#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : expression.py
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email : maojiayuan@gmail.com
# Date : 10/19/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
"""Data structures for expressions in a DSL.
All classes extend the basic :class:`Expression` class. They can be categorized into the following groups:
- :class:`ObjectOrValueOutputExpression` is the base class for expressions that output objects or values. This is only used for type hinting.
- :class:`ObjectOutputExpression` and :class:`ValueOutputExpression` are the expressions that output objects or values.
- :class:`VariableExpression` which is the expression that refers to a variable.
- :class:`VariableAssignmentExpression` which assigns a value to a variable.
Under the :class:`ValueOutputExpression` category, there are a few sub-categories:
- :class:`NullExpression` which is the expression that outputs a null value.
- :class:`ConstantExpression` which is the expression that outputs a constant value.
- :class:`ListCreationExpression` which is the expression that creates a list.
- :class:`ListExpansionExpression` which is the expression that expands a list into a sequence of values (e.g., plan steps).
- :class:`FunctionApplicationExpression` which represents the application of a function.
- :class:`ListFunctionApplicationExpression` which represents the application of a function to a list of arguments.
- :class:`BoolExpression` which represents Boolean operations (and, or, not).
- :class:`QuantificationExpression` which represents quantification (forall, exists).
- :class:`GeneralizedQuantificationExpression` which represents generalized quantification (iota, all, counting quantifiers).
- :class:`FindOneExpression` which represents the find-one quantification.
- :class:`FindAllExpression` which represents the find-all quantification.
- :class:`PredicateEqualExpression` which represents the equality test between a state variable and a value.
- :class:`ObjectCompareExpression` which represents the comparison between two objects.
- :class:`ValueCompareExpression` which represents the comparison between two values.
- :class:`ConditionExpression` which represents the ternary conditional expression.
- :class:`ConditionalSelectExpression` which represents the conditional selection for some computed value.
- :class:`DeicticSelectExpression` which represents the deictic selection for some computed value (i.e., forall quantifiers).
- :class:`BatchedExpression` which is the expression that assigns values to state variables with batched expressions.
Under the :class:`ObjectOutputExpression` category, there are a few sub-categories:
- :class:`ObjectConstantExpression` which is the expression that outputs a constant object.
Under the :class:`VariableAssignmentExpression` category, there are a few sub-categories:
- :class:`AssignExpression` which is the expression that assigns a value to a state variable.
- :class:`ConditionalAssignExpression` which is the expression that assigns a value to a state variable conditionally.
- :class:`DeicticAssignExpression` which is the expression that assigns values to state variables with deictic expressions (i.e., forall quantifiers).
The most important classes are: :class:`VariableExpression`, :class:`ObjectConstantExpression`, :class:`ConstantExpression`, and :class:`FunctionApplicationExpression`.
import contextlib
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Iterable, Tuple, Sequence, List, Dict, Callable
from functools import lru_cache
import torch
import jacinle
from jacinle.utils.enum import JacEnum
from jacinle.utils.printing import indent_text
from jacinle.utils.defaults import wrap_custom_as_default, gen_get_default
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import FormatContext, get_format_context
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import TypeBase, ObjectType, ValueType, SequenceType, ListType, BatchedListType, AutoType, TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, BOOL, FLOAT32, INT64, STRING, ObjectConstant, Variable
from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import FunctionType, Function, FunctionArgumentUnset, AnonymousFunctionArgumentGenerator
from concepts.dsl.dsl_domain import DSLDomainBase
from concepts.dsl.value import ValueBase, Value, ListValue
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorValue
from concepts.dsl.tensor_state import StateObjectReference, StateObjectList
from typing import TypeGuard
except ImportError:
class _DummyTypeGuard:
def __getitem__(self, item):
return bool
TypeGuard = _DummyTypeGuard()
__all__ = [
'DSLExpressionError', 'Expression', 'ExpressionDefinitionContext', 'get_expression_definition_context',
'ObjectOutputExpression', 'ValueOutputExpression', 'NullExpression', 'VariableExpression', 'VariableAssignmentExpression',
'ObjectOrValueOutputExpression', 'VariableOrObjectOutputExpression', 'VariableOrValueOutputExpression',
'ObjectConstantExpression', 'ConstantExpression', 'ListCreationExpression',
'FunctionApplicationError', 'FunctionApplicationExpression', 'ListFunctionApplicationExpression', 'ListExpansionExpression',
'ConditionalSelectExpression', 'DeicticSelectExpression',
'BoolOpType', 'BoolExpression', 'AndExpression', 'OrExpression', 'NotExpression', 'XorExpression', 'ImpliesExpression',
'QuantificationOpType', 'QuantificationExpression', 'GeneralizedQuantificationExpression', 'ForallExpression', 'ExistsExpression', 'BatchedExpression', 'FindOneExpression', 'FindAllExpression',
'CompareOpType', 'ObjectCompareExpression', 'ValueCompareExpression', 'ConditionExpression',
'PredicateEqualExpression', 'AssignExpression', 'ConditionalAssignExpression', 'DeicticAssignExpression',
'cvt_expression', 'cvt_expression_list', 'get_type', 'get_types',
'is_null_expression', 'is_object_output_expression', 'is_value_output_expression', 'is_variable_assignment_expression',
'is_constant_bool_expr', 'is_and_expr', 'is_or_expr', 'is_not_expr', 'is_xor_expr', 'is_implies_expr', 'is_forall_expr', 'is_exists_expr',
class DSLExpressionError(Exception):
class Expression(ABC):
"""Expression is an abstract class for all expressions in the DSL.
An important note about Expression is that the class itself does not contain any "implementation."
For example, the expression `and(x, y, z)` does not contain any information about how to compute
the conjunction (e.g., taking the product of the three values).
