#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : dataset.py
# Author : Joy Hsu
# Email : joycj@stanford.edu
# Date : 03/23/2023
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import os.path as osp
import jacinle.io as io
from jacinle.logging import get_logger
from jacinle.utils.container import GView
from jactorch.data.dataset import FilterableDatasetUnwrapped, FilterableDatasetView
from jactorch.data.dataloader import JacDataLoader
from jactorch.data.collate import VarLengthCollateV2
from concepts.benchmark.vision_language.babel_qa.utils import nsclseq_to_nscltree, nsclseq_to_nsclqsseq, nscltree_to_nsclqstree, program_to_nsclseq
import numpy as np
import math
logger = get_logger(__file__)
__all__ = ['BabelQADataset', 'BabelMotionClassificationDataset']
class BabelQADatasetUnwrapped(FilterableDatasetUnwrapped):
"""BabelQA dataset."""
def __init__(self, data_dir: str, data_split_file: str, split: str, data_source: str, no_gt_segments: bool, filter_supervision, max_frames: int = 150):
"""Initialize BabelQA dataset.
data_dir: path to data directory.
data_split_file: path to the json file that contains the question ids for each split.
split: split to use.
data_source: data source to use. Either teach_synth or ???
no_gt_segments: whether to use ground truth segments or not.
filter_supervision: ???
max_frames: maximum number of frames to use per segment. (is this correct???)
self.labels_json = osp.join(data_dir, 'motion_concepts.json')
self.questions_json = osp.join(data_dir, 'questions.json')
self.joints_root = osp.join(data_dir, 'motion_sequences')
self.labels = io.load_json(self.labels_json)
self.questions = io.load_json(self.questions_json)
self.split_question_ids = io.load_json(data_split_file)[split]
self.data_source = data_source
self.max_frames = max_frames
self.no_gt_segments = no_gt_segments
self.filter_supervision = filter_supervision
def _get_questions(self):
return self.questions
def _get_metainfo(self, index):
question = self.questions[self.split_question_ids[index]]
# program section
has_program = False
if 'program_nsclseq' in question:
question['program_raw'] = question['program_nsclseq']
question['program_seq'] = question['program_nsclseq']
has_program = True
elif 'program' in question:
question['program_raw'] = question['program']
question['program_seq'] = program_to_nsclseq(question['program'])
has_program = True
if has_program:
question['program_tree'] = nsclseq_to_nscltree(question['program_seq'])
question['program_qsseq'] = nsclseq_to_nsclqsseq(question['program_seq'])
question['program_qstree'] = nscltree_to_nsclqstree(question['program_tree'])
return question
def __getitem__(self, index):
metainfo = GView(self.get_metainfo(index))
feed_dict = GView()
question = self.questions[self.split_question_ids[index]]
if 'program_raw' in metainfo:
feed_dict.program_raw = metainfo.program_raw
feed_dict.program_seq = metainfo.program_seq
feed_dict.program_tree = metainfo.program_tree
feed_dict.program_qsseq = metainfo.program_qsseq
feed_dict.program_qstree = metainfo.program_qstree
if '/' in question['answer']:
question['answer'] = question['answer'].split('/')[0]
feed_dict.answer = question['answer']
feed_dict.question_type = question['query_type']
feed_dict.segment_boundaries = []
feed_dict.question_text = question['question']
# process joints
if self.data_source == 'teach_synth':
id_name = 'teach_synth_id'
motion_id = question[id_name]
num_segments = len(self.labels[motion_id]['labels'])
id_name = 'babel_id'
motion_id = question[id_name]
num_segments = len(self.labels[motion_id])
feed_dict.babel_id = motion_id
joints = np.load(osp.join(self.joints_root, motion_id, 'joints.npy')) # T, V, C
# change shape of joints to match model
joints = joints[:, :, :, np.newaxis] # T, V, C, M
joints = joints.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3) # C, T, V, M
# label info
if self.data_source == 'teach_synth':
labels_frame_info = self.labels[motion_id]['labels']
labels_frame_info = self.labels[motion_id]
if 'filter_answer_0' in question:
filter_segment = labels_frame_info[question['filter_answer_0']]
if filter_segment['end_f'] > np.shape(joints)[1]: # right now end frame can be slightly off (dataset issue)
filter_segment['end_f'] = np.shape(joints)[1]
feed_dict.filter_boundaries = [(filter_segment['start_f'], filter_segment['end_f'])]
if 'filter_answer_1' in question:
filter_segment = labels_frame_info[question['filter_answer_1']]
if filter_segment['end_f'] > np.shape(joints)[1]: # right now end frame can be slightly off (dataset issue)
filter_segment['end_f'] = np.shape(joints)[1]
feed_dict.filter_boundaries.append((filter_segment['start_f'], filter_segment['end_f']))
if not self.no_gt_segments:
joints_combined = np.zeros((num_segments, 3, self.max_frames, 22, 1), dtype=np.float32) # num_segs, C, T, V, M
for seg_i, seg in enumerate(labels_frame_info):
if seg['end_f'] > np.shape(joints)[1]: # right now end frame can be slightly off (dataset issue)
seg['end_f'] = np.shape(joints)[1]
