Source code for concepts.dsl.learning.function_domain_search

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 12/10/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""An enumerative search algorithm to generate candidate functions and expressions in a simple function domain."""

import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Iterable, Sequence, Tuple, List, Callable

from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import ConstantType, ValueType
from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import FunctionType, Function
from concepts.dsl.dsl_domain import DSLDomainBase
from concepts.dsl.value import Value
from concepts.dsl.expression import ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression, VariableExpression
from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain
from concepts.dsl.executors.function_domain_executor import FunctionDomainExecutor

__all__ = [
    'FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult', 'FunctionDomainExpressionEnumerativeSearcher', 'gen_merge_functions',
    'FunctionArgumentStat', 'stat_function', 'canonicalize_function_parameters',

_Types = FunctionDomain.AllowedTypes

[docs] @dataclass class FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult(object): expression: Union[ConstantExpression, Function, FunctionApplicationExpression] """The expression that is enumerated.""" depth: int """The depth of the expression.""" nr_constant_arguments: int """The number of constant arguments in the expression.""" nr_variable_arguments: int """The number of variable arguments in the expression.""" nr_function_arguments: int """The number of function arguments in the expression."""
[docs] class FunctionDomainExpressionEnumerativeSearcher(object): """An enumerator of expressions and functions for a function domain."""
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: DSLDomainBase): """Initialize the searcher. Args: domain: the domain of the semantics. """ self.domain = domain self._constant_type_cache = self._gen_constant_type_cache() self._function_type_cache = self._gen_function_type_cache()
def _gen_constant_type_cache(self): """Generate a dictionary that maps types to constants.""" cache = defaultdict(list) for const in self.domain.constants.values(): cache[const.dtype].append(const) return cache def _gen_function_type_cache(self): """Generate a dictionary that maps types to functions (by return types).""" cache = defaultdict(list) for func in self.domain.functions.values(): if func.is_overloaded: for f in func.all_sub_functions: cache[f.return_type].append(f) else: cache[func.ftype.return_type].append(func) return cache
[docs] def gen( self, return_type: Optional[Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]] = None, *, max_depth: int = 3, max_variable_arguments: int = 2, max_constant_arguments: int = 1, max_function_arguments: int = 0, search_constants: bool = False, hash_function: Optional[Callable[[Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression]], Any]] = None, verbose: bool = False, ): return self.gen_constant_expressions(return_type) + self.gen_function_application_expressions( return_type, max_depth=max_depth, max_variable_arguments=max_variable_arguments, max_constant_arguments=max_constant_arguments, max_function_arguments=max_function_arguments, search_constants=search_constants, hash_function=hash_function, verbose=verbose )
[docs] def gen_constant_expressions( self, return_type: Optional[Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]] = None ) -> List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult]: """Generate constant expressions of a set of given types. Args: return_type: the return type of the expressions. If None, all types are allowed. It can be a single type, a tuple of types, or a list of types. Returns: A list of constant expressions. """ constants = list() for c in self.domain.constants.values(): if ( return_type is None or (isinstance(return_type, ConstantType) and c.dtype == return_type) or (isinstance(return_type, (tuple, list)) and c.dtype in return_type) ): constants.append(FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult( ConstantExpression(c), 1, 0, 0, 0 )) return constants
[docs] def gen_function_application_expressions( self, return_type: Optional[Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]] = None, *, max_depth: int = 3, max_variable_arguments: int = 2, max_constant_arguments: int = 1, max_function_arguments: int = 0, search_constants: bool = False, hash_function: Optional[Callable[[Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression]], Any]] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult]: """Generate functions and function application expressions of a set of given types. Args: max_depth: the maximum depth of the expressions. return_type: the return type of the expressions. If None, all types are allowed. It can be a single type, a tuple of types, or a list of types. max_variable_arguments: the maximum number of variable arguments of the functions. max_constant_arguments: the maximum number of constant arguments of the functions. Note that when ``search_constants`` is True, this parameter corresponds to the maximum number of constant arguments bound to the function / function application expression. max_function_arguments: the maximum number of arguments of the functions. search_constants: whether to search for constants. verbose: whether to print the search progress. Returns: A list of function application expressions. """ ftcache = self._function_type_cache current = {i: defaultdict(list) for i in range(1, max_depth + 1)} def iter_ddl_values(dd): for v in dd.values(): yield from v for rtype, functions in ftcache.items(): for f in functions: current[1][f.ftype.return_type].append(gen_merge_functions(f)) if max_function_arguments > 0: for ret_type in self.domain.types.values(): current[1][ret_type].extend(self._gen_function_primitives(ret_type, max_function_arguments)) if verbose: print('-' * 20, 'Depth', 1, '-' * 100) for rtype, functions in current[1].items(): for f in functions: print(rtype, '\t', f) for depth