#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : family.py
# Author : Honghua Dong
# Email : dhh19951@gmail.com
# Date : 05/07/2018
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional
from torch.utils.data.dataset import Dataset
__all__ = ['FamilyTreeDataset', 'Family', 'random_generate_family']
class FamilyTreeDataset(Dataset):
available_tasks = ['has-father', 'has-daughter', 'has-sister', 'parents', 'grandparents', 'uncle', 'maternal-great-uncle']
def __init__(self, nr_people, epoch_size, task, p_marriage=0.8, balance_sample=False, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None):
self.np_random = np_random if np_random is not None else np.random.RandomState(seed)
if type(nr_people) is int:
self.nr_people = (max(nr_people // 2, 1), nr_people)
self.nr_people = tuple(nr_people)
self.epoch_size = epoch_size
self.task = task
self.p_marriage = p_marriage
self.balance_sample = balance_sample
self.data = []
assert task in type(self).available_tasks, "Task {} is not supported.".format(task)
def _gen_family(self, item):
nr_people = item % (self.nr_people[1] - self.nr_people[0] + 1) + self.nr_people[0]
return random_generate_family(nr_people, self.p_marriage, np_random=self.np_random)
def __getitem__(self, item):
while len(self.data) == 0:
family = self._gen_family(item)
relations = family.relations[:, :, 2:]
if self.task == 'has-father':
target = family.has_father()
elif self.task == 'has-daughter':
target = family.has_daughter()
elif self.task == 'has-sister':
target = family.has_sister()
elif self.task == 'parents':
target = family.get_parents()
elif self.task == 'grandparents':
target = family.get_grandparents()
elif self.task == 'uncle':
target = family.get_uncle()
elif self.task == 'maternal-great-uncle':
target = family.get_maternal_great_uncle()
assert False, "{} is not supported.".format(self.task)
if not self.balance_sample:
return dict(n=family.n, relations=relations, target=target)
def get_position(x):
return list(np.vstack(np.where(x)).T)
def append_data(pos, target):
states = np.zeros((family.n, 2))
states[pos[0], 0] = states[pos[1], 1] = 1
self.data.append(dict(n=family.n, relations=relations, states=states, target=target))
positive = get_position(target == 1)
if len(positive) == 0:
negative = get_position(target == 0)
negative = negative[:len(positive)]
for i in positive:
append_data(i, 1)
for i in negative:
append_data(i, 0)
return self.data.pop()
def __len__(self):
return self.epoch_size
class Family(object):
"""A data structure that stores the relationship between N people in a family."""
def __init__(self, nr_people: int, relations: np.ndarray):
"""Initialize a family with relations.
nr_people: number of people in the family.
relations: a 3D array of shape (nr_people, nr_people, 6), where
relations[i, j, 0] = 1 if j is the husband of i, 0 otherwise.
relations[i, j, 1] = 1 if j is the wife of i, 0 otherwise.
relations[i, j, 2] = 1 if j is the father of i, 0 otherwise.
relations[i, j, 3] = 1 if j is the mother of i, 0 otherwise.
relations[i, j, 4] = 1 if j is the son of i, 0 otherwise.
relations[i, j, 5] = 1 if j is the daughter of i, 0 otherwise.
self._n = nr_people
self._relations = relations
def n(self) -> int:
return self._n
def relations(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._relations
def father(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._relations[:, :, 2]
def mother(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._relations[:, :, 3]
def son(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._relations[:, :, 4]
def daughter(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._relations[:, :, 5]
def has_father(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.father.max(axis=1)
def has_daughter(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.daughter.max(axis=1)
def has_sister(self) -> np.ndarray:
return _clip_mul(self.father, self.daughter).max(axis=1)
def get_parents(self) -> np.ndarray:
return np.clip(self.father + self.mother, 0, 1)
def get_grandfather(self) -> np.ndarray:
return _clip_mul(self.get_parents(), self.father)
def get_grandmother(self) -> np.ndarray:
return _clip_mul(self.get_parents(), self.mother)
def get_grandparents(self) -> np.ndarray:
parents = self.get_parents()
return _clip_mul(parents, parents)
def get_uncle(self) -> np.ndarray:
return _clip_mul(self.get_grandparents(), self.son)
def get_maternal_great_uncle(self) -> np.ndarray:
return _clip_mul(_clip_mul(self.get_grandmother(), self.mother), self.son)
def random_generate_family(n, p_marriage=0.8, verbose=False, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None) -> Family:
if np_random is None:
np_random = np.random
assert n > 0
ids = list(np_random.permutation(n))
single_m = []
single_w = []
couples = [None]
rel = np.zeros((n, n, 6)) # husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter
fathers = [None for i in range(n)]
mothers = [None for i in range(n)]
def add_couple(man, woman):
couples.append((man, woman))
rel[woman, man, 0] = 1 # husband
rel[man, woman, 1] = 1 # wife
if verbose:
print('couple', man, woman)
def add_child(parents, child, gender):
father, mother = parents
fathers[child] = father
mothers[child] = mother
rel[child, father, 2] = 1 # father
rel[child, mother, 3] = 1 # mother
if gender == 0: # son
rel[father, child, 4] = 1
rel[mother, child, 4] = 1
else: # daughter
rel[father, child, 5] = 1
rel[mother, child, 5] = 1
if verbose:
print('child', father, mother, child, gender)
def check_relations(man, woman):
if fathers[man] is None or fathers[woman] is None:
return True
if fathers[man] == fathers[woman]:
return False
def same_parent(x, y):
return fathers[x] is not None and fathers[y] is not None and fathers[x] == fathers[y]
for x in [fathers[man], mothers[man]]:
for y in [fathers[woman], mothers[woman]]:
if same_parent(man, y) or same_parent(woman, x) or same_parent(x, y):
return False
return True
while len(ids) > 0:
x = ids.pop()
gender = np_random.randint(2)
parents = couples[np_random.randint(len(couples))]
if gender == 0:
if parents is not None:
add_child(parents, x, gender)
if np_random.rand() < p_marriage and len(single_m) > 0 and len(single_w) > 0:
mi = np_random.randint(len(single_m))
wi = np_random.randint(len(single_w))
man = single_m[mi]
woman = single_w[wi]
if check_relations(man, woman):
add_couple(man, woman)
del single_m[mi]
del single_w[wi]
return Family(n, rel)
def _clip_mul(x, y):
return np.clip(np.matmul(x, y), 0, 1)