Source code for concepts.benchmark.blocksworld.blocksworld_env

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 01/03/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, Tuple

from concepts.benchmark.common.random_env import RandomizedEnv
from concepts.benchmark.blocksworld.blocksworld import BlockWorld, random_generate_blocks_world

[docs] class BlockWorldEnvBase(RandomizedEnv):
[docs] def __init__(self, nr_blocks: int, random_order: bool = False, prob_unchanged: float = 0.0, prob_fall: float = 0.0, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None): """Initialize the blocksworld environment. Args: nr_blocks: number of blocks. random_order: randomly permute the indexes of the blocks. This option prevents the models from memorizing the configurations. prob_unchanged: the probability of not changing the state. prob_fall: the probability of falling to the ground. """ super().__init__(np_random=np_random, seed=seed) self.nr_blocks = nr_blocks self.random_order = random_order self.prob_unchanged = prob_unchanged self.prob_fall = prob_fall = None self.is_over = False self.cached_result = None
world: Optional[BlockWorld] """The current blocksworld.""" is_over: bool """Whether the current episode is over.""" cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] """The result of the current episode. It is a tuple of (reward, is_over).""" @property def nr_objects(self): """Get the number of objects in the environment.""" return self.nr_blocks + 1
[docs] def reset_nr_blocks(self, nr_blocks: int): """Reset the number of blocks.""" self.nr_blocks = nr_blocks
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): """Reset the environment. This function first generates a random blocksworld, and then returns the current state.""" = random_generate_blocks_world(self.nr_blocks, random_order=self.random_order, np_random=self.np_random) self.is_over = False self.cached_result = self._get_result() return self._get_decorated_states()
[docs] def render(self, mode: str = 'human'): print(
[docs] def step(self, action): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_current_state(self): return self._get_decorated_states()
def _get_decorated_states(self, decorate: bool = False, world_id: int = 0): state = if decorate: state = _decorate(state, self.nr_objects, world_id) return state def _get_result(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class SimpleMoveBlockWorldEnvBase(BlockWorldEnvBase): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]]
[docs] def step(self, action): assert is not None, 'You need to call restart() first.' if self.is_over: return self.get_current_state(), 0, True r, is_over = self.cached_result if is_over: self.is_over = True return self.get_current_state(), r, is_over x, y = action assert 0 <= x <= self.nr_blocks and 0 <= y <= self.nr_blocks p = self.np_random.rand() if p >= self.prob_unchanged: if p < self.prob_unchanged + self.prob_fall: y = # fall to the ground, y) r, is_over = self._get_result() if is_over: self.is_over = True return self.get_current_state(), r, is_over
def _get_heights(self): """Get the list of heights of the block towers. This function will return a sortes list of heights.""" coor = height = {} for i in coor: x, y = i if not x in height: height[x] = y else: height[x] = max(height[x], y) heights = [] for i in height.keys(): heights.append(height[i]) heights.sort() return heights def _get_result(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class SingleClearBlockWorldEnv(SimpleMoveBlockWorldEnvBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.clear_idx = 0
world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]]
[docs] def reset(self): self.clear_idx = 0 while True: super().reset() blocks = [[i] for i in range(self.nr_blocks)] blocks = [b for b in blocks if not b.is_ground] non_clear_blocks = [b for b in blocks if len(b.children) > 0] if len(non_clear_blocks) == 0: continue idx = non_clear_blocks[self.np_random.randint(len(non_clear_blocks))].index self.clear_idx = idx self.is_over = False self.cached_result = r, is_over = self._get_result() return self.get_current_state()
[docs] def get_current_state(self): on = ground = clear = 1 - on.max(0) clear_goal = np.zeros_like(ground) clear_goal[self.clear_idx] = 1 return np.stack([ on, np.broadcast_to(clear_goal[:, None], on.shape), np.broadcast_to(clear[:, None], on.shape), np.broadcast_to(ground[:, None], on.shape) ], axis=-1)
def _get_result(self): block =[] if len(block.children) > 0: return 0, False else: return 1, True
[docs] def get_groundtruth_steps(self): block =[] count = 0 def dfs(b): nonlocal count if len(b.children) == 0: return for child in b.children: count += 1 dfs(child) dfs(block) return count
[docs] class ToGroundBlockWorldEnv(SimpleMoveBlockWorldEnvBase): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] def _get_result(self): ground =[0] assert ground.is_ground if len(ground.children) == self.nr_blocks: return 1, True else: return 0, False
[docs] class ToGroundBind2ndBlockWorldEnv(ToGroundBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]]
[docs] def step(self, action): assert 0 <= action <= self.nr_blocks return super().step((action,
[docs] class StackBlockWorldEnv(SimpleMoveBlockWorldEnvBase): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] def _get_result(self): ground =[0] assert ground.is_ground if len(ground.children) == 1: return 1, True else: return 0, False
[docs] class DenseStackBlockWorldEnv(StackBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] highest: int """The height of the highest block towel."""
