Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 01/05/2020
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""Algorithms for enumerate possible syntax types and semantic forms in a domain."""

import itertools
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Iterable, Tuple, List, Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from jacinle.utils.defaults import default_args, ARGDEF

from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import FunctionType, Function
from concepts.dsl.expression import ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression
from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain
from concepts.dsl.learning.function_domain_search import FunctionDomainExpressionEnumerativeSearcher, stat_function
from concepts.language.ccg.syntax import CCGSyntaxSystem, CCGPrimitiveSyntaxType, CCGSyntaxType
from concepts.language.ccg.semantics import CCGSemantics

__all__ = [
    'CCGSyntaxSearchResult', 'CCGSyntaxSearcherBase', 'CCGSyntaxEnumerativeSearcher', 'gen_syntax_search_result_from_syntax_types',
    'CCGSemanticsSearchResult', 'CCGSemanticsSearcherBase', 'CCGSemanticsEnumerativeSearcher', 'gen_semantics_search_result_from_functions',

[docs] @dataclass class CCGSyntaxSearchResult(object): """Search result for :class:`CCGSyntaxSearcherBase`.""" syntax: CCGSyntaxType """The candidate syntax type.""" depth: int """The depth of the candidate syntax type."""
[docs] class CCGSyntaxSearcherBase(object): """Base class for syntax searchers."""
[docs] def __init__(self, syntax_system: CCGSyntaxSystem): """Initialize the searcher. Args: syntax_system: the syntax system, containing all primitive and conjunction syntax types. """ self._syntax_system = syntax_system
@property def syntax_system(self): """The syntax system.""" return self._syntax_system
[docs] def gen(self) -> List[CCGSyntaxSearchResult]: """Generate a list of candidate syntax types. Returns: A list of candidate syntax types. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class CCGSyntaxEnumerativeSearcher(CCGSyntaxSearcherBase): """Enumerative searcher for syntax types."""
[docs] def __init__(self, syntax_system: CCGSyntaxSystem, starting_symbols: Iterable[str] = ('S', )): """Initialize the searcher. Args: syntax_system: the syntax system, containing all primitive and conjunction syntax types. starting_symbols: the root primitive symbol for candidate syntax types. """ super().__init__(syntax_system) self._starting_symbols = tuple(starting_symbols) for s in self._starting_symbols: assert isinstance(self._syntax_system[s], CCGPrimitiveSyntaxType)
[docs] def gen(self, max_depth: int = 3, allow_functor_type: bool = False) -> List[CCGSyntaxSearchResult]: """Generate a list of candidate syntax types. Args: max_depth: The maximum depth of the syntax tree. allow_functor_type: Whether to allow functor types during composition. When this is set to False, the function will not generate any syntax types that contains functor-typed arguments. For example S/(NP/NP). Returns: A list of candidate syntax types. """ current = {i: list() for i in range(1, max_depth + 1)} current_typenames = set() def add(depth, syntax): if syntax.typename not in current_typenames: current[depth].append(syntax) current_typenames.add(syntax.typename) for symbol in self._syntax_system.types.values(): add(1, symbol) for depth in range(2, max_depth + 1): if allow_functor_type: for depth1 in range(1, depth): for depth2 in range(1, depth - depth1 + 1): for syntax1, syntax2 in itertools.product(current[depth1], current[depth2]): if syntax2.typename not in self._starting_symbols: add(depth, syntax1 / syntax2) add(depth, syntax1 // syntax2) else: depth1 = depth - 1 depth2 = depth - depth1 for syntax1, syntax2 in itertools.product(current[depth1], current[depth2]): if syntax2.typename not in self._starting_symbols: add(depth, syntax1 / syntax2) add(depth, syntax1 // syntax2) results = list() for k, vs in current.items(): results.extend([CCGSyntaxSearchResult(v, k) for v in vs]) return results
[docs] def gen_syntax_search_result_from_syntax_types(syntax_system: CCGSyntaxSystem, syntax_types: Iterable[CCGSyntaxType]) -> List[CCGSyntaxSearchResult]: """Generate a list of syntax search results from a list of syntax types. Args: syntax_system: the syntax system, containing all primitive and conjunction syntax types. syntax_types: the syntax types. Returns: A list of syntax search results. """ results = list() for syntax_type in syntax_types: results.append(CCGSyntaxSearchResult(syntax_type, 0)) return results
[docs] @dataclass class CCGSemanticsSearchResult(object): """Search result for :class:`CCGSemanticsSearcherBase`.""" semantics: CCGSemantics """The candidate semantic form.""" depth: int """The depth of the candidate semantics.""" nr_constant_arguments: int """The number of constant arguments in the semantic form.""" nr_variable_arguments: int """The number of variable arguments in the semantic form.""" nr_function_arguments: int """The number of function arguments in the semantic form."""
[docs] class CCGSemanticsSearcherBase(object): """Base class for semantics searchers."""
[docs] def gen(self) -> List[CCGSemanticsSearchResult]: """Generate a list of candidate semantic forms. Returns: A list of candidate semantic forms. """ raise NotImplementedError()
_Types = FunctionDomain.AllowedTypes