num_frames = seg['end_f'] - seg['start_f']
if num_frames > self.max_frames: # clip segments to max_frames
num_frames = self.max_frames
joints_combined[seg_i, :, :num_frames, :, :] = joints[:, seg['start_f']: seg['start_f'] + num_frames, :, :]
feed_dict.segment_boundaries.append((seg['start_f'], (seg['start_f'] + num_frames)))
feed_dict.joints = joints_combined
feed_dict.num_segs = num_segments
total_num_frames = np.shape(joints)[1]
num_frames_per_seg = 45
overlap_frames = 15
num_segments = math.ceil(total_num_frames / num_frames_per_seg)
feed_dict['info'] = []
joints_combined = np.zeros((num_segments, 3, num_frames_per_seg + overlap_frames*2, 22, 1), dtype=np.float32) # num_segs, C, T, V, M
for i in range(num_segments):
start_f = i * num_frames_per_seg
end_f = (i + 1) * num_frames_per_seg
if end_f > total_num_frames: end_f = total_num_frames
missing_before_context = overlap_frames - start_f if start_f < overlap_frames else 0
existing_after_context = total_num_frames - end_f
if existing_after_context > overlap_frames: existing_after_context = overlap_frames
joints_combined[i, :, missing_before_context:overlap_frames+(end_f - start_f)+existing_after_context, :, :] = joints[:, start_f - (overlap_frames - missing_before_context):end_f + existing_after_context, :, :]
feed_dict.segment_boundaries.append((start_f - (overlap_frames - missing_before_context), end_f + existing_after_context))
feed_dict.joints = joints_combined
feed_dict.num_segs = num_segments
return feed_dict.raw()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.split_question_ids)
class BabelQADatasetFilterableView(FilterableDatasetView):
def filter_questions(self, allowed):
def filt(question):
return question['query_type'] in allowed
return self.filter(filt, 'filter-question-type[allowed={{{}}}]'.format(','.join(list(allowed))))
def make_dataloader(self, batch_size, shuffle, drop_last, nr_workers):
collate_guide = {
'joints': 'concat',
'answer': 'skip',
'segment_boundaries': 'skip',
'filter_boundaries': 'skip',
'program_raw': 'skip',
'program_seq': 'skip',
'program_tree': 'skip',
'program_qsseq': 'skip',
'program_qstree': 'skip',
return JacDataLoader(
self, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last,
num_workers=nr_workers, pin_memory=True,
def BabelQADataset(*args, **kwargs):
return BabelQADatasetFilterableView(BabelQADatasetUnwrapped(*args, **kwargs))
class BabelMotionClassificationDatasetUnwrapped(FilterableDatasetUnwrapped):
def __init__(self, labels_json, joints_root, symbolic, max_frames=150):
self.labels_json = labels_json
self.joints_root = joints_root
self.act2idx_json = 'nscl/datasets/babel/action_label_2_idx.json'
self.labels = io.load_json(self.labels_json)
self.babel_ids = list(self.labels.keys())
self.act2idx = io.load_json(self.act2idx_json)
self.symbolic = symbolic
self.max_frames = max_frames
def __getitem__(self, index):
feed_dict = GView()
babel_id = self.babel_ids[index]
actions = []
num_segments = len(self.labels[babel_id])
joints = np.load(osp.join(self.joints_root, f'{babel_id}.npy')) # T, V, C
# change shape of joints to match model
joints = joints[:, :, :, np.newaxis] # T, V, C, M
joints = joints.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3) # C, T, V, M
joints_combined = np.zeros((num_segments, 3, self.max_frames, 22, 1), dtype=np.float32) # num_segs, C, T, V, M
# TODO: take out segments that only have one frame (to be consistent with unbatched version)
for seg_i, seg in enumerate(self.labels[babel_id]):
if seg['end_f'] > np.shape(joints)[1]: # right now end frame can be slightly off (dataset issue)
seg['end_f'] = np.shape(joints)[1]
num_frames = seg['end_f'] - seg['start_f']
if num_frames > self.max_frames: # clip segments to max_frames
num_frames = self.max_frames
joints_combined[seg_i, :, :num_frames, :, :] = joints[:, seg['start_f']: seg['start_f'] + num_frames, :, :]
action = seg['action']
if self.symbolic: # option 1: add all actions
for i in range(len(action)):
action[i] = self.act2idx[action[i]]
else: # option 2: pick randomly among actions
random_action_idx = np.random.randint(len(action))
action_idx = self.act2idx[action[random_action_idx].replace('.', '')] # remove periods from action names
feed_dict.actions = actions
feed_dict.joints = joints_combined
feed_dict.id = babel_id
feed_dict.num_segs = num_segments
return feed_dict.raw()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.babel_ids)
class BabelMotionClassificationDatasetFilterableView(FilterableDatasetView):
def make_dataloader(self, batch_size, shuffle, drop_last, nr_workers):
from jactorch.data.dataloader import JacDataLoader
from jactorch.data.collate import VarLengthCollateV2
collate_guide = {
'joints': 'concat',
'actions': 'skip',
return JacDataLoader(
self, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last,
num_workers=nr_workers, pin_memory=True,
def BabelMotionClassificationDataset(*args, **kwargs):
return BabelMotionClassificationDatasetFilterableView(BabelMotionClassificationDatasetUnwrapped(*args, **kwargs))