The actual implementation of the expression will be provided by the `Executor` classes.
def return_type(self) -> Optional[Union[ObjectType, ValueType, FunctionType, SequenceType]]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_arguments(self):
ctx = get_expression_definition_context()
if ctx is None or ctx.check_arguments:
def _check_arguments(self):
def __str__(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
__repr__ = jacinle.repr_from_str
def cached_string(self, max_length: Optional[int] = None):
if max_length is None:
return str(self)
with FormatContext(expr_max_length=max_length).as_default():
return str(self)
def is_null_expression(self) -> bool:
return is_null_expression(self)
def is_object_output_expression(self) -> bool:
return is_object_output_expression(self)
def is_value_output_expression(self) -> bool:
return is_value_output_expression(self)
def is_variable_assignment_expression(self) -> bool:
return is_variable_assignment_expression(self)
def is_constant_bool_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_constant_bool_expr(self)
def is_and_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_and_expr(self)
def is_or_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_or_expr(self)
def is_not_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_not_expr(self)
def is_xor_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_xor_expr(self)
def is_implies_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_implies_expr(self)
def is_forall_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_forall_expr(self)
def is_exists_expr(self) -> bool:
return is_exists_expr(self)
class ExpressionDefinitionContext(object):
def __init__(
self, *variables: Variable,
domain: Optional['DSLDomainBase'] = None,
scope: Optional[str] = None,
is_effect_definition: bool = False,
slot_functions_are_sgc: bool = False,
allow_auto_predicate_def: bool = True,
check_arguments: bool = True,
"""Initialize the context.
variables: The variables that are available in the expression.
domain: the domain of the expression.
scope: the current definition scope (e.g., in a function). This variable will be used to generate unique names for the functions.
is_effect_definition: whether the expression is defined in an effect of an operator.
slot_functions_are_sgc: whether the slot functions are SGC functions (state-goal-constraints functions).
allow_auto_predicate_def: whether to enable automatic predicate definition.
check_arguments: whether to check the arguments of the functions.
self.variables = list(variables)
self.variable_name2obj = {v.name: v for v in self.variables}
self.domain = domain
self.scope = scope
self.anonymous_argument_generator = AnonymousFunctionArgumentGenerator()
self.is_effect_definition_stack = [is_effect_definition]
self.slot_functions_are_sgc = slot_functions_are_sgc
self.allow_auto_predicate_def = allow_auto_predicate_def
self.check_arguments = check_arguments
OPTION_NAMES = ['allow_auto_predicate_def', 'check_arguments']
variables: List[Variable]
"""The list of variables."""
variable_name2obj: Dict[str, Variable]
"""The mapping from variable names to variables."""
domain: Optional['DSLDomainBase']
"""The domain of the expression."""
scope: Optional[str]
"""The current definition scope (e.g., in a function). This variable will be used to generate unique names for the functions."""
anonymous_argument_generator: AnonymousFunctionArgumentGenerator
"""The anonymous argument generator."""
is_effect_definition_stack: List[bool]
"""Whether the expression is defined in an effect of an operator."""
slot_functions_are_sgc: bool
"""Whether the slot functions are SGC functions (state-goal-constraints functions)."""
allow_auto_predicate_def: bool
"""Whether to enable automatic predicate definition."""
check_arguments: bool
"""Whether to check the arguments of the functions."""
def as_default(self):
yield self
def has_variable(self: 'ExpressionDefinitionContext', variable: Union[str, Variable]) -> bool:
if isinstance(variable, Variable):
return variable.name in self.variable_name2obj
return variable in self.variable_name2obj
def get_variable(self, variable: Union[str, Variable]) -> Variable:
if isinstance(variable, Variable):
return variable
if variable not in self.variable_name2obj:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown variable: {variable}; available variables: {self.variables}.')
return self.variable_name2obj[variable]
def __getitem__(self, variable: Union[str, Variable]) -> 'VariableExpression':
return self.wrap_variable(variable)
def wrap_variable(self, variable: Union[str, Variable]) -> 'VariableExpression':
if isinstance(variable, Variable):
return VariableExpression(variable)
variable_name = variable
if variable_name == '??':
return VariableExpression(Variable('??', AutoType))
if variable_name not in self.variable_name2obj:
raise ValueError('Unknown variable: {}; available variables: {}.'.format(variable_name, self.variables))
return VariableExpression(self.variable_name2obj[variable_name])
def gen_random_named_variable(self, dtype) -> Variable:
"""Generate a variable expression with a random name. This utility is useful in "flatten_expression". See the doc for that function for details."""
name = self.anonymous_argument_generator.gen()
return Variable(name, dtype)
def with_variables(self, *args: Variable):
"""Reset the list of variables."""
old_variables = self.variables.copy()
self.variables = list(args)
self.variable_name2obj = {v.name: v for v in self.variables}
self.variables = old_variables
self.variable_name2obj = {v.name: v for v in self.variables}
def new_variables(self, *args: Variable):
"""Adding a list of new variables. This function is a context manager, and the variables will be removed after the context is closed."""
for arg in args:
if arg.name in self.variable_name2obj:
raise ValueError(f'Variable {arg.name} already exists.')
self.variable_name2obj[arg.name] = arg
yield self
for arg in reversed(args):
del self.variable_name2obj[arg.name]
def add_variables(self, *args: Variable):
"""Adding a list of new variables. Unlike :meth:`new_variables`, the variables will be directly added to the current context."""
for arg in args:
if arg.name in self.variable_name2obj:
raise ValueError(f'Variable {arg.name} already exists.')
self.variable_name2obj[arg.name] = arg
def mark_is_effect_definition(self, is_effect_definition: bool):
"""`is_effect_definition` is a boolean flag that indicates whether the current expression is defined in an effect of an operator. This function is a context manager and is only used in planning tasks."""
yield self
def is_effect_definition(self) -> bool:
return self.is_effect_definition_stack[-1]
def options(self, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k not in self.OPTION_NAMES:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown option {k}.')