[docs] class CCGSemanticsEnumerativeSearcher(CCGSemanticsSearcherBase): """Enumerative searcher for semantics."""
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: FunctionDomain): """Initialize the searcher. Args: domain: the domain of the semantics. """ self._domain = domain self._enumerator = FunctionDomainExpressionEnumerativeSearcher(domain)
[docs] def gen( self, max_depth: int = ARGDEF, return_type: Optional[Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]] = None, max_variable_arguments: int = ARGDEF, max_constant_arguments: int = ARGDEF, max_function_arguments: int = ARGDEF, search_constants: bool = ARGDEF, hash_function: Callable[[Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression]], Any] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> List[CCGSemanticsSearchResult]: """Generate a list of candidate semantic forms. Args: max_depth: the maximum depth of the semantics tree. return_type: the return type of the semantics. max_variable_arguments: the maximum number of variables in the semantics. max_constant_arguments: the maximum number of constants in the semantics. max_function_arguments: the maximum number of functions in the semantics. search_constants: whether to search for constants when generating semantic forms. hash_function: an optional hash function that will be used to filter out duplicate functions. verbose: whether to print out the progress. Returns: A list of candidate semantic forms. """ return ( (self.gen_constant_semantics(return_type) if search_constants else list()) + self.gen_function_semantics( return_type, max_depth=max_depth, max_variable_arguments=max_variable_arguments, max_constant_arguments=max_constant_arguments, max_function_arguments=max_function_arguments, search_constants=search_constants, hash_function=hash_function, verbose=verbose ) )
[docs] def gen_constant_semantics( self, return_type: Optional[Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]] = None ) -> List[CCGSemanticsSearchResult]: """Generate a list of candidate semantic forms that are simply constants. Args: return_type: the return type of the semantics. Returns: A list of candidate semantic forms. """ return [CCGSemanticsSearchResult( CCGSemantics(c.expression), depth=0, nr_constant_arguments=1, nr_variable_arguments=0, nr_function_arguments=0 ) for c in self._enumerator.gen_constant_expressions(return_type)]
[docs] @default_args def gen_function_semantics( self, return_type: Optional[Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]] = None, *, max_depth: int = 3, max_variable_arguments: int = 2, max_constant_arguments: int = 1, max_function_arguments: int = 0, search_constants: bool = False, hash_function: Callable[[Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression]], Any] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> List[CCGSemanticsSearchResult]: return [CCGSemanticsSearchResult( CCGSemantics(f.expression), depth=f.depth, nr_constant_arguments=f.nr_constant_arguments, nr_variable_arguments=f.nr_variable_arguments, nr_function_arguments=f.nr_function_arguments ) for f in self._enumerator.gen_function_application_expressions( return_type=return_type, max_depth=max_depth, max_variable_arguments=max_variable_arguments, max_constant_arguments=max_constant_arguments, max_function_arguments=max_function_arguments, search_constants=search_constants, hash_function=hash_function, verbose=verbose, )]
def _gen_function_primitives(self, ret_type, max_function_arguments): def function_call(func, *args): return func(*args) def gen(): types = tuple(self._domain.types.values()) for repeat in range(1, max_function_arguments + 1): for arg_types in itertools.product(types, repeat=repeat): yield Function( '__lambda__', FunctionType( [FunctionType(arg_types, ret_type), ] + list(arg_types), ret_type ), overridden_call=function_call, ) return tuple(gen())
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_lambda(f1: Function, arg_index=None, f2: Optional[Function] = None): if arg_index is None: return Function( '__lambda__', FunctionType(f1.ftype.argument_types, f1.ftype.return_type), overridden_call=f1 ) else: f1_arg_types = f1.ftype.argument_types f2_arg_types = f2.ftype.argument_types arg_types = f2_arg_types + f1_arg_types[:arg_index] + f1_arg_types[arg_index + 1:] def new_function_call(*args): f2_args = args[:f2.nr_arguments] f1_args = list(args[f2.nr_arguments:]) f2_ret = f2(*f2_args) f1_args.insert(arg_index, f2_ret) return f1(*f1_args) return Function( '__lambda__', FunctionType(arg_types, f1.ftype.return_type), overridden_call=new_function_call )
[docs] def gen_semantics_search_result_from_functions(functions: Iterable[Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression, ConstantExpression]]) -> List[CCGSemanticsSearchResult]: """ Generate a list of semantics search results from functions. Args: functions: the functions. Returns: A list of :class:`CCGSemanticsSearchResult` instances. """ results = list() for f in functions: if isinstance(f, Function): stat = stat_function(f) results.append(CCGSemanticsSearchResult(CCGSemantics(f), 1, nr_constant_arguments=stat.nr_constant_arguments, nr_variable_arguments=stat.nr_variable_arguments, nr_function_arguments=stat.nr_function_arguments)) else: results.append(CCGSemanticsSearchResult(CCGSemantics(f), 1, nr_constant_arguments=0, nr_variable_arguments=0, nr_function_arguments=0)) return results