Source code for concepts.dsl.executors.tensor_value_executor

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 11/03/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""Tensor-based expression executor.

The high-level interface for tensor-based expression is that we can execute an expression with a given state and a set of
bounded variables. The executor will return a tensor value.

The state is represented using :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_state.TensorState` or :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_state.NamedObjectTensorState`, which internally stores a dictionary
mapping from string (the state variable name, e.g., ``is_hot``) to a :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue` class.

The bounded variables are essentially a dictionary mapping from strings (the variable name, e.g., ``x``) to its value. There are
two types of values: (1) a :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue` class, which represents an actual value (e.g., a vector representation);
(2) a :class:`StateObjectReference` instance or a QINDEX (a.k.a., ``slice(None)``), which represents a reference to an object in the state.

With the bounded variables, the expressions can have variables, which are essentially placeholders for the actual values. For example,

.. code-block:: python

    domain = FunctionDomain()
    # Define an object type `person`.
    # Define a state variable `is_friend` with type `person x person -> bool`.
    domain.define_function(Function('is_friend', FunctionType([ObjectType('person'), ObjectType('person')], BOOL)))

    x = VariableExpression(Variable('x', ObjectType('person')))
    y = VariableExpression(Variable('y', ObjectType('person')))
    relation = FunctionApplication(domain.functions['is_friend'], [x, y])

Then we can execute the expression with a given state and bounded variables:

.. code-block:: python

    # See the documentation for namedObjectTensorState for more details.
    state = NamedObjectTensorState({
        'is_friend': TensorValue(BOOL, ['x', 'y'], torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]], dtype=torch.bool))
    }, object_names={
        'Alice': ObjectType('person'),
        'Bob': ObjectType('person'),
        'Charlie': ObjectType('person'),
    executor = SimpleFunctionTensorValueExecutor(domain)

    # For both of the following lines, the result is a tensor value with value `True`.
    # Use the constructed expression:
    executor.execute(relation, state, {'x': 'Alice', 'y': 'Bob'})
    # To use the default parser:
    executor.execute('is_friend(x, y)', state, {'x': 'Alice', 'y': 'Bob'})

import contextlib
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Sequence, Dict

import torch

from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import ObjectType, ValueType, TensorValueTypeBase, NamedTensorValueType, PyObjValueType, ListType, ObjectConstant, Variable, UnnamedPlaceholder, QINDEX
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import BOOL, INT64, FLOAT32
from concepts.dsl.dsl_domain import DSLDomainBase
from concepts.dsl.function_domain import FunctionDomain
from concepts.dsl.value import ListValue
from concepts.dsl.constraint import Constraint, SimulationFluentConstraintFunction
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorValue, scalar
from concepts.dsl.tensor_state import StateObjectReference, TensorState, NamedObjectTensorState
from concepts.dsl.expression import Expression, VariableExpression, ObjectConstantExpression, ConstantExpression, FunctionApplicationExpression, ValueCompareExpression, BoolOpType, QuantificationOpType
from concepts.dsl.constraint import OptimisticValue, ConstraintSatisfactionProblem, OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER
from concepts.dsl.parsers.parser_base import ParserBase
from concepts.dsl.parsers.function_expression_parser import FunctionExpressionParser
from concepts.dsl.executors.executor_base import DSLExecutorBase
from concepts.dsl.executors.value_quantizers import ValueQuantizer, PyObjectStore

__all__ = [
    'BoundedVariablesDict', 'BoundedVariablesDictCompatible',
    'compose_bvdict', 'compose_bvdict_args', 'get_bvdict',
    'TensorValueExecutorReturnType', 'TensorValueExecutorBase', 'FunctionDomainTensorValueExecutor'

BoundedVariablesDict = Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[StateObjectReference, slice, TensorValue]]]
"""Internal representation of a bounded variable dictionary. It stores a nested two-layer dictionary, where the first layer
stores the type of the object, and the second layer stores the name of the object. The value can be either a :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue`
or a :class:`StateObjectReference` instance (representing the reference to a single object)."""

