. """
[docs] def __init__(self, typename: Optional[str] = None): self.typename = typename
# This property is inherited from CCGComposable. @property def is_none(self) -> bool: return self.typename is None # This property is inherited from CCGComposable. @property def is_conj(self) -> bool: return False @property def arity(self) -> int: """The arity of the syntax type. That is, the number of arguments it needs to combine before it becomes a primitive syntax type.""" return 0 @property def is_function(self) -> bool: """Whether the syntax type is a function type. That is, whether it can do function application with another syntax type.""" return False @property def is_value(self) -> bool: """Whether the syntax type is a value type. That is, whether it is a primitive syntax type.""" return False @property def parenthesis_typename(self) -> str: """Return the typename with parenthesis.""" return self.typename def _fapp(self, right: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> 'CCGSyntaxType': return _forward_application(self, right) def _bapp(self, lhs: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> 'CCGSyntaxType': return _backward_application(lhs, self) def _coord3(self, lhs: 'CCGSyntaxType', rhs: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> 'CCGSyntaxType': return _coordination(lhs, self, rhs) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.typename) __repr__ = repr_from_str def __truediv__(self, other: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> 'CCGSyntaxType': """Construct a `A/B` syntax type.""" return CCGComposedSyntaxType(self, other, direction=CCGCompositionDirection.RIGHT)
[docs] def __floordiv__(self, other: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> 'CCGSyntaxType': """Construct a `A\\B` syntax type.""" return CCGComposedSyntaxType(self, other, direction=CCGCompositionDirection.LEFT)
def __eq__(self, other: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> bool: """Return whether two syntax types are equal.""" return self.typename == other.typename def __ne__(self, other: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> bool: return self.typename != other.typename def __hash__(self): return str(self) def __lt__(self, other: 'CCGSyntaxType') -> bool: """Customized comparison function for sorting a list of syntax types.""" a, b = str(self), str(other) return (a.count('/') + a.count('\\'), a) < (b.count('/') + b.count('\\'), b)
[docs] def flatten(self) -> List[Union['CCGSyntaxType', Tuple['CCGSyntaxType', CCGCompositionDirection]]]: """Flatten the recursive definition of a syntax type into a list of lower-level syntax types. For example, the syntax type ``S/NP`` will be flattened into ``[S, NP, (S/NP, RIGHT)]``. Returns: the list of flattened lower-level syntax types. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class CCGPrimitiveSyntaxType(CCGSyntaxType): """The primitive syntax types (e.g., NP).""" @property def is_value(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def flatten(self) -> List[CCGSyntaxType]: return [self]
[docs] class CCGConjSyntaxType(CCGSyntaxType): """A conjunction syntax type.""" @property def is_conj(self): return True
[docs] def __call__(self, lhs: CCGSyntaxType, rhs: CCGSyntaxType) -> CCGSyntaxType: """Construct the resulting syntax type for `A CONJ B` given A and B. Args: lhs: The left syntax type (A). rhs: The right syntax type (B). Returns: CCGSyntaxType: The resulting syntax type. """ return lhs
[docs] def flatten(self) -> List[CCGSyntaxType]: return [self]
[docs] class CCGComposedSyntaxType(CCGSyntaxType): """A composed syntax type (e.g., S/NP)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, main: CCGSyntaxType, sub: CCGSyntaxType, direction: CCGCompositionDirection): """Initialize the composed syntax type. Args: main: the main syntax type (e.g., S). sub: the sub syntax type (e.g., NP). direction: the composition direction (e.g., RIGHT). """ self.main = main self.sub = sub self.direction = CCGCompositionDirection.from_string(direction) if self.direction is CCGCompositionDirection.RIGHT: typename = self.main.typename + '/' + self.sub.parenthesis_typename else: typename = self.main.typename + '\\' + self.sub.parenthesis_typename super().__init__(typename)
@cached_property def arity(self) -> int: return self.main.arity + 1 @property def is_function(self) -> bool: return True @property def parenthesis_typename(self) -> str: return '{' + f'{self.typename}' + '}'
[docs] def flatten(self) -> List[Union[CCGSyntaxType, Tuple[CCGSyntaxType, CCGCompositionDirection]]]: ret = self.main.flatten() ret.append((self.sub, self.direction)) return ret
def _forward_application(lhs, rhs): if isinstance(lhs, CCGComposedSyntaxType): if lhs.direction == CCGCompositionDirection.RIGHT: if lhs.sub == rhs: return lhs.main with get_ccg_composition_context().exc(CCGSyntaxCompositionError): raise CCGSyntaxCompositionError(f'Cannot make forward application of {lhs} and {rhs}.') def _backward_application(lhs, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, CCGComposedSyntaxType): if rhs.direction == CCGCompositionDirection.LEFT: if rhs.sub == lhs: return rhs.main with get_ccg_composition_context().exc(CCGSyntaxCompositionError): raise CCGSyntaxCompositionError(f'Cannot make backward application of {lhs} and {rhs}.') def _coordination(lhs, conj, rhs): if lhs == rhs and isinstance(conj, CCGConjSyntaxType): return conj(lhs, rhs) with get_ccg_composition_context().exc(CCGSyntaxCompositionError): raise CCGSyntaxCompositionError(f'Cannot make coordination of {lhs} {conj} {rhs}.')
