#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : domain.py
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email : maojiayuan@gmail.com
# Date : 01/30/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import itertools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict
import jacinle
import torch
from jacinle.utils.printing import indent_text, stprint
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import BOOL, FLOAT32, INT64, ObjectType, TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, TupleType, ListType, ScalarValueType, VectorValueType, NamedTensorValueType, Variable, ObjectConstant
from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import FunctionReturnType, FunctionArgumentListType, FunctionType, Function
from concepts.dsl.dsl_domain import DSLDomainBase
from concepts.dsl.constraint import OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC
from concepts.dsl.expression import Expression, ExpressionDefinitionContext, VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression, cvt_expression_list
from concepts.dsl.expression import FunctionApplicationExpression, AssignExpression, ConditionalAssignExpression, DeicticAssignExpression
from concepts.dsl.constraint import is_optimistic_value
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorValue
from concepts.dsl.tensor_state import NamedObjectTensorState
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.predicate import Predicate, flatten_expression, get_used_state_variables
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.operator import Precondition, Effect, Implementation, Operator, MacroOperator, OperatorApplier
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.regression_rule import RegressionRuleBodyItemType, RegressionRule
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.generator import Generator, FancyGenerator
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.executor import PDSketchExecutor
logger = jacinle.get_logger(__file__)
__all__ = ['Domain', 'Problem', 'State']
class _TypedVariableView(object):
"""Use `domain.typed_variable['type_name']('variable_name')`"""
def __init__(self, domain):
self.domain = domain
def __getitem__(self, typename):
def function(string):
return Variable(string, self.domain.types[typename])
return function
class Domain(DSLDomainBase):
"""The planning domain definition."""
def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, pdsketch_version: int = 2):
"""Initialize a planning domain.
name: The name of the domain.
self.pdsketch_version = pdsketch_version
self.operators = dict()
self.operator_templates = dict()
self.regression_rules = dict()
self.axioms = dict()
self.generators = dict()
self.fancy_generators = dict()
self.external_functions = dict()
self.external_function_crossrefs = dict()
self.tv = self.typed_variable = _TypedVariableView(self)
pdsketch_version: int
"""The version of the PDSketch language. Currently, two supported versions are 2 and 3. This will be used to determine the parsing behavior of the domain."""
name: str
"""The name of the domain."""
types: Dict[str, Union[ObjectType, PyObjValueType, TensorValueTypeBase]]
"""The types defined in the domain, as a dictionary from type names to types."""
functions: Dict[str, Predicate]
"""A mapping from function name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.predicate.Predicate` class. Note that,
unlike the basic :class:`~concepts.dsl.dsl_domain.DSLDomainBase`, in planning domain, all functions should be of type :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.predicate.Predicate`."""
constants: Dict[str, ObjectConstant]
"""The constants defined in the domain, as a dictionary from constant names to values."""
operators: Dict[str, Union[Operator, MacroOperator]]
"""A mapping of operators: from operator name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.operator.Operator` class."""
operator_templates: Dict[str, Operator]
"""A mapping of operator templates: from operator name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.operator.Operator` class."""
regression_rules: Dict[str, RegressionRule]
"""A mapping of regression rules: from regression rule name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.operator.RegressionRule` class."""
axioms: Dict[str, Operator]
"""A mapping of axioms: from axiom name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.operator.Operator` class."""
generators: Dict[str, Generator]
"""A mapping of generators: from generator name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.generator.Generator` class."""
fancy_generators: Dict[str, FancyGenerator]
"""A mapping of fancy generators: from fancy generator name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dm.pdsketch.generator.FancyGenerator` class."""
external_functions: Dict[str, Function]
"""A mapping of external functions: from function name to the corresponding :class:`~concepts.dsl.dsl_functions.Function` class."""
external_function_crossrefs: Dict[str, str]
"""A mapping from function name to another function name. This is useful when defining one function as an derived function of another function."""
tv: _TypedVariableView
"""A helper function that returns a variable with the given type.
For example, `domain.tv['object']('x')` returns a variable of type `object` with name `x`."""