BoundedVariablesDictCompatibleKeyType = Union[str, Variable]
BoundedVariablesDictCompatibleValueType = Union[str, int, slice, bool, float, torch.Tensor, TensorValue, ObjectConstant, StateObjectReference]

BoundedVariablesDictCompatible = Union[
    None, Sequence[Variable],
    Dict[BoundedVariablesDictCompatibleKeyType, BoundedVariablesDictCompatibleValueType],
"""Compatible types with :class:`BoundedVariablesDict`. They can be converted to :class:`BoundedVariablesDict` using :func:`compose_bvdict`."""

def _get_state_object_reference(state, dtype, value):
    if isinstance(value, int):
        assert isinstance(state, NamedObjectTensorState)
        value = StateObjectReference(state.object_type2name[dtype.typename][value], value, dtype)
        return value
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        assert isinstance(state, NamedObjectTensorState)
        value = StateObjectReference(value, state.get_typed_index(value), dtype)
        return value
    elif isinstance(value, ObjectConstant):
        assert isinstance(state, NamedObjectTensorState)
        value = StateObjectReference(, state.get_typed_index(, typename=value.dtype.typename), value.dtype)
        return value
    elif isinstance(value, slice):
        return value
    elif isinstance(value, StateObjectReference):
        return value
        raise TypeError(f'Invalid object reference type: {type(value)}.')

