Source code for concepts.benchmark.gridworld.minigrid.gym_minigrid.path_finding

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 03/08/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

from typing import Tuple, NamedTuple
from import run_heuristic_search
from concepts.benchmark.gridworld.minigrid.gym_minigrid.minigrid import MiniGridEnv, DIR_TO_VEC

__all__ = ['find_path', 'find_path_to_obj']

class _PathFindingState(NamedTuple):
    pose: Tuple[int, int]
    dir: int

NAVIGATION_ACTIONS = [MiniGridEnv.Actions.forward, MiniGridEnv.Actions.left, MiniGridEnv.Actions.right]

[docs] def gen_get_navigation_successors(env: MiniGridEnv): def get_successor(state: _PathFindingState): for action in NAVIGATION_ACTIONS: if action is MiniGridEnv.Actions.forward: dx, dy = DIR_TO_VEC[state.dir] xx, yy = state.pose[0] + dx, state.pose[1] + dy cell = env.grid.get(xx, yy) if cell is None or cell.can_overlap(): yield action, _PathFindingState((xx, yy), state.dir), 1 elif action is MiniGridEnv.Actions.left: yield action, _PathFindingState( state.pose, ((state.dir - 1) + 4) % 4 ), 1 elif action is MiniGridEnv.Actions.right: yield action, _PathFindingState(state.pose, (state.dir + 1) % 4), 1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown action: {}.'.format(action)) return get_successor
[docs] def find_path(env: MiniGridEnv, target_pose: Tuple[int, int], target_dir: int): target_pose = tuple(target_pose) target_dir = int(target_dir) def check_goal(state: _PathFindingState): pose, dir = state return pose == target_pose and dir == target_dir def get_priority(state: _PathFindingState, g: int): return abs(state.pose[0] - target_pose[0]) + abs(state.pose[1] - target_pose[1]) + int(target_dir != state.dir) + g state = _PathFindingState(env.agent_pos, env.agent_dir) try: return run_heuristic_search( state, check_goal, get_priority, gen_get_navigation_successors(env), )[1] except RuntimeError: return None
[docs] def find_path_to_obj(env: MiniGridEnv, target_obj_pos: Tuple[int, int]): target_obj_pose = tuple(target_obj_pos) def check_goal(state: _PathFindingState): dx, dy = DIR_TO_VEC[state.dir] xx, yy = state.pose[0] + dx, state.pose[1] + dy return (xx, yy) == target_obj_pose def get_priority(state: _PathFindingState, g: int): return abs(state.pose[0] - target_obj_pose[0]) + abs(state.pose[1] - target_obj_pose[1]) - 1 + g init_state = _PathFindingState(env.agent_pos, env.agent_dir) try: return run_heuristic_search( init_state, check_goal, get_priority, gen_get_navigation_successors(env), )[1] except RuntimeError: return None