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item.startswith('__') and item.endswith('__'):
raise AttributeError
# NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 09/03): PDDL definition convention.
item = item.replace('_', '-')
if item.startswith('t-'):
return self.types[item[2:]]
elif item.startswith('p-') or item.startswith('f-'):
return self.functions[item[2:]]
elif item.startswith('op-'):
return self.operators[item[3:]]
elif item.startswith('gen-'):
return self.generators[item[4:]]
raise NameError('Unknown attribute: {}.'.format(item))
def set_name(self, name: str):
"""Set the name of the domain.
name: the new name of the domain.
self.name = name
BUILTIN_TYPES = ['object', 'pyobject', 'bool', 'int64', 'float32', '__totally_ordered_plan__', '__partially_ordered_plan__']
'bool': BOOL,
'int64': INT64,
'float32': FLOAT32
'__control__': PyObjValueType('__control__', alias='__control__'),
'__regression_body_item__': PyObjValueType('__regression_body_item__', alias='__regression_body_item__'),
'__totally_ordered_plan__': ListType(PyObjValueType('__regression_body_item__'), alias='__totally_ordered_plan__'),
def define_type(self, typename, parent_name: Optional[Union[VectorValueType, ScalarValueType, str]] = 'object') -> Union[ObjectType, PyObjValueType, VectorValueType, ScalarValueType]:
"""Define a new type.
typename: the name of the new type.
parent_name: the parent type of the new type, default to 'object'.
the newly defined type.
if typename == 'object':
logger.warning_once('Shadowing built-in type name "object".')
elif typename in type(self).BUILTIN_TYPES:
raise ValueError('Typename {} is a built-in type.'.format(typename))
assert isinstance(parent_name, (str, VectorValueType)), f'Currently only support inheritance from builtin types: {type(self).BUILTIN_TYPES}.'
if isinstance(parent_name, str):
if parent_name == 'object':
self.types[typename] = ObjectType(typename)
elif parent_name == 'pyobject':
dtype = PyObjValueType(typename)
self.types[typename] = dtype
self.declare_external_function(f'type::{typename}::equal', [dtype, dtype], BOOL)
elif parent_name == 'int64':
dtype = NamedTensorValueType(typename, INT64)
self.types[typename] = dtype
self.declare_external_function(f'type::{typename}::equal', [dtype, dtype], BOOL)
elif parent_name == 'float32':
dtype = NamedTensorValueType(typename, FLOAT32)
self.types[typename] = dtype
self.declare_external_function(f'type::{typename}::equal', [dtype, dtype], BOOL)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown parent type: {parent_name}.')
elif isinstance(parent_name, VectorValueType):
dtype = NamedTensorValueType(typename, parent_name)
self.types[typename] = dtype
self.declare_external_function(f'type::{typename}::equal', [dtype, dtype], BOOL)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown parent type: {parent_name}.')
return self.types[typename]
def get_type(self, typename: str) -> Union[ObjectType, PyObjValueType, VectorValueType, ScalarValueType, NamedTensorValueType]:
"""Get a type by name.
typename: the name of the type.
the type with the given name.
if typename in type(self).BUILTIN_NUMERIC_TYPES:
return type(self).BUILTIN_NUMERIC_TYPES[typename]
elif typename in type(self).BUILTIN_PYOBJ_TYPES:
return type(self).BUILTIN_PYOBJ_TYPES[typename]
if typename not in self.types:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown type: {typename}, known types are: {list(self.types.keys())}.')
return self.types[typename]
def define_predicate(
self, name: str, arguments: FunctionArgumentListType, return_type: FunctionReturnType = BOOL, *,
observation: Optional[bool] = None, state: Optional[bool] = None,
generator_placeholder: bool = False, inplace_generators: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
simulation: bool = False, execution: bool = False,
is_generator_function: bool = False,
"""Define a new predicate.
name: the name of the new predicate.
arguments: the arguments of the new predicate.
return_type: the return type of the new predicate.
observation: whether the new predicate is an observation variable.
state: whether the new predicate is a state variable.
generator_placeholder: whether the new predicate is a generator placeholder.
inplace_generators: a list of generators that will be defined in-place for this predicate.
simulation: whether the new predicate requires the up-to-date simulation state to evaluate.
execution: whether the new predicate requires the up-to-date execution state to evaluate.
is_generator_function: whether the new predicate is a generator function.
the newly defined predicate.