old_options = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in kwargs}
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
yield self
for k, v in old_options.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
get_expression_definition_context: Callable[[], Optional[ExpressionDefinitionContext]] = gen_get_default(ExpressionDefinitionContext)
class ObjectOrValueOutputExpression(Expression, ABC):
def return_type(self) -> Union[ObjectType, ValueType, SequenceType]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class ObjectOutputExpression(ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, ABC):
def return_type(self) -> Union[ObjectType, SequenceType]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class ValueOutputExpression(ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, ABC):
def return_type(self) -> Union[ValueType, SequenceType]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class NullExpression(ObjectOrValueOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, dtype: Union[ObjectType, ValueType, SequenceType]):
self.dtype = dtype
dtype: Union[ObjectType, ValueType, SequenceType]
"""The type of the null expression."""
def return_type(self) -> Union[ObjectType, ValueType, SequenceType]:
return self.dtype
def __str__(self) -> str:
return 'null'
class VariableExpression(ObjectOrValueOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable):
self.variable = variable
variable: Variable
"""The variable."""
def name(self) -> str:
return self.variable.name
def dtype(self) -> Union[ObjectType, ValueType, FunctionType, ListType]:
return self.variable.dtype
def return_type(self) -> Union[ObjectType, ValueType, FunctionType, ListType]:
return self.variable.dtype
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'V::{self.name}'
VariableOrValueOutputExpression = Union[VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression]
VariableOrObjectOutputExpression = Union[VariableExpression, ObjectOutputExpression]
class VariableAssignmentExpression(Expression):
def return_type(self):
return None
def __str__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ObjectConstantExpression(ObjectOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, constant: Union[ObjectConstant, StateObjectReference]):
if isinstance(constant, StateObjectReference):
assert constant.dtype is not None, 'StateObjectReference must have a dtype.'
constant = ObjectConstant(constant.name, constant.dtype)
if isinstance(constant, ListValue):
raise ValueError('ObjectConstantExpression does not accept ListValue.')
self.constant = constant
constant: ObjectConstant
"""The object constant."""
def name(self) -> str:
"""The name of the object."""
if not isinstance(self.constant, ObjectConstant):
raise TypeError('ObjectConstantExpression.name is only available for ObjectConstant.')
return self.constant.name
def dtype(self) -> Union[ObjectType, ListType]:
"""The type of the object."""
return self.constant.dtype
def is_constant_list(self):
"""Whether the object is a constant list."""
return isinstance(self.constant.name, ListValue)
def return_type(self) -> Union[ObjectType, ListType]:
return self.constant.dtype
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.is_constant_list:
if isinstance(self.constant.name.values, slice):
return 'O::[...]'
constant_str = ' '.join(x.name for x in self.constant.name.values)
return f'O::{{{constant_str}}}'
return f'O::{self.name}'
class ConstantExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
"""Constant expression always returns a constant value."""
constant: ValueBase
"""The constant."""
def __init__(self, value: Union[bool, int, float, str, torch.Tensor, Any, ValueBase], dtype: Optional[ValueType] = None):
if isinstance(value, ValueBase):
self.constant = value
assert dtype is not None
if isinstance(dtype, (TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType)):
self.constant = TensorValue.from_scalar(value, dtype)
self.constant = Value(dtype, value)
def return_type(self) -> Union[ValueType, ListType]:
if isinstance(self.constant, ListValue):
assert isinstance(self.constant.dtype.element_type, ValueType)
return self.constant.dtype
assert isinstance(self.constant.dtype, ValueType)
return self.constant.dtype
def true(cls):
return cls(torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.int64), BOOL)
def false(cls):
return cls(torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.int64), BOOL)
def int64(cls, value):
return cls(torch.tensor(value, dtype=torch.int64), INT64)
def float32(cls, value):
return cls(torch.tensor(value, dtype=torch.float32), FLOAT32)
def string(cls, value):
return cls(value, STRING)
def from_value(cls, value, dtype: Optional[ValueType] = None):
if isinstance(value, bool):
return cls(torch.tensor(bool(value), dtype=torch.int64), dtype if dtype is not None else BOOL)
elif isinstance(value, int):
return cls(torch.tensor(value, dtype=torch.int64), dtype if dtype is not None else INT64)
elif isinstance(value, float):
return cls(torch.tensor(value, dtype=torch.float32), dtype if dtype is not None else FLOAT32)
elif isinstance(value, str):
return cls(value, dtype if dtype is not None else STRING)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown value type: {type(value)}.')
def __str__(self):
if isinstance(self.constant, TensorValue) and self.constant.is_single_elem:
return f'C::{self.constant.single_elem()}'
return f'C::{self.constant}'
ConstantExpression.TRUE = ConstantExpression.true()
ConstantExpression.FALSE = ConstantExpression.false()
class ListCreationExpression(ObjectOrValueOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, arguments: Sequence[ValueOutputExpression], element_type: Optional[TypeBase] = None):
self.arguments = tuple(arguments)
if len(self.arguments) == 0:
assert element_type is not None, 'Must specify the element type if the list is empty.'
self.element_type = element_type
self.element_type = element_type if element_type is not None else self.arguments[0].return_type
def return_type(self) -> ListType:
return ListType(self.element_type)
def _check_arguments(self):
for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments):
if arg.return_type != self.element_type:
raise TypeError(f'Argument #{i} has type {arg.return_type}, which does not match the list type {self.element_type}.')
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{{{", ".join([str(arg) for arg in self.arguments])}}}'
class ListExpansionExpression(Expression):
def __init__(self, expression: ValueOutputExpression):
self.expression = expression
self.element_type = self.expression.return_type.element_type
expression: ValueOutputExpression
"""The expression."""
element_type: TypeBase
"""The element type."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.expression, ValueOutputExpression) and self.expression.return_type.is_list_type, \
f'ListExpansionExpression only accepts ValueOutputExpressions with list-typed return, got {self.expression} which returns {self.expression.return_type}.'
def return_type(self) -> ListType:
return self.expression.return_type
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'... {str(self.expression)}'
class FunctionApplicationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, index: int, expect, got):
msg = f'Argument #{index} type does not match: expect {expect}, got {got}.'
self.index = index
self.expect = expect
self.got = got
class FunctionApplicationExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
"""Function application expression represents the application of a function over a list of arguments."""
def __init__(self, function: Function, arguments: Iterable[ObjectOrValueOutputExpression], batch: str = 'mixed'):
self.function = function
self.arguments = tuple(arguments)
self.batch = batch
self._return_type = AutoType
assert batch in ['mixed', 'inner', 'outer'], f'Unknown batch type: {batch}. Allowed values are "mixed", "inner", "outer".'
function: Function
"""The function to be applied."""
arguments: Tuple[ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, ...]