in range(2, max_depth + 1): for depth1 in range(1, depth): for f1 in list(iter_ddl_values(current[depth1])): for i in range(f1.nr_arguments): for depth2 in range(1, depth - depth1 + 1): for f2 in current[depth2][f1.ftype.argument_types[i]]: current[depth][f1.ftype.return_type].append( gen_merge_functions(f1, i, f2) ) if verbose: print('-' * 20, 'Depth', depth, '-' * 100) for rtype, functions in current[depth].items(): for f in functions: print(rtype, '\t', f) expressions = list() for depth, vs in current.items(): for f in iter_ddl_values(vs): if isinstance(f, Function): stat = stat_function(f) if stat.nr_constant_arguments <= max_constant_arguments and \ stat.nr_variable_arguments <= max_variable_arguments and \ stat.nr_function_arguments <= max_function_arguments: expressions.append(FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult( canonicalize_function_parameters(f, ignore_permutation=True), depth, stat.nr_constant_arguments, stat.nr_variable_arguments, stat.nr_function_arguments )) else: expressions.append(FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult( f, depth, 0, 0, 0 )) expressions = self._unique_function_expressions(expressions, hash_function=hash_function) if search_constants: expressions = self._bind_constants_to_expressions(expressions) if return_type is not None: output_expressions = list() for result in expressions: if _match_return_type(result.expression, return_type): output_expressions.append(result) expressions = output_expressions return expressions
def _gen_function_primitives(self, ret_type, nr_function_arguments): def function_call(func, *args): return func(*args) def gen(): types = tuple(self.domain.types.values()) for repeat in range(1, nr_function_arguments + 1): for arg_types in itertools.product(types, repeat=repeat): yield Function( '__lambda__', FunctionType( [FunctionType(arg_types, ret_type), ] + list(arg_types), ret_type ), overridden_call=function_call, ) return tuple(gen()) def _unique_function_expressions( self, functions: List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult], hash_function: Optional[Callable[[Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression]], Any]] = None ) -> List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult]: """Return a list of unique functions and function application expressions. Args: functions: a list of input expressions. hash_function: a custom function that generates a hash for a function or function application expression. If None, the default ``str`` function is used. Returns: A list of expressions without duplicates. """ if hash_function is None: hash_function = str unique_functions = list() unique_function_hashes = set() for r in functions: h = hash_function(r.expression) if h not in unique_function_hashes: unique_functions.append(r) unique_function_hashes.add(h) return unique_functions def _bind_constants_to_expressions( self, functions: List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult], ) -> List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult]: output_functions = list() for result in functions: if not isinstance(result.expression, Function): output_functions.append(result) continue f = result.expression constant_denotations, constant_types = list(), list() for index, argument_type in enumerate(f.ftype.argument_types): if isinstance(argument_type, ConstantType): constant_denotations.append(f'#{index}') constant_types.append(argument_type) for const in itertools.product(*[ self._constant_type_cache[t] for t in constant_types ]): const_mapping = {k: ConstantExpression(v) for k, v in zip(constant_denotations, const)} partial_func = f.partial(**const_mapping, execute_fully_bound_functions=True) new_r = partial_func output_functions.append(FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult( new_r, result.depth, result.nr_constant_arguments, result.nr_variable_arguments, result.nr_function_arguments )) return output_functions
def _match_return_type(f: Union[Function, FunctionApplicationExpression], return_types: Union[_Types, Tuple[_Types, ...], List[_Types]]) -> bool: """Check if the type of a function or a function application expression matches a set of given return type.""" if not isinstance(return_types, (tuple, list)): return_types = (return_types, ) if isinstance(f, Function): for return_type in return_types: if f.ftype.typename == return_type.typename: return True elif isinstance(f, FunctionApplicationExpression): return f.return_type in return_types else: raise TypeError(f'Expected Function or FunctionApplicationExpression, got {type(f)}.')
[docs] def gen_merge_functions(f1: Function, arg_index=None, f2: Optional[Function] = None) -> Function: """Generate merge functions. Specifically, given two functions f1 and f2, this function generates a new function. For example, given f1(x, y) and f2(z), with arg_index = 1, this function generates: .. code-block:: python def merged(x, z): return f1(x, f2(z)) That is, we first apply f2 with the input arguments, and then apply f1 with the rest of the arguments and the output of f2. A special case is when f2 is None. In this case, we generate a function that is simply a wrapper of f1. Args: f1: the first function. arg_index: the index of the argument of f1 that we want to merge with f2. f2: the second function. Returns: A new function. """ if arg_index is None: return Function( '__lambda__', FunctionType(f1.ftype.argument_types, f1.ftype.return_type), overridden_call=f1 ) else: f1_arg_types = f1.ftype.argument_types f2_arg_types = f2.ftype.argument_types arg_types = f2_arg_types + f1_arg_types[:arg_index] + f1_arg_types[arg_index + 1:] def new_function_call(*args): f2_args = args[:f2.nr_arguments] f1_args = list(args[f2.nr_arguments:]) f2_ret = f2(*f2_args) f1_args.insert(arg_index, f2_ret) return f1(*f1_args) return Function( '__lambda__', FunctionType(arg_types, f1.ftype.return_type), overridden_call=new_function_call )