[docs] def compose_bvdict(input_dict: BoundedVariablesDictCompatible, state: Optional[TensorState] = None) -> BoundedVariablesDict: """Compose a bounded variable dict from raw inputs. Args: input_dict: the input dict. There are three types of inputs: 1. A sequence of :class:`concepts.dsl.dsl_types.Variable` instances, which represents a set of variables with no values. 2. A dictionary mapping from :class:`concepts.dsl.dsl_types.Variable` instances to the actual value. 3. A dictionary mapping from strings (the name of the variables) to values. Acceptable values are: 1. A :class:`str`, which represents a reference to an object in the state (so the state must be object-named). 2. An integer, which represents a reference to an object in the state (so the state must be object-named). 3. A QINDEX (a.k.a., ``slice(None)``), which represents all objects in the state of a given type (so the state must be object-named). 4. A :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue` instance, which represents an actual value. 5. A :class:`StateObjectReference` instance, which represents a reference to an object in the state (so the state must be object-named). 6. A :class:`bool`, :class:`int`, :class:`float`, or :class:`torch.Tensor` instance, which represents an actual value. They will be converted to a :class:`concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue` instance. state: the state. Returns: a dictionary mapping from strings (the typename) to a dictionary mapping from strings (the name of the variables) to values. """ if input_dict is None: return dict() if isinstance(input_dict, dict): if len(input_dict) == 0: return {} sample_value = next(iter(input_dict.values())) if isinstance(sample_value, dict): return {k: v.copy() for k, v in input_dict.items()} output_dict = dict() for var, value in input_dict.items(): if isinstance(var, Variable): # Part 1: the variable corresponds to an object. if isinstance(var.dtype, ObjectType): output_dict.setdefault(var.typename, dict()).setdefault(, _get_state_object_reference(state, var.dtype, value)) elif isinstance(var.dtype, ListType): assert isinstance(value, ListValue) output_dict.setdefault(var.dtype.typename, {})[] = value # Part 2: the variable corresponds to a Python object. elif isinstance(var.dtype, PyObjValueType): if isinstance(value, TensorValue): pass else: value = TensorValue.from_scalar(value, var.dtype) typename = var.dtype.typename output_dict.setdefault(typename, {})[] = value # Part 3: the variable corresponds to a PyTorch tensor. elif isinstance(var.dtype, TensorValueTypeBase): if isinstance(value, TensorValue): pass elif isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, torch.Tensor)): value = TensorValue.from_scalar(value, var.dtype) elif isinstance(value, UnnamedPlaceholder): value = TensorValue.from_optimistic_value_int(OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER, var.dtype) # Just a placeholder. else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid value type for variable {var}: {type(value)}.') output_dict.setdefault(var.dtype.typename, {})[] = value elif isinstance(var.dtype, ListType): assert isinstance(value, ListValue) if isinstance(var.dtype.element_type, ObjectType): if value.values == QINDEX: pass else: value = ListValue(var.dtype, [_get_state_object_reference(state, var.dtype.element_type, v) for v in value.values]) else: pass output_dict.setdefault(var.dtype.typename, {})[] = value else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid variable type: {var.dtype}.') elif isinstance(var, OptimisticValue): raise RuntimeError('Invalid branch; OptimisticValue should be handled in the previous branch. Report a bug to the developers.') elif isinstance(var, str) and isinstance(value, str): assert state is not None typename, value_index = state.get_typename(value), state.get_typed_index(value) value = StateObjectReference(value, value_index) output_dict.setdefault(typename, dict()).setdefault(var, value) elif isinstance(var, str) and isinstance(value, ObjectConstant): assert state is not None typename = value.typename value_index = state.get_typed_index(, typename) value = StateObjectReference(, value_index, value.dtype) output_dict.setdefault(typename, dict()).setdefault(var, value) elif isinstance(var, str) and isinstance(value, StateObjectReference): assert state is not None assert value.dtype is not None output_dict.setdefault(value.dtype.typename, dict()).setdefault(var, value) elif isinstance(var, str) and isinstance(value, ListValue): output_dict.setdefault(value.dtype.typename, dict()).setdefault(var, value) elif isinstance(var, str) and isinstance(value, TensorValue): output_dict.setdefault(value.dtype.typename, dict()).setdefault(var, value) else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid KV pair: {var} -> {value}.') return output_dict elif isinstance(input_dict, (list, tuple)): # The input dict is a list of variables. assert isinstance(input_dict, (list, tuple)) output_dict = dict() for var in input_dict: assert isinstance(var, Variable) output_dict.setdefault(var.typename, dict()).setdefault(, QINDEX) return output_dict else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid input type: {type(input_dict)}.')
