#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : value_quantizers.py
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email : maojiayuan@gmail.com
# Date : 08/15/2023
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import collections
import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, Tuple, Iterable, Sequence, List, Mapping, Dict
import torch
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import TensorValueTypeBase, ScalarValueType, NamedTensorValueType, PyObjValueType
from concepts.dsl.dsl_domain import DSLDomainBase
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorValue, scalar
from concepts.dsl.tensor_state import TensorState
from concepts.dsl.executors.tensor_value_executor import TensorValueExecutorBase
__all__ = ['ValueQuantizer', 'PyObjectStore']
class ValueQuantizer(object):
values: Dict[str, Union[List[Any], Dict[Any, int]]]
"""the value dictionary is a mapping from typename to a list of values. When we quantize a value `v`, we basically return the index of `v` in the list."""
def __init__(self, executor: 'TensorValueExecutorBase'):
"""Initialize a value quantizer.
executor: the executor for the domain to use. We need the executor to access the underlying domain and
the corresponding hash / equality functions.
self.executor = executor
self.domain = executor.domain
self.values = dict()
def quantize(self, typename: str, value: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorValue]) -> int:
"""Quantize a single value. This API is used to quantize a single value, and it is the lowest level API in this class.
Most of the time, you should use other higher-level APIs such as :meth:`quantize_tensor` and :meth:`quantize_value` instead.
typename: the typename of the value.
value: the value to quantize.
the quantized value, as a single integer.
if not isinstance(value, TensorValue):
value = TensorValue(self.domain.types[typename], [], value)
use_hash = self.executor.has_function_implementation(f'type::{typename}::hash')
if typename not in self.values:
self.values[typename] = dict() if use_hash else list()
if use_hash:
hash_value = self.executor.get_function_implementation(f'type::{typename}::hash')(value, wrap_rv=False)
if hash_value not in self.values[typename]:
self.values[typename][hash_value] = len(self.values[typename])
return self.values[typename][hash_value]
for i, v in enumerate(self.values[typename]):
if bool(self.executor.get_function_implementation(f'type::{typename}::equal')(v, value, wrap_rv=False)):
return i
return len(self.values[typename]) - 1
def quantize_tensor(self, dtype: NamedTensorValueType, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Quantize a PyTorch tensor. The main difference between this function and the :meth:`quantize` function is that
this function will quantize all the elements in the tensor.
dtype: the dtype of the tensor.
tensor: the tensor to quantize.
the quantized tensor.
if dtype.parent_type.typename in ScalarValueType.INTRINSICALLY_QUANTIZED_DTYPES:
raise RuntimeError('This branch should not be reached. Please report this bug to the developers.')
# if torch.dtype in (torch.float16, torch.float32, torch.float64):
# return torch.round(tensor).to(torch.int64)
tensor_flatten = tensor.reshape((-1,) + dtype.size_tuple())
quantized_values = [self.quantize(dtype.typename, v) for v in tensor_flatten]
quantized_tensor = torch.tensor(quantized_values, dtype=torch.int64, device=tensor_flatten.device)
quantized_tensor = quantized_tensor.reshape(tensor.shape[:-dtype.ndim()])
return quantized_tensor
def quantize_value(self, value: TensorValue) -> TensorValue:
"""Quantize a single TensorValue object.
value: the value to quantize.
the quantized value.
if value.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized():
return value.simple_quantize()
assert isinstance(value.dtype, NamedTensorValueType)
return TensorValue(value.dtype, value.batch_variables, self.quantize_tensor(value.dtype, value.tensor), value.batch_dims, quantized=True)
def quantize_dict_list(self, continuous_values: Mapping[str, Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, TensorValue]]]) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[TensorValue]]:
"""Quantize a dictionary of lists of values. The return is a dictionary that maps from the same keys to a list of quantized values.