"""The list of arguments to the function."""
def _check_arguments(self):
if len(self.function.arguments) != len(self.arguments):
raise TypeError('Argument number mismatch: expect {}, got {}.'.format(len(self.function.arguments), len(self.arguments)))
is_simple_arguments = self.function.ftype.is_simple_arguments
is_inner = self.batch == 'inner'
is_outer = self.batch == 'outer'
if is_simple_arguments:
found_multi_arity = False
for arg in self.arguments:
if arg.return_type.is_uniform_sequence_type:
if isinstance(arg, ObjectConstantExpression) and isinstance(arg.constant, StateObjectList) and arg.constant.is_qindex:
if arg.return_type.is_batched_list_type and arg.return_type.ndim > 1:
found_multi_arity = True
if is_outer and found_multi_arity:
raise ValueError('Outer batch does not support multi-arity arguments.')
assert not is_inner and not is_outer, 'Batched function does not support inner/outer batch.'
inner_batched_arguments = None
outer_batched_arguments = list()
for i, (arg_def, arg) in enumerate(zip(self.function.arguments, self.arguments)):
# arg_def: the definition of the argument in the function signature
# arg: the actual argument being returned
if not isinstance(arg_def, Variable):
raise TypeError('Unknown argument definition type: {}.'.format(type(arg_def)))
if not isinstance(arg, ObjectOrValueOutputExpression):
raise TypeError('Unknown argument value type: {}.'.format(type(arg)))
argdef_dtype: TypeBase = arg_def.dtype
arg_dtype: TypeBase = arg.return_type
if is_simple_arguments:
if not arg_dtype.downcast_compatible(argdef_dtype, allow_self_list=True):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, argdef_dtype, arg_dtype)
if arg_dtype.is_uniform_sequence_type:
if isinstance(arg, ObjectConstantExpression) and isinstance(arg.constant.name, StateObjectList) and arg.constant.name.is_qindex:
if is_inner:
new_inner_batched_arguments = (argdef_dtype, )
if inner_batched_arguments is None:
inner_batched_arguments = new_inner_batched_arguments
elif inner_batched_arguments != (AutoType, ) and inner_batched_arguments != new_inner_batched_arguments:
raise ValueError(f'Inconsistent inner batched arguments: prev={inner_batched_arguments} vs this={new_inner_batched_arguments}.')
else: # Outer or Mixed
if is_inner:
if arg_dtype.is_batched_list_type:
new_inner_batched_arguments = (argdef_dtype, )
if inner_batched_arguments is None:
inner_batched_arguments = new_inner_batched_arguments
elif inner_batched_arguments != (AutoType, ) and inner_batched_arguments != new_inner_batched_arguments:
raise ValueError(f'Inconsistent inner batched arguments: prev={inner_batched_arguments} vs this={new_inner_batched_arguments}.')
elif arg_dtype.is_list_type:
new_inner_batched_arguments = (arg_dtype.element_type, )
if inner_batched_arguments is None:
inner_batched_arguments = new_inner_batched_arguments
elif len(inner_batched_arguments) != 1:
raise ValueError(f'Inconsistent inner batched arguments: prev={inner_batched_arguments} vs this={new_inner_batched_arguments}.')
raise ValueError(f'Unknown inner batched argument type: {arg_dtype}.')
else: # Outer or Mixed
if arg_dtype.is_batched_list_type:
arg_dtype: BatchedListType
elif arg_dtype.is_list_type:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown outer batched argument type: {arg_dtype}.')
if not arg_dtype.downcast_compatible(argdef_dtype):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, argdef_dtype, arg_dtype)
if is_simple_arguments:
if is_inner:
if inner_batched_arguments is None:
self._return_type = self.function.return_type
if inner_batched_arguments == (AutoType, ):
self._return_type = ListType(self.function.return_type)
self._return_type = BatchedListType(self.function.return_type, inner_batched_arguments)
elif is_outer:
if len(outer_batched_arguments) == 0:
self._return_type = self.function.return_type
self._return_type = BatchedListType(self.function.return_type, outer_batched_arguments)
if inner_batched_arguments is None:
if len(outer_batched_arguments) == 0:
self._return_type = self.function.return_type
self._return_type = BatchedListType(self.function.return_type, outer_batched_arguments)
if len(outer_batched_arguments) == 0:
if inner_batched_arguments == (AutoType, ):
self._return_type = ListType(self.function.return_type)
self._return_type = BatchedListType(self.function.return_type, inner_batched_arguments)
self._return_type = BatchedListType(self.function.return_type, inner_batched_arguments + tuple(outer_batched_arguments))
self._return_type = self.function.return_type
except (TypeError, FunctionApplicationError) as e:
error_header = 'Error during applying {}.\n'.format(str(self.function))
arguments_str = ', '.join(str(arg) for arg in self.arguments)
error_header += ' Arguments: {}\n'.format(arguments_str)
except Exception: # noqa
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
raise TypeError(error_header + str(e)) from e
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self._return_type
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.batch == 'mixed':
fmt = self.function.name + '('
elif self.batch == 'inner':
fmt = self.function.name + '[[inner]]('
elif self.batch == 'outer':
fmt = self.function.name + '[[outer]]('
raise ValueError(f'Unknown batch type: {self.batch}.')
arg_fmt = [str(x) for x in self.arguments]
arg_fmt_len = [len(x) for x in arg_fmt]
ctx = get_format_context()
# The following criterion is just an approximation. A more principled way is to pass the current indent level
# to the recursive calls to str(x).
if ctx.expr_max_length > 0 and (sum(arg_fmt_len) + len(fmt) + 1 > ctx.expr_max_length):
if sum(arg_fmt_len) > ctx.expr_max_length:
fmt += '\n' + ',\n'.join([indent_text(x) for x in arg_fmt]) + '\n'
fmt += '\n' + ', '.join(arg_fmt) + '\n'
fmt += ', '.join(arg_fmt)
fmt += ')'
return fmt
class ListFunctionApplicationExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
"""Function application expression represents the application of a function over a list of arguments."""
def __init__(self, function: Function, arguments: Iterable[ObjectOrValueOutputExpression]):
self.function = function
self.arguments = tuple(arguments)
function: Function
"""The function to be applied."""
arguments: Tuple[ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, ...]