predicate = Predicate(name, FunctionType(arguments, return_type, is_generator_function=is_generator_function), observation=observation, state=state, generator_placeholder=generator_placeholder, inplace_generators=inplace_generators, simulation=simulation, execution=execution)
self.define_predicate_inner(name, predicate)
return predicate
def define_derived(
self, name: str, arguments: FunctionArgumentListType, return_type: Optional[FunctionReturnType] = None,
expr: ValueOutputExpression = None, *,
state: bool = False, generator_placeholder: bool = False,
simulation: bool = False, execution: bool = False
"""Define a new derived predicate. Note that a derived predicate can not be an observation variable.
name: the name of the new derived predicate.
arguments: the arguments of the new derived predicate.
return_type: the return type of the new derived predicate.
expr: the expression of the new derived predicate.
state: whether the new derived predicate is a state variable.
generator_placeholder: whether the new derived predicate is a generator placeholder.
simulation: whether the new derived predicate requires the up-to-date simulation state to evaluate.
execution: whether the new derived predicate requires the up-to-date execution state to evaluate.
the newly defined derived predicate.
predicate_def = Predicate(name, FunctionType(arguments, return_type), observation=False, state=state, generator_placeholder=generator_placeholder, derived_expression=expr, simulation=simulation, execution=execution)
return self.define_predicate_inner(name, predicate_def)
def define_predicate_inner(self, name: str, predicate_def: Predicate):
self.functions[name] = predicate_def
# NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 07/21): a non-cacheable function is basically an external function.
if not predicate_def.is_cacheable and predicate_def.derived_expression is None:
self.external_functions[name] = predicate_def
return predicate_def
def get_predicate(self, name: str) -> Predicate:
"""Get a predicate by name.
name: the name of the predicate.
the predicate with the given name.
if name not in self.functions:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown predicate: {name}.')
assert isinstance(self.functions[name], Predicate)
return self.functions[name]
def define_operator(
self, name: str, parameters: Sequence[Variable], preconditions: Sequence[Precondition], effects: Sequence[Effect], controller: Implementation,
template: bool = False, extends: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Operator:
"""Define a new operator.
name: the name of the new operator.
parameters: the parameters of the new operator.
preconditions: the preconditions of the new operator.
effects: the effects of the new operator.
controller: the controller of the new operator.
template: whether the new operator is a template.
extends: the parent operator of the new operator.
the newly defined operator.
self.operators[name] = op = Operator(
name, parameters, preconditions, effects, controller,
extends=extends, is_template=template
return op
def define_operator_inner(self, name: str, operator: Operator) -> Operator:
assert name not in self.operators
self.operators[name] = operator
return operator
def has_operator(self, name: str) -> bool:
return name in self.operators
def get_operator(self, name: str) -> Operator:
if name not in self.operators:
raise ValueError(f'Operator {name} not found.')
return self.operators[name]
def define_regression_rule(
self, name: str, parameters: Sequence[Variable],
preconditions: Sequence[Precondition],
goal_expression: ValueOutputExpression,
side_effects: Sequence[Effect],
body: Sequence[RegressionRuleBodyItemType],
always: bool = False
"""Define a new regression rule.
name: the name of the new regression rule.
parameters: the parameters of the new regression rule.
preconditions: the preconditions of the new regression rule.
goal_expression: the goal expression of the new regression rule, as a single expression.
side_effects: the side effects of the new regression rule.
body: the body of the new regression rule.
always: whether the new regression rule is always applicable.
the newly defined regression rule.
self.regression_rules[name] = rule = RegressionRule(name, parameters, preconditions, goal_expression, side_effects, body, always=always)
return rule
def has_regression_rule(self, name: str) -> bool:
return name in self.regression_rules
def get_regression_rule(self, name: str) -> RegressionRule:
if name not in self.regression_rules:
raise ValueError(f'Regression rule {name} not found.')
return self.regression_rules[name]
def define_axiom(self, name: Optional[str], parameters: Sequence[Variable], preconditions: Sequence[Precondition], effects: Sequence[Effect]) -> Operator:
"""Define a new axiom.
name: the name of the new axiom. If None, a unique name will be generated.
parameters: the parameters of the new axiom.
preconditions: the preconditions of the new axiom.
effects: the effects of the new axiom.
the newly defined axiom.
if name is None:
name = f'axiom_{len(self.axioms)}'
self.axioms[name] = op = Operator(name, parameters, preconditions, effects, is_axiom=True)
return op
def define_macro(self, name: str, parameters: Sequence[Variable], sub_operators: Sequence[OperatorApplier], preconditions: Sequence[Precondition] = tuple(), effects: Sequence[Effect] = tuple()) -> MacroOperator:
"""Define a new macro.