Note that the return type is a dictionary of lists of :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue`, not a dictionary of lists of integers.
continuous_values: the dictionary of lists of values to quantize.
the quantized dictionary of lists of values.
output_dict = dict()
for typename, values in continuous_values.items():
output_dict[typename] = set()
for v in values:
output_dict[typename].add(self.quantize(typename, v))
output_dict[typename] = [TensorValue(self.domain.types[typename], [], x, quantized=True) for x in output_dict[typename]]
return output_dict
def quantize_state(self, state: TensorState, includes=None, excludes=None) -> TensorState:
"""Quantize a TensorState object. Users can specify which variables to quantize by using the `includes` and `excludes` arguments.
Meanwhile, this function will read the function definition in the domain to determine whether the feature is a state variable.
If the feature is not a state variable, it will not be quantized.
state: the state to quantize.
includes: the variables to include in the quantization. If this argument is not None, only the variables in this list will be quantized.
excludes: the variables to exclude in the quantization. If this argument is not None, the variables in this list will not be quantized.
the quantized state.
state = state.clone()
for feature_name in state.features.all_feature_names:
if (includes is not None and feature_name not in includes) or (excludes is not None and feature_name in excludes):
rv = state.features[feature_name]
function = self.domain.functions[feature_name]
if hasattr(function, 'is_state_variable') and not function.is_state_variable:
rv = state.features[feature_name]
rv = self.quantize_value(state.features[feature_name])
state.features[feature_name] = rv
return state
def unquantize(self, typename: str, value: int) -> TensorValue:
"""The lowest-level API to unquantize a single value. Most of the time, you should use other higher-level APIs.
typename: the typename of the value.
value: the value to unquantize.
the unquantized value.
return self.values[typename][value]
def unquantize_tensor(self, dtype: NamedTensorValueType, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Unquantize a PyTorch tensor. The main difference between this function and the :meth:`unquantize` function is that
this function will unquantize all the elements in the tensor.
dtype: the dtype of the tensor.
tensor: the tensor to unquantize.
the unquantized tensor.
if dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized():
return tensor
assert dtype.typename in self.values, f'Unknown typename: {dtype.typename}.'
lookup_table = self.values[dtype.typename]
output = [lookup_table[x].tensor for x in tensor.flatten().tolist()]
output = torch.stack(output, dim=0).reshape(tensor.shape + dtype.size_tuple())
return output
def unquantize_value(self, value: TensorValue) -> TensorValue:
"""Unquantize a single TensorValue object.
value: the value to unquantize.
the unquantized value.
dtype = value.dtype
if isinstance(dtype, PyObjValueType):
return value
assert isinstance(dtype, TensorValueTypeBase)
if dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized():
return value
assert isinstance(dtype, NamedTensorValueType)
return TensorValue(dtype, value.batch_variables, self.unquantize_tensor(dtype, value.tensor), value.batch_dims, quantized=False)
# def unquantize_csp(self, csp: ConstraintSatisfactionProblem) -> ConstraintSatisfactionProblem:
# """Unquantize a ConstraintSatisfactionProblem object. Essnetially this function will unquantize all the determined values in the CSP.
# Args:
# csp: the CSP to unquantize.
# Returns:
# the unquantized CSP.
# """
# def _cvt(arg):
# if isinstance(arg, DeterminedValue):
# if not arg.quantized:
# return arg
# elif arg.dtype.quantized:
# if arg.dtype == BOOL:
# return DeterminedValue(BOOL, bool(arg.value), True)
# return DeterminedValue(arg.dtype, int(arg.value), True)
# else:
# assert isinstance(arg.dtype, NamedTensorValueType) and isinstance(arg.value, int)
# return DeterminedValue(arg.dtype, self.unquantize(arg.dtype.typename, arg.value), False)
# else:
# return arg
# csp = csp.clone()
# for i, c in enumerate(csp.constraints):
# new_args = tuple(map(_cvt, c.arguments))
# new_rv = _cvt(c.rv)
# csp.constraints[i] = Constraint(c.function, new_args, new_rv, note=c.note)
# return csp
def checkpoint(self):
"""A context manager that can be used to checkpoint all the quantized values. This is useful when you performs a series of executions and want to restore the quantized values to save memory."""