"""The list of arguments to the function."""
def _check_arguments(self):
if len(self.function.arguments) != len(self.arguments):
raise TypeError('Argument number mismatch: expect {}, got {}.'.format(len(self.function.arguments), len(self.arguments)))
for i, (arg_def, arg) in enumerate(zip(self.function.arguments, self.arguments)):
if isinstance(arg_def, Variable):
if isinstance(arg, VariableExpression):
if not arg.dtype.downcast_compatible(arg_def.dtype, allow_self_list=True):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, arg_def.dtype, arg.dtype)
elif isinstance(arg, ObjectConstantExpression):
if not arg.dtype.downcast_compatible(arg_def.dtype, allow_self_list=True):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, arg_def.dtype, arg.dtype)
elif isinstance(arg, ConstantExpression):
if not arg.return_type.downcast_compatible(arg_def.dtype, allow_self_list=True):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, arg_def.dtype, arg.return_type)
elif isinstance(arg, (FunctionApplicationExpression, ListFunctionApplicationExpression, GeneralizedQuantificationExpression)):
if not arg.return_type.downcast_compatible(arg_def.dtype, allow_self_list=True):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, arg_def.dtype, arg.return_type)
elif isinstance(arg, ListCreationExpression):
if not arg.return_type.downcast_compatible(arg_def.dtype, allow_self_list=True):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, arg_def.dtype, arg.return_type)
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, 'VariableExpression or ObjectConstantExpression or ConstantExpression or FunctionApplication', type(arg))
elif isinstance(arg_def, ValueType):
if isinstance(arg, ValueOutputExpression):
elif isinstance(arg, VariableExpression) and isinstance(arg.return_type, ValueType):
elif isinstance(arg, ConstantExpression):
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, 'ValueOutputExpression', type(arg))
if arg_def != arg.return_type:
raise FunctionApplicationError(i, arg_def, arg.return_type)
raise TypeError('Unknown argument definition type: {}.'.format(type(arg_def)))
except (TypeError, FunctionApplicationError) as e:
error_header = 'Error during applying {}.\n'.format(str(self.function))
arguments_str = ', '.join(str(arg) for arg in self.arguments)
error_header += ' Arguments: {}\n'.format(arguments_str)
except Exception: # noqa
raise TypeError(error_header + str(e)) from e
def return_type(self) -> Union[ValueType, ListType]:
for arg in self.arguments:
if arg.return_type.is_list_type:
return ListType(self.function.return_type)
return self.function.return_type
def __str__(self) -> str:
fmt = self.function.name + '[list]('
arg_fmt = [str(x) for x in self.arguments]
arg_fmt_len = [len(x) for x in arg_fmt]
ctx = get_format_context()
# The following criterion is just an approximation. A more principled way is to pass the current indent level
# to the recursive calls to str(x).
if ctx.expr_max_length > 0 and (sum(arg_fmt_len) + len(fmt) + 1 > ctx.expr_max_length):
if sum(arg_fmt_len) > ctx.expr_max_length:
fmt += '\n' + ',\n'.join([indent_text(x) for x in arg_fmt]) + '\n'
fmt += '\n' + ', '.join(arg_fmt) + '\n'
fmt += ', '.join(arg_fmt)
fmt += ')'
return fmt
class ConditionalSelectExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
"""Conditional select expression represents the selection of a value based on a condition."""
def __init__(self, predicate: ValueOutputExpression, condition: ValueOutputExpression):
self.predicate = predicate
self.condition = condition
predicate: ValueOutputExpression
"""The predicate expression."""
condition: ValueOutputExpression
"""The condition expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
if isinstance(self.condition, ValueOutputExpression) and self.condition.return_type == BOOL:
elif isinstance(self.condition, VariableExpression) and self.condition.return_type.downcast_compatible(BOOL):
raise TypeError('Condition must be a boolean expression.')
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self.predicate.return_type
def __str__(self):
predicate_str = str(self.predicate)
condition_str = str(self.condition)
if len(predicate_str) + len(condition_str) + 2 < 80:
return f'cond-select({predicate_str} if {condition_str})'
return f'cond-select({predicate_str} if\n{indent_text(condition_str)})'
class DeicticSelectExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
self.variable = variable
self.expression = expr
variable: Variable
"""The new quantified variable."""
expression: ValueOutputExpression
"""The internal expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.variable.dtype, ObjectType)
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self.expression.return_type
def __str__(self):
return f'deictic-select({self.variable}: {self.expression})'
class BoolOpType(JacEnum):
AND = 'and'
OR = 'or'
NOT = 'not'
XOR = 'xor'
IMPLIES = 'implies'
class BoolExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
OpType = BoolOpType
def __init__(self, bool_op_type: BoolOpType, arguments: Sequence[ValueOutputExpression]):
self.bool_op = bool_op_type
self.arguments = tuple(arguments)
bool_op: BoolOpType
"""The boolean operation. Can be AND, OR, NOT, XOR, IMPLIES."""
arguments: Tuple[ValueOutputExpression, ...]