name: the name of the new macro.
parameters: the parameters of the new macro.
sub_operators: the sub operators of the new macro.
preconditions: the preconditions of the new macro.
effects: the effects of the new macro.
the newly defined macro.
self.operators[name] = op = MacroOperator(name, parameters, sub_operators, preconditions=preconditions, effects=effects)
return op
def define_generator(
self, name: str, parameters: Sequence[Variable], certifies: ValueOutputExpression,
context: Sequence[Union[VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression]], generates: Sequence[Union[VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression]],
implementation: Optional[Implementation] = None,
priority: int = 0, unsolvable: bool = False
) -> Generator:
"""Define a new generator.
name: the name of the new generator.
parameters: the parameters of the new generator.
certifies: the certified condition of the new generator.
context: the context of the new generator.
generates: the generates of the new generator.
implementation: the implementation of the new generator.
priority: the priority of the new generator.
unsolvable: whether the new generator is unsolvable.
the newly defined generator.
if unsolvable:
priority = int(1e9)
context: List[Union[VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression]] = cvt_expression_list(context)
generates: List[Union[VariableExpression, ValueOutputExpression]] = cvt_expression_list(generates)
arguments = [Variable(f'?c{i}', c.return_type) for i, c in enumerate(context)]
return_type = [target.return_type for target in generates]
if len(return_type) == 1:
return_type = return_type[0]
return_type = TupleType(return_type)
output_vars = [Variable(f'?g{i}', g.return_type) for i, g in enumerate(generates)]
return_names = [v.name for v in output_vars]
if len(return_names) == 1:
return_names = return_names[0]
identifier = f'generator::{name}'
function = Function(identifier, FunctionType(arguments, return_type, return_name=return_names))
all_variables = {c: cv for c, cv in zip(context, arguments)}
all_variables.update({g: gv for g, gv in zip(generates, output_vars)})
ctx = ExpressionDefinitionContext(*arguments, *output_vars, domain=self)
flatten_certifies = flatten_expression(certifies, all_variables, ctx, flatten_cacheable_expression=True)
if not unsolvable and implementation is None:
self.external_functions[identifier] = function
if name in self.generators:
raise ValueError(f'Duplicate generator: {name}.')
self.generators[name] = generator = Generator(
name, parameters, certifies,
context=context, generates=generates,
function=function, output_vars=output_vars, flatten_certifies=flatten_certifies,
priority=priority, unsolvable=unsolvable
return generator
def define_fancy_generator(
self, name: str, certifies: ValueOutputExpression, implementation: Optional[Implementation] = None,
priority: int = 10, unsolvable: bool = False
) -> FancyGenerator:
"""Declare a new fancy generator. The difference between a fancy generator and a normal generator is that
a fancy generator is not directional. That is, it can generate a set of variables satisfies the constraints,
without requiring specific `contexts` to `generates` directions. Therefore, we don't need to specify the
`context` and `generates` of a fancy generator.
name: the name of the new fancy generator.
certifies: the certified condition of the new fancy generator.
implementation: the implementation of the new fancy generator.
priority: the priority of the new fancy generator.
unsolvable: whether the new fancy generator is unsolvable.
the newly declared fancy generator.
if unsolvable:
priority = int(1e9)
identifier = f'generator::{name}'
# TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/04/04): fix the typing for this.
function = Function(identifier, FunctionType([], []))
flatten_certifies = certifies
if not unsolvable and implementation is None:
self.external_functions[identifier] = function
if name in self.generators:
raise ValueError(f'Duplicate generator: {name}.')
self.fancy_generators[name] = generator = FancyGenerator(name, certifies, function=function, flatten_certifies=flatten_certifies, implementation=implementation, priority=priority, unsolvable=unsolvable)
return generator
def has_generator(self, name: str) -> bool:
return name in self.generators or name in self.fancy_generators
def get_generator(self, name: str) -> Union[Generator, FancyGenerator]:
if name in self.generators:
return self.generators[name]
if name in self.fancy_generators:
return self.fancy_generators[name]
raise ValueError(f'Generator {name} not found.')
def declare_external_function(self, function_name: str, argument_types: FunctionArgumentListType, return_type: FunctionReturnType, kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Function:
"""Declare an external function.
function_name: the name of the external function.
argument_types: the argument types of the external function.
return_type: the return type of the external function.
kwargs: the keyword arguments of the external function. Supported keyword arguments are:
- ``observation``: whether the external function is an observation variable.