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() heights = self._get_heights() self.highest = heights[0] return self.get_current_state()
def _get_result(self): r, is_over = super()._get_result() if is_over: return r, is_over if not hasattr(self, 'highest'): return 0, False heights = self._get_heights() if r == 0 and heights[0] > self.highest: r = 0.1 self.highest = heights[0] return r, is_over
[docs] class TwinTowerBlockWorldEnv(SimpleMoveBlockWorldEnvBase): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]]
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self._customize_reset_worlds() return self.get_current_state()
def _get_result(self): heights = self._get_heights() if len(heights) == 2 and heights[-1] - heights[-2] <= 1: return 1, True else: return 0, False def _customize_reset_worlds(self): pass
[docs] class DenseTwinTowerBlockWorldEnv(TwinTowerBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] high2nd: int """The height of the second highest block towel."""
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() heights = self._get_heights() heights.append(0) self.high2nd = heights[1] return self._get_decorated_states(), 0, False
def _get_result(self): r, is_over = super()._get_result() heights = self._get_heights() heights.append(0) if r == 0 and heights[1] > self.high2nd: r = 0.1 self.high2nd = heights[1] return r, is_over
[docs] class FromGroundTwinTowerBlockWorldEnv(TwinTowerBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] def _customize_reset_worlds(self): # TODO:: Accelerate this. for i in range(self.nr_objects): for j in range(self.nr_objects):,
[docs] class FinalBlockWorldEnv(BlockWorldEnvBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, nr_blocks, random_order=False, shape_only=False, fix_ground=False, lstack=False, rstack=False, prob_unchanged=0.0, prob_fall=0.0, np_random=None, seed=None): super().__init__(nr_blocks, random_order, prob_unchanged, prob_fall,np_random=np_random, seed=seed) self.shape_only = shape_only self.fix_ground = fix_ground self.lstack = lstack self.rstack = rstack self.start_world = None self.final_world = None self.start_state = None self.final_state = None
world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] start_world: Optional[BlockWorld] """The initial blocksworld.""" final_world: Optional[BlockWorld] """The target blocksworld that the agent needs to reach.""" start_state: Optional[np.ndarray] """The initial state of the blocksworld.""" final_state: Optional[np.ndarray] """The target state of the blocksworld."""