"""The list of arguments."""
def _check_arguments(self):
if self.bool_op is BoolOpType.NOT:
assert len(self.arguments) == 1, f'Number of arguments for NotOp should be 1, got: {len(self.arguments)}.'
if self.bool_op is BoolOpType.IMPLIES:
assert len(self.arguments) == 2, f'Number of arguments for ImpliesOp should be 2, got: {len(self.arguments)}.'
for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments):
assert isinstance(arg, (VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression)), f'BoolOp only accepts ValueOutputExpressions, got argument #{i} of type {type(arg)}.'
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self.arguments[0].return_type
def __str__(self):
argument_strings = [str(arg) for arg in self.arguments]
if sum(len(x) for x in argument_strings) < 80:
return f'{self.bool_op.value}({", ".join(argument_strings)})'
arguments = ',\n'.join([indent_text(x) for x in argument_strings])
return f'{self.bool_op.value}(\n{arguments}\n)'
class AndExpression(BoolExpression):
bool_op: BoolOpType
"""The boolean operation. Must be :py:attr:`BoolOpType.AND`."""
arguments: Tuple[ValueOutputExpression, ...]
def __init__(self, *arguments: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(BoolOpType.AND, arguments)
class OrExpression(BoolExpression):
bool_op: BoolOpType
"""The boolean operation. Must be :py:attr:`BoolOpType.OR`."""
arguments: Tuple[ValueOutputExpression, ...]
def __init__(self, *arguments: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(BoolOpType.OR, arguments)
class NotExpression(BoolExpression):
bool_op: BoolOpType
"""The boolean operation. Must be :py:attr:`BoolOpType.NOT`."""
arguments: Tuple[ValueOutputExpression]
"""The list of arguments. Must contain exactly one argument."""
def __init__(self, arg: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(BoolOpType.NOT, [arg])
class XorExpression(BoolExpression):
bool_op: BoolOpType
"""The boolean operation. Must be :py:attr:`BoolOpType.XOR`."""
arguments: Tuple[ValueOutputExpression, ...]
def __init__(self, *arguments: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(BoolOpType.XOR, arguments)
class ImpliesExpression(BoolExpression):
bool_op: BoolOpType
"""The boolean operation. Must be :py:attr:`BoolOpType.IMPLIES`."""
arguments: Tuple[ValueOutputExpression, ValueOutputExpression]
def __init__(self, lhs: ValueOutputExpression, rhs: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(BoolOpType.IMPLIES, [lhs, rhs])
class QuantificationOpType(JacEnum):
FORALL = 'forall'
EXISTS = 'exists'
BATCHED = 'batched'
class QuantificationExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
OpType = QuantificationOpType
def __init__(self, quantification_op: QuantificationOpType, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
self.quantification_op = quantification_op
self.variable = variable
self.expression = expr
quantification_op: QuantificationOpType
"""The quantification operation. Can be FORALL or EXISTS."""
variable: Variable
"""The quantified variable."""
expression: ValueOutputExpression
"""The internal expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.expression, ValueOutputExpression), f'QuantificationOp only accepts ValueOutputExpressions, got type {type(self.expression)}.'
assert isinstance(self.variable.dtype, ObjectType)
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self.expression.return_type
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.quantification_op.value}({self.variable}: {self.expression})'
class GeneralizedQuantificationExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, quantification_op: Any, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression, return_type: Optional[ValueType] = None):
self.quantification_op = quantification_op
self.variable = variable
self.expression = expr
self._return_type = return_type if return_type is not None else self.expression.return_type
quantification_op: Any
"""The quantification operation. It can be any data type."""
variable: Variable
"""The quantified variable."""
expression: ValueOutputExpression
"""The internal expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.expression, ValueOutputExpression), f'QuantificationOp only accepts ValueOutputExpressions, got type {type(self.expression)}.'
assert isinstance(self.variable.dtype, ObjectType)
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self._return_type
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.quantification_op}({self.variable}: {self.expression})'
class ForallExpression(QuantificationExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(QuantificationOpType.FORALL, variable, expr)
quantification_op: QuantificationOpType
"""The quantification operation. Must be :py:attr:`QuantificationOpType.FORALL`."""
variable: Variable
expression: ValueOutputExpression
class ExistsExpression(QuantificationExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(QuantificationOpType.EXISTS, variable, expr)
quantification_op: QuantificationOpType
"""The quantification operation. Must be :py:attr:`QuantificationOpType.EXISTS`."""
variable: Variable
expression: ValueOutputExpression
class BatchedExpression(QuantificationExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
super().__init__(QuantificationOpType.BATCHED, variable, expr)
quantification_op: QuantificationOpType
"""The quantification operation. Must be :py:attr:`QuantificationOpType.BATCHED`."""
variable: Variable
expression: ValueOutputExpression
class FindOneExpression(ObjectOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
self.variable = variable
self.expression = expr
variable: Variable
"""The quantified variable."""
expression: ValueOutputExpression
"""The internal expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.expression, ValueOutputExpression), f'FindAllOp only accepts ValueOutputExpressions, got type {type(self.expression)}.'
assert isinstance(self.variable.dtype, ObjectType)
def return_type(self) -> ObjectType:
return self.variable.dtype
def __str__(self):
return f'findone({self.variable}: {self.expression})'
class FindAllExpression(ObjectOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: ValueOutputExpression):
self.variable = variable
self.expression = expr
variable: Variable
"""The quantified variable."""
expression: ValueOutputExpression
"""The internal expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.expression, ValueOutputExpression), f'FindAllOp only accepts ValueOutputExpressions, got type {type(self.expression)}.'
