Source code for concepts.dsl.parsers.function_expression_parser

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 10/25/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""The parser for simple function expressions."""

import lark
import json

from dataclasses import dataclass
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import ObjectType, Variable, ObjectConstant
from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain
from concepts.dsl.value import Value
from concepts.dsl.expression import Expression, ConstantExpression, VariableExpression, ObjectConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression
from concepts.dsl.parsers.parser_base import ParserBase

# lark.v_args
inline_args = lark.v_args(inline=True)

__all__ = ['FunctionExpressionTransformer', 'FunctionExpressionParser']

class _Placeholder(object):
    name: str
    placeholder_type: str

[docs] class FunctionExpressionTransformer(lark.Transformer): """The lark transformer for the simple function expression parser."""
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: FunctionDomain, escape_string: bool = True): """Initialize the transformer. Args: domain: The domain to use. escape_string: Whether to escape the string. """ super().__init__() self.domain = domain self.escape_string = escape_string
[docs] def start(self, args): return args[0]
[docs] @inline_args def function_application(self, function_name, *args): function = self.domain.get_function(function_name) if function.is_overloaded: raise NotImplementedError() if function.nr_arguments != len(args): raise ValueError(f'Function {function_name} expects {function.nr_arguments} arguments, but {len(args)} are given.') args = list(args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, _Placeholder): arg_type = function.ftype.argument_types[i] if arg.placeholder_type == 'c': if isinstance(arg_type, ObjectType): args[i] = ObjectConstantExpression(ObjectConstant(, arg_type)) else: args[i] = ConstantExpression(Value(arg_type, elif arg.placeholder_type == 'v': args[i] = VariableExpression(Variable(, arg_type)) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown placeholder type {arg.placeholder_type}.') return FunctionApplicationExpression(function, args)
[docs] def function_name(self, function_name): return function_name[0].value
[docs] def argument(self, argument): return argument[0]
[docs] def variable(self, variable): return _Placeholder(variable[0].value, 'v')
[docs] def constant(self, constant): if self.escape_string: return _Placeholder(json.loads(constant[0].value), 'c') return _Placeholder(constant[0].value, 'c')
[docs] class FunctionExpressionParser(ParserBase): """The simple function expression parser. This parser works for simple function expressions, for example: ``f(x, y)``. Each function name is a string composed of letters, digits, and _, and each argument is an expression or a string. When ``escape_string`` is set to ``True``, the string should be escaped with double quotes. >>> from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain >>> from concepts.dsl.parsers.function_expression_parser import FunctionExpressionParser >>> domain = FunctionDomain() >>> parser = FunctionExpressionParser(domain) >>> parser.parse_expression('f(g(), "string")') """ GRAMMAR = r""" start: function_application function_application: function_name "(" (argument ("," argument)*)? ")" function_name: STRING %import common.WS %ignore WS %import common.LETTER %import common.DIGIT STRING: LETTER ("_"|"-"|LETTER|DIGIT)* %import common.ESCAPED_STRING """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: FunctionDomain, allow_variable: bool = False, escape_string: bool = True): """Initialize the parser. Args: domain: the domain to use. allow_variable: whether to allow variable. escape_string: whether to escape the string. """ self.allow_variable = allow_variable self.escape_string = escape_string if escape_string is not None else allow_variable if self.allow_variable: assert self.escape_string, 'If allow_variable is True, escape_string must be True.' self.parser = lark.Lark( self.GRAMMAR + ('constant: ESCAPED_STRING\n' if escape_string else 'constant: STRING\n') + ('variable: STRING\nargument: function_application | constant | variable' if allow_variable else 'argument: function_application | constant'), parser='lalr', start='start' ) self.transformer = FunctionExpressionTransformer(domain)
[docs] def parse_expression(self, string: str) -> Expression: """Parse an expression from a string. Args: string: The string to parse. Returns: The parsed expression. """ tree = self.parser.parse(string) return self.transformer.transform(tree)