[docs] def compose_bvdict_args(arguments_def: Sequence[Variable], arguments: Sequence[BoundedVariablesDictCompatibleValueType], state: Optional[TensorState] = None) -> BoundedVariablesDict: """Compose a bounded variable dict, but from a list of arguments. This function is useful when we want to compose a bounded variable dict from a list of arguments to a function. Args: arguments_def: the definition of the arguments, including their name and dtypes. arguments: the actual arguments. state: the state. Returns: a bounded variable dictionary. """ return compose_bvdict(dict(zip(arguments_def, arguments)), state=state)
[docs] def get_bvdict(bvdict: BoundedVariablesDict, variable: Variable) -> Union[StateObjectReference, slice, TensorValue]: """Get the value of a variable from a bounded variable dict. Args: bvdict: the bounded variable dict. variable: the variable. Returns: the value of the variable. """ return bvdict[variable.typename][]
TensorValueExecutorReturnTypeElem = Union[TensorValue, slice, StateObjectReference, ListValue, None] TensorValueExecutorReturnType = Union[TensorValueExecutorReturnTypeElem, Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnTypeElem, ...]]
[docs] class TensorValueExecutorBase(DSLExecutorBase): """The base class for tensor value executors."""
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: DSLDomainBase, parser: Optional[ParserBase] = None): """Initialize the base class for tensor value executors. Args: domain: the domain of the executor. parser: the parser to use. If None, no parser will be used. """ super().__init__(domain) self._parser = parser self._state = None self._bounded_variables = dict()
@property def parser(self) -> Optional[ParserBase]: """The parser for the domain.""" return self._parser @property def state(self) -> Optional[TensorState]: """The current state of the environment.""" return self._state @property def bounded_variables(self) -> BoundedVariablesDict: """The bounded variables for the execution. Note that most of the time you should use the :meth:`get_bounded_variable` method to get values for the bounded variable.""" return self._bounded_variables @property def value_quantizer(self) -> ValueQuantizer: """The value quantizer.""" return self._value_quantizer @property def pyobj_store(self) -> PyObjectStore: """The Python object store.""" return self._pyobj_store
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def with_state(self, state: Optional[TensorState] = None): """A context manager to temporarily set the state of the executor.""" old_state = self._state self._state = state yield self._state = old_state
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def with_bounded_variables(self, bvdict: BoundedVariablesDictCompatible): """A context manager to set the bounded variables for the executor. Args: bvdict: the bounded variables. """ old_bvdict = self._bounded_variables self._bounded_variables = compose_bvdict(bvdict, state=self._state) yield self._bounded_variables = old_bvdict
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def new_bounded_variables(self, bvdict: BoundedVariablesDictCompatible): """A context manager to add additional bounded variables to the executor. Args: bvdict: the new bounded variables. """ bvdict = compose_bvdict(bvdict, state=self._state) for typename, variables in bvdict.items(): for name, value in variables.items(): if typename not in self._bounded_variables: self._bounded_variables[typename] = dict() assert name not in self._bounded_variables[typename], f'Variable {name} already exists in bounded variables.' self._bounded_variables[typename][name] = value yield for typename, variables in bvdict.items(): for name in variables: del self._bounded_variables[typename][name]
[docs] def retrieve_bounded_variable_by_name(self, name: str) -> Union[TensorValue, slice, StateObjectReference]: """Retrieve a bounded variable by its name. Args: name: the name of the variable. Returns: the value of the variable. """ for variables in self._bounded_variables.values(): if name in variables: return variables[name] raise KeyError(f'Variable {name} not found in the bounded variables.')
[docs] def get_bounded_variable(self, variable: Variable) -> Union[TensorValue, slice, StateObjectReference]: """Get the value of a bounded variable. Args: variable: the variable. Returns: the value of the variable. """ return get_bvdict(self._bounded_variables, variable)
[docs] def set_parser(self, parser: ParserBase): """Set the parser for the executor. Args: parser: the parser. """ self._parser = parser
[docs] def parse(self, expression: Union[Expression, str]): """Parse an expression. Args: expression: the expression to parse. When the input is already an expression, it will be returned directly. Returns: the parsed expression. """ if isinstance(expression, Expression): return expression if self._parser is None: raise ValueError('No parser is set for the executor.') return self._parser.parse_expression(expression)
[docs] def execute( self, expression: Union[Expression, str], state: Optional[TensorState] = None, bounded_variables: Optional[BoundedVariablesDictCompatible] = None, ) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: """Execute an expression. Args: expression: the expression to execute. state: the state to use. If None, the current state of the executor will be used. bounded_variables: the bounded variables to use. If None, the current bounded variables of the executor will be used. Returns: the TensorValue object. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = self.parse(expression) state = state if state is not None else self._state bounded_variables = bounded_variables if bounded_variables is not None else self._bounded_variables with self.with_state(state), self.with_bounded_variables(bounded_variables): return self._execute(expression)