assert isinstance(self.variable.dtype, ObjectType)
def return_type(self) -> ListType:
return ListType(self.variable.dtype)
def __str__(self):
return f'findall({self.variable}: {self.expression})'
class CompareOpType(JacEnum):
EQ = '=='
NEQ = '!='
LT = '<'
LEQ = '<='
GT = '>'
GEQ = '>='
class _CompareExpressionBase(ValueOutputExpression, ABC):
OpType = CompareOpType
def __init__(self, compare_op: CompareOpType, lhs: ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, rhs: ObjectOrValueOutputExpression):
self.compare_op = compare_op
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
def arguments(self) -> Tuple[ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, ObjectOrValueOutputExpression]:
return self.lhs, self.rhs
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return BOOL
def __str__(self):
return f'({self.lhs} {self.compare_op.value} {self.rhs})'
class ObjectCompareExpression(_CompareExpressionBase):
def _check_arguments(self):
assert self.compare_op in (CompareOpType.EQ, CompareOpType.NEQ), f'ObjectCompareExpression only accepts EQ and NEQ, got {self.compare_op}.'
assert isinstance(self.lhs.return_type, ObjectType), f'lhs of ObjectCompareExpression must be of type ObjectType, got {self.lhs.return_type}.'
assert isinstance(self.rhs.return_type, ObjectType), f'rhs of ObjectCompareExpression must be of type ObjectType, got {self.rhs.return_type}.'
compare_op: CompareOpType
"""The comparison operation."""
lhs: Union[ObjectOutputExpression, VariableExpression]
"""The left-hand side of the comparison."""
rhs: Union[ObjectOutputExpression, VariableExpression]
"""The right-hand side of the comparison."""
class ValueCompareExpression(_CompareExpressionBase):
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.lhs.return_type, ValueType), f'lhs of ValueCompareExpression must be of type ValueType, got {self.lhs.return_type}.'
assert isinstance(self.rhs.return_type, ValueType), f'rhs of ValueCompareExpression must be of type ValueType, got {self.rhs.return_type}.'
compare_op: CompareOpType
"""The comparison operation."""
lhs: ValueOutputExpression
"""The left-hand side of the comparison."""
rhs: ValueOutputExpression
"""The right-hand side of the comparison."""
class ConditionExpression(ValueOutputExpression):
def __init__(self, condition: ValueOutputExpression, true_value: ValueOutputExpression, false_value: ValueOutputExpression):
self.condition = condition
self.true_value = true_value
self.false_value = false_value
condition: ValueOutputExpression
"""The condition expression."""
true_value: ValueOutputExpression
"""The true value expression."""
false_value: ValueOutputExpression
"""The false value expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.condition, ValueOutputExpression) and self.condition.return_type == BOOL, f'Condition must be a boolean expression, got {self.condition}.'
assert self.true_value.return_type == self.false_value.return_type, f'True value and false value must have the same type, got {self.true_value.return_type} and {self.false_value.return_type}.'
def return_type(self) -> ValueType:
return self.true_value.return_type
def __str__(self):
condition_str = str(self.condition)
true_value_str = str(self.true_value)
false_value_str = str(self.false_value)
if len(condition_str) + len(true_value_str) + len(false_value_str) + 4 < 80:
return f'cond({condition_str} ? {true_value_str} : {false_value_str})'
return f'cond({condition_str} ?\n{indent_text(true_value_str)}\n{indent_text(false_value_str)})'
class _PredicateValueExpression(Expression, ABC):
def __init__(self, predicate: Union[VariableExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression], value: ValueOutputExpression):
self.predicate = predicate
self.value = value
def _check_arguments(self):
rtype = self.predicate.return_type
if rtype.is_uniform_sequence_type:
element_rtype = rtype.element_type
element_rtype = rtype
parent_type = element_rtype.assignment_type().parent_type
if parent_type is not None and parent_type.typename in ('bool', 'int64', 'float32', 'string'):
if self.value.return_type.typename == parent_type.typename:
if parent_type is not None and parent_type.is_vector_value_type and self.value.return_type.is_list_type and self.value.return_type.element_type == parent_type.dtype:
if parent_type is not None and parent_type.is_vector_value_type and self.value.return_type.is_vector_value_type:
if parent_type is not None and parent_type.is_vector_value_type and self.value.return_type.is_scalar_value_type:
# Handle cases such as x[:] = True
if element_rtype.assignment_type() != self.value.return_type:
raise FunctionApplicationError(0, f'{self.predicate.return_type}(assignment type is {rtype.assignment_type()})', self.value.return_type)
except TypeError as e:
raise e
except FunctionApplicationError as e:
error_header = 'Error during _PredicateValueExpression checking: feature = {} value = {}.\n'.format(str(self.predicate), str(self.value))
raise TypeError(
error_header +
f'Value type does not match: expect: {e.expect}, got {e.got}.'
) from e
class PredicateEqualExpression(ValueOutputExpression, _PredicateValueExpression):
"""This function is obsolete and should be replaced by :class:`ValueCompareExpression`."""
predicate: Union[VariableExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression]
"""The predicate expression."""
value: ValueOutputExpression
"""The value expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
if not isinstance(self.predicate, (VariableExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression)):
raise TypeError(f'PredicateEqualOp only support dest type VariableExpression or FunctionApplication, got {type(self.predicate)}.')
def return_type(self):
return BOOL
def __str__(self):
return f'equal({self.predicate}, {self.value})'
class AssignExpression(_PredicateValueExpression, VariableAssignmentExpression):
def __init__(self, predicate: FunctionApplicationExpression, value: ValueOutputExpression):
_PredicateValueExpression.__init__(self, predicate, value)
predicate: FunctionApplicationExpression
"""The predicate expression, must be a :class:`FunctionApplicationExpression` which refers to a state variable."""
value: ValueOutputExpression
"""The expression for the value to assign to the state variable."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.predicate, (ListFunctionApplicationExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression)), 'AssignOp only support dest type FunctionApplication, got {}.'.format(type(self.predicate))
def __str__(self):
return f'assign{{{self.predicate}: {self.value}}}'
class ConditionalAssignExpression(_PredicateValueExpression, VariableAssignmentExpression):
def __init__(self, feature: FunctionApplicationExpression, value: ValueOutputExpression, condition: ValueOutputExpression):
self.condition = condition
_PredicateValueExpression.__init__(self, feature, value)
predicate: FunctionApplicationExpression
"""The predicate expression, must be a :class:`FunctionApplicationExpression` which refers to a state variable."""