[docs] class CCGSyntaxSystem(object): """A data structure that keeps track of a set of primitive and conjunction syntax types allowed in a grammar."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.types = dict()
[docs] def define_primitive_type(self, stype: Union[CCGSyntaxType, str]): """Define a primitive syntax type. Args: stype: The syntax type to be defined. """ if isinstance(stype, CCGSyntaxType): self.types[stype.typename] = stype elif isinstance(stype, str): self.types[stype] = CCGPrimitiveSyntaxType(stype) else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid type: {stype}.')
[docs] def define_conj_type(self, stype: Union[CCGSyntaxType, str]): """Define a conj syntax type. Args: stype: The syntax type to be defined. """ if isinstance(stype, CCGSyntaxType): self.types[stype.typename] = stype elif isinstance(stype, str): self.types[stype] = CCGConjSyntaxType(stype) else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid type: {stype}.')
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item: Optional[Union[CCGSyntaxType, str]]) -> CCGSyntaxType: """A syntax sugar for `parse_syntax_type`. - When the string is `None`, return `None`. - When the string is a `CCGSyntaxType`, return the type itself. Args: item: The string to be parsed. Returns: CCGSyntaxType: The parsed syntax type. """ if item is None: return CCGSyntaxType(None) if isinstance(item, CCGSyntaxType): return item return parse_syntax_type(item, syntax_system=self)
def __str__(self) -> str: return 'CCGSyntaxSystem(' + ', '.join([str(x) for x in self.types.keys()]) + ')' __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def format_sumamry(self) -> str: fmt = 'Primitive and Conjunction types:\n' for type in self.types.values(): fmt += ' ' + str(type) + '\n' fmt = 'CCGSyntaxSystem:\n' + indent_text(fmt.rstrip()) return fmt
[docs] def print_summary(self): print(self.format_sumamry())
[docs] def parse_syntax_type(string: str, syntax_system: Optional[CCGSyntaxSystem] = None) -> CCGSyntaxType: """Parse a string to a syntax type. Args: string: The string to be parsed. syntax_system: The syntax system to be used. Defaults to None. Returns: CCGSyntaxType: The parsed syntax type. """ def parse_inner(current): if current == '': raise CCGSyntaxTypeParsingError('Invalid syntax type string (got empty type): {}.'.format(string)) nr_parenthesis = 0 last_op = None for i, c in enumerate(current): if c in r'\/': if nr_parenthesis == 0: last_op = i if c == '(': nr_parenthesis += 1 elif c == ')': nr_parenthesis -= 1 if nr_parenthesis < 0: raise CCGSyntaxTypeParsingError('Invalid parenthesis (extra ")"): {}.'.format(string)) if nr_parenthesis != 0: raise CCGSyntaxTypeParsingError('Invalid parenthesis (extra "("): {}.'.format(string)) if last_op is None: if current[0] == '(' and current[-1] == ')': return parse_inner(current[1:-1]) else: if syntax_system is None: return CCGSyntaxType(current) else: if current in syntax_system.types: return syntax_system.types[current] else: raise CCGSyntaxTypeParsingError('Unknown primitive syntax type {} during parsing {}.'.format(current, string)) last_op_value = CCGCompositionDirection.RIGHT if current[last_op] == '/' else CCGCompositionDirection.LEFT return CCGComposedSyntaxType( parse_inner(current[:last_op]), parse_inner(current[last_op + 1:]), direction=last_op_value ) return parse_inner(string)