def _execute(self, expression: Expression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def check_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint, state: Optional[TensorState] = None): if constraint.function is BoolOpType.NOT: return constraint.arguments[0].item() == (not constraint.rv.item()) elif constraint.function in (QuantificationOpType.FORALL, BoolOpType.AND): return all([x.item() for x in constraint.arguments]) == constraint.rv.item() elif constraint.function in (QuantificationOpType.EXISTS, BoolOpType.OR): return any([x.item() for x in constraint.arguments]) == constraint.rv.item() elif constraint.function is BoolOpType.IMPLIES: return (not constraint.arguments[0].item()) or constraint.arguments[1].item() == constraint.rv.item() elif constraint.function is BoolOpType.XOR: return sum([x.item() for x in constraint.arguments]) % 2 == constraint.rv.item() if constraint.is_equal_constraint: if constraint.arguments[0].dtype in (BOOL, INT64, FLOAT32): return (constraint.arguments[0].item() == constraint.arguments[1].item()) == constraint.rv.item() else: return self.check_eq_constraint(constraint.arguments[0].dtype, constraint.arguments[0], constraint.arguments[1], constraint.rv.item(), state) if isinstance(constraint.function, SimulationFluentConstraintFunction): return False # assert isinstance(c.function, CrowFunctionBase) # # NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 09/05): for generator placeholders, they can only be set true through the corresponding generators. # if isinstance(c.function, CrowFunction) and c.function.is_generator_placeholder: # return False argument_values = list() for argument, argv in zip(constraint.function.arguments, constraint.arguments): if isinstance(argument.dtype, ObjectType): assert isinstance(argv, StateObjectReference) argument_values.append(ObjectConstantExpression(ObjectConstant(argv, argument.dtype))) elif isinstance(argument.dtype, ValueType): argument_values.append(ConstantExpression(argv, argument.dtype)) else: raise TypeError(f'Unsupported argument type: {argument.dtype}.') func = FunctionApplicationExpression(constraint.function, argument_values) with self.with_state(state): rv = self._execute(func) if rv.dtype == BOOL: return (rv.item() > 0.5) == constraint.rv.item() else: return self.check_eq_constraint(rv.dtype, rv, constraint.rv.item(), True, state)
[docs] def check_eq_constraint(self, dtype: TensorValueTypeBase, x: TensorValue, y: TensorValue, target: bool, state: Optional[TensorState] = None) -> bool: expr = ValueCompareExpression(ValueCompareExpression.OpType.EQ, ConstantExpression(x, dtype), ConstantExpression(y, dtype)) with self.with_state(state): return self._execute(expr).item() == target
[docs] class FunctionDomainTensorValueExecutor(TensorValueExecutorBase): """Similar to :class:`~concepts.dsl.executors.function_domain_executor.FunctionDomainExecutor`, but works for :class:`~concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue`. The two of the main differences are: 1. The :meth:`execute` method returns a :class:`~concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue` object instead of a :class:`~concepts.dsl.value.Value` object. 2. The class supports binding variables to values during execution. See the documentation for this file and tutorials for details. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: FunctionDomain, parser: Optional[ParserBase] = None): """Initialize a tensor value executor for a function domain. Args: domain: the domain of the executor. parser: the parser to use. If not specified, no parser will be used. """ if parser is None: parser = FunctionExpressionParser(domain, allow_variable=True, escape_string=True) super().__init__(domain, parser)
_domain: FunctionDomain @property def domain(self) -> FunctionDomain: """The function domain of the executor.""" return self._domain def _execute(self, expr: Expression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: if isinstance(expr, VariableExpression): variable = expr.variable return self._bounded_variables[variable.dtype.typename][] elif isinstance(expr, ObjectConstantExpression): if isinstance(, StateObjectReference): return assert isinstance(self._state, NamedObjectTensorState) constant = expr.constant return StateObjectReference(, self._state.get_typed_index(, constant.dtype.typename), constant.dtype ) elif isinstance(expr, ConstantExpression): assert isinstance(expr.constant, TensorValue) return expr.constant elif isinstance(expr, FunctionApplicationExpression): assert isinstance(self._state, NamedObjectTensorState) func = expr.function args = [self._execute(arg) for arg in expr.arguments] if in self._state.features: args = [arg.index if isinstance(arg, StateObjectReference) else arg for arg in args] return self._state.features[][tuple(args)] else: assert self.has_function_implementation( return self.get_function_implementation(*args) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported expression type: {type(expr)}.')