[docs] def gen_expression_search_result_from_expressions(expressions: Iterable[Union[ConstantExpression, Function, FunctionApplicationExpression]]) -> List[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult]: """Generate a list of FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult from a list of expressions.""" results = list() for expression in expressions: if isinstance(expression, (ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression)): results.append(FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult(expression, 0, 0, 0, 0)) else: stat = stat_function(expression) results.append(FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult(expression, 0, stat.nr_constant_arguments, stat.nr_variable_arguments, stat.nr_function_arguments)) return results
[docs] @dataclass class FunctionArgumentStat(object): """Statistics for the argument list of a function.""" nr_constant_arguments: int nr_variable_arguments: int nr_function_arguments: int
[docs] def stat_function(f: Function) -> FunctionArgumentStat: """Return the number of constants, variables, and functions in a function.""" nr_variable_arguments = 0 nr_constant_arguments = 0 nr_function_arguments = 0 for arg_t in f.ftype.argument_types: if isinstance(arg_t, ConstantType): nr_constant_arguments += 1 elif isinstance(arg_t, FunctionType): nr_function_arguments += 1 nr_variable_arguments += 1 # function arg is also variable arg else: nr_variable_arguments += 1 return FunctionArgumentStat( nr_constant_arguments=nr_constant_arguments, nr_variable_arguments=nr_variable_arguments, nr_function_arguments=nr_function_arguments )
[docs] def canonicalize_function_parameters( f: Union[ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression, Function], ignore_permutation: bool = False ) -> Union[ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression, Function]: """Return a new function object with argument reordered: functions, variables, constants. Args: f: the function to be canonicalized. If the function is a function application expression or a constant expression, this function returns the same object. Returns: A new function object with argument reordered: functions, variables, constants. """ if isinstance(f, (ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression)): return f assert isinstance(f, Function) # NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 2022/12/10): if the function is a primitive function, just return it. if f.overridden_call is None: return f assert not f.is_overloaded assert isinstance(f.derived_expression, FunctionApplicationExpression) function_args, variable_args, constant_args = list(), list(), list() if ignore_permutation: def walk(node: FunctionApplicationExpression): if isinstance(node.function, VariableExpression): new_index = f.ftype.argument_names.index( if new_index not in function_args: function_args.append(new_index) for arg in node.arguments: if isinstance(arg, VariableExpression): new_index = f.ftype.argument_names.index( if isinstance(arg.dtype, ConstantType): if new_index not in constant_args: constant_args.append(new_index) elif isinstance(arg.dtype, ValueType): if new_index not in variable_args: variable_args.append(new_index) else: raise TypeError('Unknown type for anonymous argument #{}, type = {}.'.format(, arg.dtype)) elif isinstance(arg, FunctionApplicationExpression): walk(arg) else: raise TypeError('Unknown type for anonymous argument type {}.'.format(type(arg))) walk(f.derived_expression) else: for arg_index, arg_t in enumerate(f.ftype.argument_types): if isinstance(arg_t, FunctionType): function_args.append(arg_index) elif isinstance(arg_t, ConstantType): constant_args.append(arg_index) elif isinstance(arg_t, ValueType): variable_args.append(arg_index) else: raise TypeError('Unknown type for argument {}, type = {}.'.format(arg_index, arg_t)) new_argument_mapping = list(function_args) + list(variable_args) + list(constant_args) f = f.remap_arguments(new_argument_mapping) return f
[docs] def learn_expression_from_examples( domain: FunctionDomain, executor: FunctionDomainExecutor, input_output: Sequence[Tuple[Sequence[Value], Value, Any]], criterion: Callable[[Value, Value], bool], candidate_expressions: Optional[Iterable[FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult]] = None, max_depth: int = 3, max_function_arguments: int = 0, search_constants: bool = True, ) -> Function: """Learn a function from examples. Args: domain: the function domain. executor: the executor of the function domain. input_output: a sequence of (input, output, grounding) pairs. criterion: a function that takes two values and returns True if they are equal. candidate_expressions: a sequence of candidate functions. If None, we will generate candidate functions automatically. max_depth: the maximum depth of the function. Only used when ``candidate_expressions`` is None. max_function_arguments: the maximum number of arguments of a function. Only used when ``candidate_expressions`` is None. search_constants: whether to search for constants. Only used when ``candidate_expressions`` is None. Returns: A function. """ assert len(input_output) > 0, 'No input-output pairs are given.' sample_input, sample_output, _ = input_output[0] if len(sample_input) == 0: target_type = sample_output.dtype else: target_type = FunctionType([v.dtype for v in sample_input], sample_output.dtype) if candidate_expressions is None: domain = FunctionDomainExpressionEnumerativeSearcher(domain) candidate_expressions = domain.gen_function_application_expressions( target_type, max_depth=max_depth, max_function_arguments=max_function_arguments, search_constants=search_constants ) if isinstance(target_type, FunctionType): def score_function(result: FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult) -> float: f = result.expression if isinstance(f, FunctionApplicationExpression): return -1 return sum( criterion(executor.execute_function(f, *input, grounding=grounding), output) for input, output, grounding in input_output ) else: def score_function(result: FunctionDomainExpressionSearchResult) -> float: f = result.expression if isinstance(f, Function): return -1 return sum( criterion(executor.execute(f, grounding), output) for input, output, grounding in input_output ) return max(candidate_expressions, key=score_function).expression