- ``state``: whether the external function is a state variable.
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = dict()
self.external_functions[function_name] = Predicate(function_name, FunctionType(argument_types, return_type), **kwargs)
return self.external_functions[function_name]
def declare_external_function_crossref(self, function_name: str, cross_ref_name: str):
"""Declare a cross-reference to an external function.
This is useful when one function is an derived function of another function.
function_name: the name of the external function.
cross_ref_name: the name of the cross-reference.
self.external_function_crossrefs[function_name] = cross_ref_name
def parse(self, string: Union[str, Expression], state: Optional['State'] = None, variables: Optional[Sequence[Variable]] = None) -> Expression:
"""Parse a string into an expression.
string: the string to be parsed.
variables: the variables to be used in the expression.
the parsed expression.
if isinstance(string, Expression):
return string
if self.pdsketch_version == 2:
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.parsers.pdsketch_parser import parse_expression
return parse_expression(self, string, variables)
elif self.pdsketch_version == 3:
from concepts.dm.crow.parsers.cdl_parser import parse_expression
return parse_expression(self, string, state=state, variables=variables)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown PDSketch version: {self.pdsketch_version}.')
def make_executor(self) -> 'PDSketchExecutor':
"""Make an executor for this domain."""
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.executor import PDSketchExecutor
return PDSketchExecutor(self)
def incremental_define(self, string: str):
"""Incrementally define new parts of the domain.
string: the string to be parsed and defined.
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.parsers.pdsketch_parser import load_domain_string_incremental
load_domain_string_incremental(self, string)
def print_summary(self, external_functions: bool = False, full_generators: bool = False):
"""Print a summary of the domain."""
print(f'Domain {self.name}')
stprint(key='Types: ', data=self.types, indent=1, sort_key=False)
stprint(key='Functions: ', data=self.functions, indent=1, sort_key=False)
if external_functions:
stprint(key='External Functions: ', data=self.external_functions, indent=1, sort_key=False)
if full_generators:
stprint(key='Generators: ', data=self.generators, indent=1, sort_key=False)
stprint(key='Fancy Generators: ', data=self.fancy_generators, indent=1, sort_key=False)
print(' Generators:')
if len(self.generators) > 0:
for gen in self.generators.values():
print(indent_text(gen.short_str(), level=2))
print(' <Empty>')
print(' Fancy Generators:')
if len(self.fancy_generators) > 0:
for gen in self.fancy_generators.values():
print(indent_text(gen.short_str(), level=2))
print(' <Empty>')
print(' Operators:')
if len(self.operators) > 0:
for op in self.operators.values():
if not op.is_macro and op.extends is not None:
print(indent_text(f'(:action {op.name} extends {op.extends})', level=2))
print(indent_text(op.pddl_str(), level=2))
print(' <Empty>')
print(' Axioms:')
if len(self.axioms) > 0:
for op in self.axioms.values():
print(indent_text(op.pddl_str(), level=2))
print(' <Empty>')
print(' Regression Rules:')
if len(self.regression_rules) > 0:
for op in self.regression_rules.values():
print(indent_text(op.pddl_str(), level=2))
print(' <Empty>')
def post_init(self):
"""Post-initialization of the domain.
This function should be called by the domain generator after all the domain definitions (predicates and operators) are done.
Currently, the following post-initialization steps are performed:
1. Analyze the static predicates.
def _analyze_static_predicates(self):
"""Run static analysis on the predicates to determine which predicates are static."""
dynamic = set()
for op in itertools.chain(self.operators.values(), self.axioms.values()):
for eff in op.effects:
if isinstance(eff.assign_expr, (AssignExpression, ConditionalAssignExpression)):
elif isinstance(eff.assign_expr, DeicticAssignExpression):
expr = eff.unwrapped_assign_expr
assert isinstance(expr, (AssignExpression, ConditionalAssignExpression))
raise TypeError(f'Unknown effect type: {eff.assign_expr}.')