[docs] def reset(self): self.start_world = random_generate_blocks_world(self.nr_blocks, random_order=False, one_stack=self.lstack) self.final_world = random_generate_blocks_world(self.nr_blocks, random_order=False, one_stack=self.rstack) = self.start_world if self.random_order: n = ground_ind = 0 if self.fix_ground else self.np_random.randint(n) def get_order(): raw_order = self.np_random.permutation(n - 1) order = [] for i in range(n - 1): if i == ground_ind: order.append(0) order.append(raw_order[i] + 1) if ground_ind == n - 1: order.append(0) return order self.start_world.blocks.set_random_order(get_order()) self.final_world.blocks.set_random_order(get_order()) self._customize_reset_worlds() self.start_state = _decorate(self._get_coordinates(self.start_world), self.nr_objects, 0) self.final_state = _decorate(self._get_coordinates(self.final_world), self.nr_objects, 1) self.is_over = False self.cached_result = self._get_result() return self.get_current_state()
def _customize_reset_worlds(self): pass
[docs] def step(self, action): assert self.start_world is not None, 'you need to call restart() first' if self.is_over: return 0, True r, is_over = self.cached_result if is_over: self.is_over = True return r, is_over x, y = action assert 0 <= x <= self.nr_blocks and 0 <= y <= self.nr_blocks p = self.np_random.rand() if p >= self.prob_unchanged: if p < self.prob_unchanged + self.prob_fall: y = self.start_world.blocks.inv_index(0) # fall to ground self.start_world.move(x, y) self.start_state = _decorate(self._get_coordinates(self.start_world), self.nr_objects, 0) r, is_over = self._get_result() if is_over: self.is_over = True return r, is_over
[docs] def get_current_state(self): assert self.start_world is not None, 'you need to call restart() first' return np.vstack([self.start_state, self.final_state])
def _get_result(self): sorted_start_state = self._get_coordinates(self.start_world, sort=True) sorted_final_state = self._get_coordinates(self.final_world, sort=True) if (sorted_start_state == sorted_final_state).all(): return 1, True else: return 0, False def _get_coordinates(self, world, sort=False): coordinates = world.get_coordinates(absolute=not self.shape_only) if sort: if not self.shape_only: coordinates = _decorate(coordinates, self.nr_objects, 0) coordinates = np.array(sorted(list(map(tuple, coordinates)))) return coordinates
[docs] class FromGroundFinalBlockWorldEnv(FinalBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] start_world: Optional[BlockWorld] final_world: Optional[BlockWorld] start_state: Optional[np.ndarray] final_state: Optional[np.ndarray] def _customize_reset_worlds(self): # TODO:: Accelerate this. for i in range(self.nr_objects): for j in range(self.nr_objects): self.start_world.move(j, self.start_world.blocks.inv_index(0))
[docs] class DenseRewardFinalBlockWorldEnv(FinalBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] start_world: Optional[BlockWorld] final_world: Optional[BlockWorld] start_state: Optional[np.ndarray] final_state: Optional[np.ndarray] dense_reward_potential: int
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.dense_reward_potential = self._get_potential() return self.get_current_state()
def _get_result(self): r, is_over = super()._get_result() potential = self._get_potential() if not hasattr(self, '_potential'): return 0, False if r == 0 and potential > self.dense_reward_potential: r = 0.2 self.dense_reward_potential = potential return r, is_over def _get_sorted_coordinates(self, world): coordinates = self.shape_only) coordinates = _decorate(coordinates, self.nr_objects, 0) def trans(x): x = tuple(x) return x[0], x[2], x[3], x[1] coordinates = np.array(sorted(list(map(trans, coordinates)))) return coordinates def _get_potential(self): a = self._get_sorted_coordinates(self.start_world) b = self._get_sorted_coordinates(self.final_world) n, i, j = self.nr_objects, 0, 0 flag, cnt = False, 0 while i < n and j < n: x, y = tuple(a[i]), tuple(b[j]) if x == y: if x[2] == 1 or flag: flag = True cnt += 1 i, j = i + 1, j + 1 else: flag = False if x < y: i += 1 else: j += 1 return cnt
[docs] class SubgoalRewardFinalBlockWorldEnv(FinalBlockWorldEnv): world: BlockWorld is_over: bool cached_result: Optional[Tuple[float, bool]] start_world: Optional[BlockWorld] final_world: Optional[BlockWorld] start_state: Optional[np.ndarray] final_state: Optional[np.ndarray] subgoal_achieved: bool
[docs] def reset(self): self.subgoal_achieved = False super().reset()
def _get_result(self): r, is_over = super()._get_result() if not self.subgoal_achieved: sorted_start_state = self._get_coordinates(self.start_world, sort=True) sorted_final_state = self._get_coordinates(self.final_world, sort=True) assert not self.shape_only, "not support yet" subgoal = True for i in range(len(sorted_start_state)): if (sorted_start_state[i] != sorted_final_state[i]).any() and sorted_start_state[i][3] != 1: subgoal = False if subgoal: # print(sorted_start_state) # print(sorted_final_state) self.subgoal_achieved = True r += 0.5 return r, is_over
def _decorate(state, nr_objects, world_id=None): info = [] if world_id is not None: info.append(np.ones((nr_objects, 1)) * world_id) info.extend([np.array(range(nr_objects))[:, np.newaxis], state]) return np.hstack(info)