old_values = self.values.copy()
self.values = old_values
class PyObjectStore(object):
"""A store for Python objects. This class is used to map Python objects to integers (so that they can be stored in a TensorValue object) and vice versa."""
executor: 'TensorValueExecutorBase'
"""The executor that uses this object store."""
domain: DSLDomainBase
"""The underlying domain for the PyObjectStore."""
def __init__(self, executor: 'TensorValueExecutorBase'):
"""Initialize the PyObjectStore object.
executor: the executor that uses this object store.
self.executor = executor
self.domain = executor.domain
self.objects = collections.defaultdict(list)
def add(self, typename: str, python_object: Any) -> int:
"""The lowest-API to add a Python object to the store. Most of the time, you should use other higher-level APIs such as :meth:`make_value` and :meth:`make_batched_value`.
typename: the typename of the Python object.
python_object: the Python object to add.
the index of the Python object in the store.
return len(self.objects[typename]) - 1
def retrieve(self, typename: str, index: int) -> Any:
"""The lowest-API to retrieve a Python object from the store. Most of the time, you should use other higher-level APIs such as :meth:`retrieve_value`."""
return self.objects[typename][index]
def retrieve_value(self, value: TensorValue) -> Union[Any, List[Any]]:
"""Retrieve one or multiple Python object from the store. When the value is a batched value, this function will return a list of (or nested lists of) Python objects."""
return _tensor2pyobj_list(self, value.dtype.typename, value.tensor)
def make_value(self, typename: str, python_object: Any) -> TensorValue:
"""Make a TensorValue object from a single Python object.
typename: the typename of the Python object.
python_object: the Python object to add.
the TensorValue object.
index = self.add(typename, python_object)
return scalar(index, self.domain.types[typename])
def make_batched_value(self, typename: str, pyobj_list: List[Any], batch_variables: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> TensorValue:
"""Make a TensorValue object from a list of (or nested lists of) Python objects.
typename: the typename of the Python object.
pyobj_list: the list of (or nested lists of) Python objects.
batch_variables: the batch variables of the TensorValue object.
sizes = _get_pyobj_list_size(pyobj_list)
tensor = torch.zeros(sizes, dtype=torch.int64)
for indices, pyobj in _iterate_pyobj_list(pyobj_list):
tensor[indices] = self.add(typename, pyobj)
return TensorValue(
batch_variables if batch_variables is not None else len(sizes),
tensor, batch_dims=0, quantized=True
def checkpoint(self):
"""A context manager that can be used to checkpoint all the stored Python objects. This is useful when you performs a series of executions and want to restore the objects to save memory."""
old_objects = self.objects.copy()
self.objects = old_objects
def _tensor2pyobj_list(pyobj_store: PyObjectStore, typename: str, indices_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> Union[Any, List[Any]]:
if indices_tensor.dim() == 0:
return pyobj_store.retrieve(typename, indices_tensor.item())
return [_tensor2pyobj_list(pyobj_store, typename, indices_tensor[i]) for i in range(indices_tensor.size(0))]
def _get_pyobj_list_size(pyobj_list: Union[Any, List[Any]]) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
if type(pyobj_list) is list:
assert len(pyobj_list) > 0
return (len(pyobj_list), ) + _get_pyobj_list_size(pyobj_list[0])
return tuple()
def _iterate_pyobj_list(pyobj_list: Union[Any, List[Any]], indices: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple()) -> Iterable[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Any]]:
"""Given a nested list of pyobjs, yield a tuple of (indices, pyobj) for each pyobj."""
if type(pyobj_list) is list:
for i, pyobj in enumerate(pyobj_list):
yield from _iterate_pyobj_list(pyobj, indices + (i,))
yield indices, pyobj_list