# propagate the static predicates.
for p in self.functions.values():
if p.is_state_variable:
p.mark_static(p.name not in dynamic)
if p.is_cacheable and p.derived_expression is not None:
used_predicates = get_used_state_variables(p.derived_expression)
static = True
for predicate_def in used_predicates:
if not predicate_def.is_static:
static = False
class Problem(object):
"""The representation for a planning problem. It contains the set of objects, a inital state (a set of propositions), and a goal expression."""
def __init__(self, domain: Optional[Domain] = None):
"""Initialize the problem."""
self.domain = domain
self.objects = dict()
self.predicates = list()
self.goal = None
objects: Dict[str, str]
"""The set of objects, which are mappings from object names to object type names."""
predicates: List[FunctionApplicationExpression]
"""The initial state, which is a set of propositions."""
goal: Optional[ValueOutputExpression]
"""The goal expression."""
def add_object(self, name: str, typename: str):
"""Add an object to the problem.
name: the name of the object.
typename: the type of the object.
self.objects[name] = typename
def add_proposition(self, proposition: FunctionApplicationExpression):
"""Add a proposition to the initial problem.
proposition: the proposition to add.
def set_goal(self, goal: ValueOutputExpression):
"""Set the goal of the problem.
goal: the goal expression.
self.goal = goal
def to_state(self, executor: 'PDSketchExecutor') -> 'State':
"""Convert the problem to a :class:`State` object.
executor: the executor to use to instantiate the state.
the state object.
domain = executor.domain
object_names = list(self.objects.keys())
object_types = [executor.domain.types[self.objects[name]] for name in object_names]
for constant in domain.constants.values():
state = State(None, object_names, object_types)
from concepts.dm.pdsketch.executor import StateDefinitionHelper
ctx = StateDefinitionHelper(executor, state)
predicates = list()
for p in self.predicates:
predicates.append(ctx.get_predicate(p.function.name)(*[arg.constant.name for arg in p.arguments]))
return state
class State(NamedObjectTensorState):
"""Planning domain state."""
def init_dirty_feature(self, function: Function):
"""Initialize a dirty feature. A dirty feature is a cacheable feature but not in the original state representation.
The convention for dirty features is that they are initialized with optimistic values being OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC.
function: the feature to initialize.
feature_name = function.name
return_type = function.return_type
if feature_name not in self.features:
sizes = list()
for arg_def in function.arguments:
sizes.append(len(self.object_type2name[arg_def.typename]) if arg_def.typename in self.object_type2name else 0)
sizes = tuple(sizes)
self.features[feature_name] = tensor = TensorValue.make_empty(return_type, [var.name for var in function.arguments], sizes)
self.internals.setdefault('dirty_features', set()).add(feature_name)
def clone_internals(self):
"""Clone the internal state of the state."""
rv = super().clone_internals()
if 'dirty_features' in rv:
rv['dirty_features'] = rv['dirty_features'].copy()
def simple_quantize(self, domain: Domain, features=None) -> 'State':
"""Make a quantized version of the state.
domain: the planning domain.
features: the features to use for quantization. If None, use all state variables.
the quantized state.
if features is None:
features = [name for name in self.features.all_feature_names if domain.functions[name].is_state_variable]
new_tensor_dict = dict()
for feature_name in features:
new_tensor_dict[feature_name] = self.features[feature_name].simple_quantize()
return type(self)(self.object_types, new_tensor_dict, self.object_names)
def generate_tuple_description(self, domain: Domain) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Generate a tuple description of the state.
domain: the planning domain.
the tuple description of the state.
rv = list()
for feature_name in sorted(self.features.all_feature_names):
if domain.functions[feature_name].is_state_variable:
feature = self.features[feature_name]
if isinstance(feature.dtype, TensorValueTypeBase) and feature.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized():
rv.extend(_maybe_apply_optimistic_mask(feature.tensor, feature.tensor_optimistic_values).flatten().tolist())
elif feature.tensor_quantized_values is not None:
rv.extend(_maybe_apply_optimistic_mask(feature.tensor_quantized_values, feature.tensor_optimistic_values).flatten().tolist())
raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot generate tuple description for feature {feature_name}.')
return tuple(rv)
def _maybe_apply_optimistic_mask(tensor, optimistic_values):
if optimistic_values is None:
return tensor
assert tensor.shape == optimistic_values.shape
optimistic_mask = is_optimistic_value(optimistic_values)
return torch.where(optimistic_mask, optimistic_values, tensor.to(torch.int64))