value: ValueOutputExpression
"""The expression for the value to assign to the state variable."""
condition: ValueOutputExpression
"""The condition expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.condition, ValueOutputExpression) and self.condition.return_type == BOOL
def __str__(self):
return f'cond-assign{{{self.predicate}: {self.value} if {self.condition}}}'
class DeicticAssignExpression(VariableAssignmentExpression):
def __init__(self, variable: Variable, expr: Union[VariableAssignmentExpression]):
self.variable = variable
self.expression = expr
variable: Variable
"""The quantified variable."""
expression: VariableAssignmentExpression
"""The internal expression."""
def _check_arguments(self):
assert isinstance(self.variable.dtype, ObjectType)
def __str__(self):
return f'deictic-assign{{{self.variable}: {self.expression}}}'
ExpressionCompatible = Union[Expression, Variable, str, ObjectConstant, bool, int, float, torch.Tensor, ValueBase]
def cvt_expression(expr: ExpressionCompatible, dtype: Optional[Union[ObjectType, ValueType]] = None) -> Expression:
"""Convert an expression compatible object to an expression. Acceptable types are:
* :class:`Expression`.
* :class:`Variable`: return a :class:`VariableExpression`.
* :class:`str`: return a :class:`ConstantExpression` with the given constant string name, or a :class:`ObjectConstantExpression` if the dtype is a :class:`ObjectType`.
* :class:`ObjectConstant`: return a :class:`ObjectConstantExpression`.
* :class:`bool`, :class:`int`, :class:`float`, :class:`torch.Tensor`: return a :class:`ConstantExpression`.
* :class:`ValueBase`: return a :class:`ConstantExpression`.
expr: the expression compatible object.
dtype: the expected data type of the expression. If not given, the dtype will be inferred from the given object.
the converted expression.
TypeError: if the given object is not an expression compatible object.
if isinstance(expr, Expression):
return expr
elif isinstance(expr, Variable):
return VariableExpression(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, str):
if isinstance(dtype, ObjectType):
return ObjectConstantExpression(ObjectConstant(expr, dtype or AutoType))
elif isinstance(dtype, ValueType):
return ConstantExpression(Value(dtype or AutoType, expr))
elif isinstance(expr, ObjectConstant):
return ObjectConstantExpression(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, bool):
return ConstantExpression(torch.tensor(int(expr), dtype=torch.int64), dtype or BOOL)
elif isinstance(expr, int):
return ConstantExpression(torch.tensor(expr, dtype=torch.int64), dtype or INT64)
elif isinstance(expr, float):
return ConstantExpression(torch.tensor(expr, dtype=torch.float32), dtype or FLOAT32)
elif isinstance(expr, torch.Tensor):
if expr.dtype == torch.int64:
return ConstantExpression(expr, dtype or INT64)
elif expr.dtype == torch.float32:
return ConstantExpression(expr, dtype or FLOAT32)
raise TypeError(f'Unsupported tensor type: {expr.dtype}.')
elif isinstance(expr, ValueBase):
if isinstance(expr.dtype, ValueType):
return ConstantExpression(expr, expr.dtype)
raise TypeError(f'Unsupported value type: {expr.dtype}.')
raise TypeError(f'Non-compatible expression type {type(expr)} for expression "{expr}".')
def cvt_expression_list(arguments: Sequence[ExpressionCompatible], dtypes: Optional[Sequence[Union[ObjectType, ValueType]]] = None) -> List[Expression]:
"""Convert a list of expression compatible objects to a list of expressions.
arguments: the list of expression compatible objects.
dtypes: the list of expected data types of the expressions. If not given, the dtypes will be inferred from the given objects.
It can be a single data type, in which case all the expressions will be converted to this data type.
the list of converted expressions.
if dtypes is None:
arguments = [cvt_expression(arg) for arg in arguments]
arguments = [cvt_expression(arg, dtype) for arg, dtype in zip(arguments, dtypes)]
return arguments
def get_type(value: Any) -> Union[TypeBase, Tuple[TypeBase, ...]]:
"""Get the type of the given value."""
if value is FunctionArgumentUnset:
return FunctionArgumentUnset
elif isinstance(value, Function):
return value.ftype
elif isinstance(value, Expression):
return value.return_type
elif isinstance(value, ValueBase):
return value.dtype
elif isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex, str)):
return AutoType
raise ValueError(f'Unknown value type: {type(value)}.')
def get_types(args=None, kwargs=None):
"""Get the types of the given arguments and keyword arguments."""
ret = list()
if args is not None:
ret.append(tuple(get_type(v) for v in args))
if kwargs is not None:
ret.append({k: get_type(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()})
if len(ret) == 1:
return ret[0]
return tuple(ret)
def is_null_expression(expr: Expression) -> bool:
return isinstance(expr, NullExpression)
def is_object_output_expression(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[ObjectOutputExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, ObjectOutputExpression) or (isinstance(expr, VariableExpression) and isinstance(expr.variable.dtype, ObjectType))
def is_value_output_expression(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[ValueOutputExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, ValueOutputExpression)
def is_variable_assignment_expression(expr: Expression) -> bool:
return isinstance(expr, VariableAssignmentExpression)
def is_and_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[AndExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, BoolExpression) and expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.AND
def is_or_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[OrExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, BoolExpression) and expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.OR
def is_not_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[NotExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, BoolExpression) and expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.NOT
def is_xor_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[XorExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, BoolExpression) and expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.XOR
def is_implies_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[ImpliesExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, BoolExpression) and expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.IMPLIES
def is_constant_bool_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[ConstantExpression]:
if isinstance(expr, ConstantExpression) and expr.return_type == BOOL:
return True
return False
def is_forall_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[ForallExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, QuantificationExpression) and expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.FORALL
def is_exists_expr(expr: Expression) -> TypeGuard[ExistsExpression]:
return isinstance(expr, QuantificationExpression) and expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.EXISTS